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The Kiss Your Arse Goodbye Thread

There was a Canadian Shia family who moved to goose green in 1980 to avoid the up coming nuclear war🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lavrov has a nice penthouse flat around the corner from here, so might be safe as I doubt he’d bomb his own gaff. Unless that’s just the place where they keep the dirty bomb, one of the highest points in the city…
There's a few other options such as atl-atl, thrown knives and axes, as well as the traditional sling. The atl-atl is the only one I'd consider from that list, and only if I needed to hunt larger game. Atl-Atls are good for a SHTF because they are easily made from local materials. "Stick-bows" take a bit more time and effort, but can also be made from locally available material too.

Speaking of thrown weapons and practicing skills useful for when SHTF, it's important to learn canning and pickling, like the elderly lady in this story:

A grandmother in Kyiv claimed to have taken out a drone by throwing a jar of pickles at it.

Rumors of such an exploit circulated online for days without reliable confirmation.

But Ukrainian news outlet Liga.Life reported that a woman got in touch saying the story is real, and described her own grandmother, who gave an interview to the outlet.

Elena told the outlet that she was sitting on her balcony smoking just before dawn when she heard a buzzing noise and saw something floating.

At first she thought it was a bird, but then she realised it was something else, she said.

The nearest heavy thing was a jar of pickles under her chair, per Elena's account.

Per Liga.Life, Elena was most concerned with correcting claims that the pickled vegetables were cucumbers. She said they were actually tomatoes with plums.

"I don't know where the fables about cucumbers came from," she said.

The outlet said that Elena broke up the wrecked drone and and puts its remains in separate trash cans for fear that it could still be running tracking or recording software.

It was not clear who was operating the drone. Her description does not match the types of heavy, military drone used to launch weapons, but would fit a smaller commercial drone meant mainly to record images.

Modern militaries do operate such drones.

I'm not 100% certain this story is true, but one thing I do know is that you don't mess with the elders. They've been through some shit, and ain't afraid of nothing.

Now, I'm looking for that pickled tomato recipe....
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Been nice knowing you all.

That TV station is bloody bonkers, it makes GB News seem reasonable.

"The explosion of this thermonuclear torpedo by Britain's coastline will cause a gigantic tsunami wave up to 500m high."

I'll be able to swim out my back door, instead of making the mile long trip to the beach. :D
I don't know really ..

There are two potential nuke targets near enough to me to cause a danger from radiation though perhaps not from the initial blast. I don't think I have enough food to stay inside for 30 days and in any case all the food shops would be pilfered clean by that time so I guess I would have to get out and pilfer myself quite early.

I think the most discombobulating issue would be the loss of telecoms and internet so I wouldn't be able to find out if my son had survived the initial attack. I normally keep my car fairly full of petrol so assuming it survived (which is quite likely it being largely pre electronics) I could make the trip to find out but then would be stuck there without enough juice to make it out of the presumably irradiated SE, unless I could score some more petrol on the journey.

What to do .. ? :) :(
The mention of the underwater bomb causing 500m high tsunamis is frightening.
They don't have them yet and probably never will. And if they do it wouldn't necessarily produce the effect they're claiming. Tsunamis happen when an earthquake causes part of the ocean floor to drop and causes the whole ocean to fall and then flood back. A big bomb would not have the same effect (though it wouldn't be harmless either).
ah tbf its never been tested in a real life way
and also remember so high cliffs on the west of ireland

plus the fact Russia is always threating to nuke everyone

The Croaghaun sea cliffs on the western end of Achill island are over 500m....

(Roots out map of Ireland and searches roads to Achill..)

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In the afore posted news paper article a few posts up..

why do you keep going on about it, honestly? we're as likely to be attacked by quantum torpedoes from the Starship Enterprise. It's confected bollocks for a domestic audience.

I am sure the Russians do have currently working means of firing nuclear missiles at the UK but this CGI graphics horseshit isn't one of them.
I'm in a nuclear free zone apart from the Drill hall on dyke Road.
Apprantly in the 80s Brighton Council demanded Reassurance from the MoD that no nuclear weapons were storied at the Territorial Army Units in Brighton😂🙄.
After various people stopped laughing the offical response was the MoD does not comment on the location of nuclear weapons and defence policy is not governed by local councils🙄
I don't know really ..

There are two potential nuke targets near enough to me to cause a danger from radiation though perhaps not from the initial blast. I don't think I have enough food to stay inside for 30 days and in any case all the food shops would be pilfered clean by that time so I guess I would have to get out and pilfer myself quite early.

I think the most discombobulating issue would be the loss of telecoms and internet so I wouldn't be able to find out if my son had survived the initial attack. I normally keep my car fairly full of petrol so assuming it survived (which is quite likely it being largely pre electronics) I could make the trip to find out but then would be stuck there without enough juice to make it out of the presumably irradiated SE, unless I could score some more petrol on the journey.

What to do .. ? :) :(

I wouldn't worry about it. IF they used the Satan2 thing, with it's multiple warheads, the entire UK would be destroyed. Tridant subs would retaliate and most of Europe if not the entire northern hemisphere would be a bit... unviable.

Top tip: Don't read about nuclear weapons in the early hours of the morning...
why do you keep going on about it, honestly? we're as likely to be attacked by quantum torpedoes from the Starship Enterprise. It's confected bollocks for a domestic audience.

I am sure the Russians do have currently working means of firing nuclear missiles at the UK but this CGI graphics horseshit isn't one of them.

I'm not going on about it....
I replied to another poster.
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