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The Kiss Your Arse Goodbye Thread

Frau Bahn has bought a wind-up torch, some candles and energy bars. She dragged me in to the Cotswold store yesterday that is located inside an old church and pestered the staff to see if there's a crypt in the building, she's heard being 1m under ground is beneficial...
Knowing myself I'd be glued to my phone keeping fully up to date about what was going on while being in some kind of denial and doing absolutely nothing to prepare, possibly buying a couple of extra tins in the supermarket but otherwise sticking to my usual routine getting the kids up and to school, going to work, collecting the kids,cooking tea, getting the kids to bed and then staring at my phone and catching up on the latest right up until the internet stops working.

Living in a town of no military, industrial, economic or strategic importance I suspect the result for me would be more Testament than Threads.
Not sure if was the mail but some paper did run an article like that. I think someone posted it here on one of the threads.
Pretty sure it was the Express. They have recently published a list of likely nuclear targets. :D
Given the psychopaths running the show also happen to be extremely rich, I doubt they’d be eager to swap their gilded lives to worrying about what happens when their bunker supplies run out.
So it’s mostly bluster.
Given the psychopaths running the show also happen to be extremely rich, I doubt they’d be eager to swap their gilded lives to worrying about what happens when their bunker supplies run out.
So it’s mostly bluster.

While I'm sure the current state of leadership in the West has no desire to move into a bunker and subsist on a diet of cold beans for the foreseeable future, I wouldn't entirely discount the possibility that some combination of arrogance, stupidity and plain bad luck might find them stumbling in that direction.

I've been doing some reading this morning about bug-out bags. The details I mentioned in my previous post are OK if you can remain in place, but if one is required to move quickly from home, then a decently-outfitted scram bag could prove to be vital.
While I'm sure the current state of leadership in the West has no desire to move into a bunker and subsist on a diet of cold beans for the foreseeable future, I wouldn't entirely discount the possibility that some combination of arrogance and stupidity might find them stumbling in that direction.

I've been doing some reading this morning about bug-out bags. The details I mentioned in my previous post are OK if you can remain in place, but if one is required to move quickly from home, then a decently-outfitted scram bag could prove to be vital.
If they spend more than half a year in any one buker they will be eligable for tax
While I'm sure the current state of leadership in the West has no desire to move into a bunker and subsist on a diet of cold beans for the foreseeable future, I wouldn't entirely discount the possibility that some combination of arrogance, stupidity and plain bad luck might find them stumbling in that direction.

I've been doing some reading this morning about bug-out bags. The details I mentioned in my previous post are OK if you can remain in place, but if one is required to move quickly from home, then a decently-outfitted scram bag could prove to be vital.

Not sure I’d want to survive to see a post nuclear dystopian wasteland tbh.
While I'm sure the current state of leadership in the West has no desire to move into a bunker and subsist on a diet of cold beans for the foreseeable future, I wouldn't entirely discount the possibility that some combination of arrogance, stupidity and plain bad luck might find them stumbling in that direction.

I've been doing some reading this morning about bug-out bags. The details I mentioned in my previous post are OK if you can remain in place, but if one is required to move quickly from home, then a decently-outfitted scram bag could prove to be vital.
bug out bags are good but will only get you so far. what will you do when you get to where you bug out to? when your bug out food is gone?
bug out bags are good but will only get you so far. what will you do when you get to where you bug out to? when your bug out food is gone?

A good bug-out bag will also contain the means for acquiring more food than what is already in it, such as fishing gear, wires for snares (normally I would frown upon snares, but this is a survival situation we're discussing and catching shit with 'em is relatively easy), and waterproof matches/firelighters for starting fires/cooking.

Perhaps it might be worth investing in an air rifle for shooting small game, will depend on what research turns up. Most powerful one to legally own without an FAC is 12ft-lb, which from a brief look seems to be powerful enough.

I've only just started looking into this subject, so I'm by no means an expert. In any case, I believe that the point of the bug-out bag is to give more breathing room to find a more permanent solution. This is where the "community/continuity" bit I mentioned earlier comes in. Obviously a lot will depend on circumstances, including the nature and location of my chosen rally points.
A good bug-out bag will also contain the means for acquiring more food than what is already in it, such as fishing gear, wires for snares (normally I would frown upon snares, but this is a survival situation we're discussing and catching shit with 'em is relatively easy), and waterproof matches/firelighters for starting fires/cooking.

Perhaps it might be worth investing in an air rifle for shooting small game, will depend on what research turns up. Most powerful one to legally own without an FAC is 12ft-lb, which from a brief look seems to be powerful enough.

I've only just started looking into this subject, so I'm by no means an expert. In any case, I believe that the point of the bug-out bag is to give more breathing room to find a more permanent solution. This is where the "community/continuity" bit I mentioned earlier comes in. Obviously a lot will depend on circumstances, including the nature and location of my chosen rally points.
yeh. in the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust i don't suppose there'd be much to eat in the countryside, to where everyone from the cities who survived would be making their way. one of the things about survivalism imo is its individualistic nature, the way it privileges the survivalist above the rest of humanity. would you be hunting/shooting/fishing for yourself or for other people too? will you be investing in a crossbow to hunt er larger game?
Pretty sure it was the Express. They have recently published a list of likely nuclear targets. :D

Will have a look at that later ...

and see if any of it makes sense.
[I was in the Royal Observer Corps in the 1980s ... so I'm wondering if my memory of various scenarios is anything like what the express has come up with ...]
yeh. in the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust i don't suppose there'd be much to eat in the countryside, to where everyone from the cities who survived would be making their way. one of the things about survivalism imo is its individualistic nature, the way it privileges the survivalist above the rest of humanity. would you be hunting/shooting/fishing for yourself or for other people too? will you be investing in a crossbow to hunt er larger game?

Rural areas tend not to be target-rich environments, and anyone making their way country-wards before the fallout settles will be committing a slow form of suicide.

As for individualism... are you fucking serious with that shit? If things went south, I would just be one civilian trying to survive, alongside whoever else I can find. A single person or a small group, equipped with whatever they could stash from before the disaster, and whatever I or we could pull out of the wreckage once it's cooled off a bit. Call me crazy, but that's not the kind of outfit that's going to save the world. Not by itself, at least. Maybe as the situation develops afterwards we can think about rebuilding wider civilisation beyond that. But the in the immediate aftermath, the key thing will be survival, so of fucking course I'm going to value my own survival in such circumstances! Besides, I can't even begin to help anyone else, if I don't survive myself.

Maybe civil society as we once knew it will survive in some form or another, in which case things will be commensurately easier. But I don't think it's sensible to rely on that being the case for certain. In any case, banding together will improve survival prospects, as I stated (or at least heavily hinted at) in my first post. I can expand on that with my beginner's thoughts if you'd like, but for now suffice to say that yes I am aware, there do seem to be a lot of survivalist/prepper types who neglect the social aspect. This is reflected in media, where the "crazy survivalist" trope is almost always a lone individual. Hence the mention of continuity/community in my very first post in this thread.

A crossbow sounds like a good idea.
Tyne and Wear isn't the worst part of the country to be in I suppose - it may get nuked but is somewhat less likely to be a target than other large urban conurbations, but I reckon if things looked ominous I'd drive out to either the Lake District or the Borders with camping gear and a copy of the "Idiots Guide to Farming".
In an all-out nuclear exchange, major cities would be hit by not one but several if not a dozen or two warheads, provided they all elude the missile defences. So bigger, worthtier cities and their inhabitants are pretty much fucked regardless of one lives in the centre of town, or surrounding areas.

But anyways, in the scenario of just one warhead exploding over your area, this is a very informative interactive map that tells you how your town would fare. You can even select the size of the warhead from the handy drop-down menu on the right:

Rural areas tend not to be target-rich environments, and anyone making their way country-wards before the fallout settles will be committing a slow form of suicide.

As for individualism... are you fucking serious with that shit? If things went south, I would just be one civilian trying to survive, alongside whoever else I can find. A single person or a small group, equipped with whatever they could stash from before the disaster, and whatever I or we could pull out of the wreckage once it's cooled off a bit. Call me crazy, but that's not the kind of outfit that's going to save the world. Not by itself, at least. Maybe as the situation develops afterwards we can think about rebuilding wider civilisation beyond that. But the in the immediate aftermath, the key thing will be survival, so of fucking course I'm going to value my own survival in such circumstances! Besides, I can't even begin to help anyone else, if I don't survive myself.

Maybe civil society as we once knew it will survive in some form or another, in which case things will be commensurately easier. But I don't think it's sensible to rely on that being the case for certain. In any case, banding together will improve survival prospects, as I stated (or at least heavily hinted at) in my first post. I can expand on that with my beginner's thoughts if you'd like, but for now suffice to say that yes I am aware, there do seem to be a lot of survivalist/prepper types who neglect the social aspect. This is reflected in media, where the "crazy survivalist" trope is almost always a lone individual. Hence the mention of continuity/community in my very first post in this thread.

A crossbow sounds like a good idea.
i think survivalists are individualistic, not everyone who wants to survive
Given the psychopaths running the show also happen to be extremely rich, I doubt they’d be eager to swap their gilded lives to worrying about what happens when their bunker supplies run out.
So it’s mostly bluster.
Going on previous, I'm pretty sure a good portion of them wouldn't think that far ahead, and would simply think "I've been successful up to now, I'll just pay for a delightfully wallpapered Safety Town House Deluxe, say some sad words and ride it out while the proles die outside".

Imagine they also think it'd be a fun couple of weeks that will test but ultimately prove their fine British resolve and Blitz spirit.

The wankers.
This is why Musk and Bezos and that want space travel, once they're sure they can fuck off to their sci-fi new lives there really won't be anything stopping them let it all rip.
If anyone wants to get proper into prepping and that, Margaret Killjoy's got some good stuff:
Also links to other resources like:

It's not for me though, every day I just barely survive looking at my emails so I've got fuck-all chance of getting through a nuclear war intact. In fact, I'm so convinced of this point, that if the UK gets nuked and I'm still alive, say one month later, I'll give a tenner to the server fund.
Going on previous, I'm pretty sure a good portion of them wouldn't think that far ahead, and would simply think "I've been successful up to now, I'll just pay for a delightfully wallpapered Safety Town House Deluxe, say some sad words and ride it out while the proles die outside".

Imagine they also think it'd be a fun couple of weeks that will test but ultimately prove their fine British resolve and Blitz spirit.

The wankers.

That's the thing that always gets me about the rich fuckers who get all bunker-happy. They don't seem to realise that if civilisation collapses, so do the mechanisms which ensure the loyalty of their underlings. They're not going to get paid, and if they do then they'll have nowhere to spend it. The guards will have access to weapons, the techs will know how stuff works and how to fix it, and the rich cunts will be dead fucking weight in all of that. So what exactly would stop the people who do the actual fucking work from deciding to get shot of useless ones?
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