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Going back over job description for interview tomorrow

Hope it goes well.

Apologies if I'm repeating (I know I've said it on this thread but maybe not to you)

In some ways it may be an advantage that the interviewers aren't people you worked with / for - one thing some people louse up if it's an internal interview, or if they know the interviewers, is not saying things on the basis that 'they already know me' - which if they are scoring every candidate objectively against the same questions, means you're not giving a good answer.

Hybrid means different things at different places - can mean anything from 'go to the office very occasionally' to 'have the occasional day wfh-ing' - hope it's the former here, but would have made more sense for them to say in the job advert / job description, as they could be wasting your time and their own. (i interviewed for something a few years ago that was shift based but this wasn't at all obvious in the job ad, and i would not have been able to do the shifts and travel from where i live, so it wasn't going to happen. and that was before interviews on 'teams' were a thing. hmph.)
Hope it goes well.

Apologies if I'm repeating (I know I've said it on this thread but maybe not to you)

In some ways it may be an advantage that the interviewers aren't people you worked with / for - one thing some people louse up if it's an internal interview, or if they know the interviewers, is not saying things on the basis that 'they already know me' - which if they are scoring every candidate objectively against the same questions, means you're not giving a good answer.

Hybrid means different things at different places - can mean anything from 'go to the office very occasionally' to 'have the occasional day wfh-ing' - hope it's the former here, but would have made more sense for them to say in the job advert / job description, as they could be wasting your time and their own. (i interviewed for something a few years ago that was shift based but this wasn't at all obvious in the job ad, and i would not have been able to do the shifts and travel from where i live, so it wasn't going to happen. and that was before interviews on 'teams' were a thing. hmph.)
Yeh thats what I was worried about, I basically did this before and theres a job history, why wouldn't they hire me? lol. Because other people exist too and this isn't a mates business its a council with specific hiring policies, they may even have an internal candidate but when I was there they appeared to be in short supply and a lot were not happy with the reorganisation and left or were leaving.

Good luck today newme
Thanks! Just managed to finally setup the webcam so it doesnt look directly up my nose, found a shirt that still fits (tho everyone was in hoodies when I was there)z and am going over the various bits of policy, regulations and job bits after running them through co-pilot or chat gpt and adapted some model answers and some bits of pieces set behind the camera so I can glance at them if I go off course somehow.
Well of course none of the questions related to what I thought but it seemed to go ok I think but its hard to tell since they hardly call you out and say that makes no sense etc but i saw a lot of nodding along to bits from the person not asking the question which looks better than staring blankly at least and I could ask some very specific questions relating to training, new regulations, previous processes, new organisation etc which hopefully showed that I knew pretty much what I was getting myself into. Also seems the guy I would be reporting to actually seems nice which is always a bonus.

Did have a mild panic 10 minutes before the interview when going over the job spec and finding it mentioned a completely different team to the one I worked in before but they immediately cleared this up in the introduction and I was able to throw in some specific things to that area that are barely a month old so it shows I have been keeping up with this when not actually working in public. Even if it was over the past week predominantly, but well if I know it I know it lol.
Oh one thing I found out randomly is there are ATS score evaluators you can find online, also works through copilot or chatgpt. Might be useful for anyone finding they are being auto rejected. A score of 80 is usually the pass mark apparently. Tho it was mentioned you may want to leave off any names or contact details.
In the office. Might be the last day I come in... I don't officially have to be working during review period but want to tie things up and also next week is half term so fuck it, I'm going to do very little - as an urb said, what are they going to do, fire me? :D

Talking to lady in US about other internal role tomorrow. I've found out more about it and it's actually surprisingly up my street and I'm confident I'd be good at it, also not client- facing thank fuck. The main rub is whether they get permission to hire someone, which is still pending AFAIK. On the upside the lady in speaking to is very senior, like 4 steps below global CEO so I'm hoping she has the clout to get the hire if she wants it.

Have also seen my settlement document - they kept talking about lawyers and I assumed that was if you wanted to contest, but it's actually they insist you look over it with one (they pick up tab), I guess so there is agreement it's all kosher and no pushback for them later. That confirms I am an employee until end of month, which is good as that gives more time for maybe so.e to get sorted while I'm still 'on the system', I'd thought maybe I was just Out after review end next Friday.
I watch this thread but haven't really read it.

I'm looking for a job, kinda, after being redundant 5 months back. Claiming JSA. Studying Cybersecurity half-heartedly.

Have applied for a few a Civil Service roles and cybersec degree apprenticeships with a view to retaining properly.

Yesterday was the first time someone approached me for my CV! Ever.

Lots of entry level Cybersecurity jobs appear to be courses you have to pay for which is frustrating. And every level doesn't seem to mean every level any more. They all want experience of some sort, never mind qualifications in the relevant field.

Is trainee no longer a thing?

Have also seen my settlement document - they kept talking about lawyers and I assumed that was if you wanted to contest, but it's actually they insist you look over it with one (they pick up tab)

yes, if you're getting a settlement agreement (compromise agreement) rather than just a redundancy deal, then that does have to involve getting legal advice.

but i'm not sure it's normal for redundancy to involve a settlement agreement - they are usually more for situations where it's all more complicated than that - they are more common where employer knows they have done something dubious and want to bung (soon to be ex) employee something more than statutory redundancy pay for an agreement that employee won't take them to a tribunal and / or keep quiet about it.

i guess it's possible some employers are making them more standard to cover themselves.

(obviously if something dubious has happened, i don't expect you to go in to detail here.)

Have applied for a few a Civil Service roles

there is a particular style / language to civil service job applications. i'm not sure i understand it all that well. there are videos on youtube that may or may not help.

Is trainee no longer a thing?

in theory, there's now no age limit on apprenticeships, but in practice, not sure how many employers have grasped this. would have thought it could be quite awkward being a recent mature student graduate going on a training scheme with a bunch of people in their early 20s.

and there were some noises a year or two ago from government about specific schemes for re-training over 50's, but not sure anything ever came of it.
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Puddy_Tat - thanks, I don't think they've done anything dubious, but I think they're a big firm (and US-based) and it's just standard for them. It may be because it's a really small redundancy round and they don't want people claiming they've been targeted but I've had nothing but praise and support since I was here no concerns at my end, at the end of the day I'm not a very essential role, though it is a bit annoying that the last reports were that our department was doing fine financially and in terms of targets, but I suppose if the higher ups have asked them to find savings, I can see losing my role probably makes sense.

I have applied for a researcher role at another real estate firm that my manager sent me through a friend who works there.

The only sticking point is that I don't have Excel skills especially - I did some (actually very good) online training as I thought it would be useful to have if I move research-wards but I have to say I'm not a natural. I think it's something I would be able to do if doing regularly, but, like GCSE maths, if I'm not doing it regularly, it's gone baby gone.

OTOH, I can re-do the training as I still have access to the site and in fact I guess I now have access until the end of the month so I think I ought to re-do it and try to make comprehensible notes. Even if I don't get this job, it might come in handy applying for others and I might have time to do/re-do some other data/excel courses before the end of the work, especially as my work will be winding down. Anyone know if there is a good way to notate complex sequential tasks for reference when you are not complex sequential tasks person?
Puddy_Tat - thanks, I don't think they've done anything dubious, but I think they're a big firm (and US-based) and it's just standard for them. It may be because it's a really small redundancy round and they don't want people claiming they've been targeted but I've had nothing but praise and support since I was here no concerns at my end, at the end of the day I'm not a very essential role, though it is a bit annoying that the last reports were that our department was doing fine financially and in terms of targets, but I suppose if the higher ups have asked them to find savings, I can see losing my role probably makes sense.

I have applied for a researcher role at another real estate firm that my manager sent me through a friend who works there.

The only sticking point is that I don't have Excel skills especially - I did some (actually very good) online training as I thought it would be useful to have if I move research-wards but I have to say I'm not a natural. I think it's something I would be able to do if doing regularly, but, like GCSE maths, if I'm not doing it regularly, it's gone baby gone.

OTOH, I can re-do the training as I still have access to the site and in fact I guess I now have access until the end of the month so I think I ought to re-do it and try to make comprehensible notes. Even if I don't get this job, it might come in handy applying for others and I might have time to do/re-do some other data/excel courses before the end of the work, especially as my work will be winding down. Anyone know if there is a good way to notate complex sequential tasks for reference when you are not complex sequential tasks person?

I had a similar experience (settlement agreement) recently in a round of Local Govt redundancies.

We all got £350 (I think) towards a solicitor's fees. I used my union's legal team. All good.

The employer stated that they were doing this this time round due to ex-employees trying to crowbar further monies from the employer after they'd gone. No reasons why were explained.

As there were a large number of us being made redundant in my case and as I was using the legal services of a large Union I didn't worry about it too much. Anyone there 15+ years was essentially walking away with a year or more Net Salary as a lump 'go away' sum.

I'm currently trying to reskill into Cybersec stuff, finding it hard, using the DWP and any other resource I can lay my hands on that is free and seems worthwhile/useful. The main issue is I have skills but not pieces of paper proving it.
Damn, US lady has moved meeting to early next week, I hope this doesn't change to an endless sequence of moved meetings :eek: Albeit more time to prep wouldn't go amiss.
I watch this thread but haven't really read it.

I'm looking for a job, kinda, after being redundant 5 months back. Claiming JSA. Studying Cybersecurity half-heartedly.

Have applied for a few a Civil Service roles and cybersec degree apprenticeships with a view to retaining properly.

Yesterday was the first time someone approached me for my CV! Ever.

Lots of entry level Cybersecurity jobs appear to be courses you have to pay for which is frustrating. And every level doesn't seem to mean every level any more. They all want experience of some sort, never mind qualifications in the relevant field.

Is trainee no longer a thing?

I did an in work apprenticeship at 37, also retrained at 28, at both courses I was amongst the youngest 10%.
I'm realising that one pain this time around is I can't have a generic base CV that I just adapt slightly for each role. I'm going to need at least:
  • Content management
  • Comms management
  • Editorial
  • Content management specifically in real estate
  • Comms management specifically in real estate
(RE being where I've worked the last 10 years)

I have applied for a good role at one of our competitors that I have a decent crack at, I think (Comms lead) and also a couple more internal roles, and a senior guy I spoke to was telling me he's heard a bunch of people are moving roles in one of the areas I'm looking at so if I keep nudging the relevant HR person for that team I might be in luck. He made the good point to chase up all the HR people because, after all, the roles I'm going for are all about chasing people up!
Second interview went ok last week. Best work buddy's sounded like it went slightly better.

They had said they'd get back to everybody on Friday, which they did, to say they hadn't reached a decision and they'd get back to us early next week.

BWB and I agreed that we mostly felt sad at the prospect of leaving the current salt mine, and that we'd want to try and establish how likely further redundancies are there before leaving. I'd feel pretty good about going to that employer though, as long as it was a decent raise.
Had a call with people who I used to work with today. Most of us are applying for jobs and getting nowhere. Saw somebody on LinkedIn say she'd gone for 145 before getting hers. I must have done 50 now with not even a screening call. Luckily we're not desperate for cash but it's still depressing not knowing what to focus on.

I've found a couple of things I would actually want to do so hopefully something comes in.
I watch this thread but haven't really read it.

I'm looking for a job, kinda, after being redundant 5 months back. Claiming JSA. Studying Cybersecurity half-heartedly.

Have applied for a few a Civil Service roles and cybersec degree apprenticeships with a view to retaining properly.

Yesterday was the first time someone approached me for my CV! Ever.

Lots of entry level Cybersecurity jobs appear to be courses you have to pay for which is frustrating. And every level doesn't seem to mean every level any more. They all want experience of some sort, never mind qualifications in the relevant field.

Is trainee no longer a thing?

Much the same mate. I did the Data Analytics one ;). I've done some of that in the past and I enjoy it and I'm pretty good with numbers, so it all fits. But yeah, everybody wants you to have experience with large datasets, with SQL and R and I have a bit of experience with SQL but I'm not sure my Google cert is cutting it.

I found a couple of apprenticeships and applied but we'll see.

Last time I was looking to change career I applied to HMRC. They make you do some assessments online. The maths one was arithmetic, percentages and stuff. I got it all done, bit of a rush but pretty sure I did pretty well in it. Just got a rejection. Then they contacted me a couple of years later and said they'd redone the test and they wanted me to be part of the benchmarking of it. So either my English tests were shit or I was too old.
What I should probably do this weekend is send them a "this is why I'm an ideal candidate for this job" email if they're still deciding 🤔
Not heard anything. Getting a few offers way below market I may need to take soon just to have anything. I waited 4 months for a decision before from start to finish. Took on a temp contract and delivered a project while waiting.

not sure if some employers wouldn't see that as being too pushy...
If it's one of those situations where the decision rests solely on the score in the interview and they can't take anything else into consideration, I might be tempted to send an email, too.

Not so much saying 'Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!' but more along the lines of thanking the interviewer/panel for taking the time to interview me (if I hadn't already done so, for whatever reason), reconfirming interest in the role/company because xyz, and saying if they have any further questions or need any additional information about my skills and/or experience, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
I need to get a job not worked for 10 years due to fracturing my leg in so many places
twice,so I am really limited
to a job that does not involve too much strenuous activity not hold out too much hope
are there any places that help people who have a disability? that help them get back into work .
I need to get a job not worked for 10 years due to fracturing my leg in so many places
twice,so I am really limited
to a job that does not involve too much strenuous activity not hold out too much hope
are there any places that help people who have a disability? that help them get back into work .
There’s an organisation round here. Google “employment disability NAME OF AREA”.
So given my position as being out at end of month, could go back into the business but if I've been paid the redundancy, I have to pay that back I need to consider my strategy. I think as things are I'll either be back in the business within a month (in which case I may not even have received the redundancy yet) or not at all - my plan is once I'm out I won't proactively seek out any roles I see advertised (which will be only the external list of course) but I'll have to consider my response if someone happens to call me back from the business with an opportunity that's arisen and they've remembered my CV.

That will depend on the response I'm getting to external roles - if it's been tumbleweed, it may be best to try and go for the opportunity there, if I'm getting a good response to external roles I might take my chances and hope I get something else while I've still got most of the redundancy pay.

I need to get a job not worked for 10 years due to fracturing my leg in so many places
twice,so I am really limited
to a job that does not involve too much strenuous activity not hold out too much hope
are there any places that help people who have a disability? that help them get back into work .

There's an employment agency called Evenbreak for people with disabilities, I heard the founder talk about it last year, she started it after serious spinal surgery that meant she might never be able to walk or sit up again and wondering how she could get a job. It sounded like a good set up - they aim to be a place people can find employers who are genuinely supportive, so maybe it's a place to try?
I need to get a job not worked for 10 years due to fracturing my leg in so many places
twice,so I am really limited
to a job that does not involve too much strenuous activity not hold out too much hope
are there any places that help people who have a disability? that help them get back into work .
What experience and qualifications do you have? What sector(s) are you interested in working in?
What experience and qualifications do you have? What sector(s) are you interested in working in?
Well sales mainly, I could normally do many things, but due to my leg I would be up for anything
I am a member of Evenbreak they look really good I just need to put myself out there more
just not have the real confidence even doing a new CV explaining I have not worked for 10 years looks
daunting to me, as I live on my own and have no one to really help, like that, the cv and being
dyslexic a lot of these working from home jobs require A level English. Thanks Cloo for your input.
Bollocks! Was going to have a talk today to the person recruiting for the internal role that's most likely to save my bacon... and she's had to move the discussion back a fortnight to literally the evening before my last day in role. It's tricky as she's in the US - I've explained about my end date and offered to talk later evening here if that will help; but it sounds like there goes any hope of closure before I'm gone, I'd got my hopes up I might be sorted this week if we'd been able to talk. :(

I am talking to someone about an external role today, although it's a bit of a long shot.
Bollocks! Was going to have a talk today to the person recruiting for the internal role that's most likely to save my bacon... and she's had to move the discussion back a fortnight to literally the evening before my last day in role. It's tricky as she's in the US - I've explained about my end date and offered to talk later evening here if that will help; but it sounds like there goes any hope of closure before I'm gone, I'd got my hopes up I might be sorted this week if we'd been able to talk. :(

I am talking to someone about an external role today, although it's a bit of a long shot.
Oh no, that's a shame. Have you asked for your term date to be put back? (Don't ask, don't get)
Oh no, that's a shame. Have you asked for your term date to be put back? (Don't ask, don't get)
Yeah, but they're not willing. I can still get the job - they don't put limitations on returning to the business except that you have to pay back the redundancy if it's within a few months, which is fair enough. It just makes it a bit more faff is all.

Having had phone screen for external job I'm having interview proper on Friday. I am keen on this role but my only potential stumbling block is excel experience. I'm not sure how much hard-core data analysis the job requires, eg if this role has to do it or gets to call on someone else to do it!
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