Shaving Private Ryan - A gripping war time story about a squad of soldiers trying to locate a pubic hair lost behind enema lines >>>>
Good Will Humping - Matt Damon, as you've never seen him before, decides humping would be a better hobby than hunting
The Good - The Sad - And the Ugly - Spaghetti western about a hero, a computer nerd, and a mexican
Four Beddings and a Funeral - Raunchy sequel starring hugh grant, and Divine Brown
About a Bog - Yes its your old favourite Hugh Grant again, he has a fetish for bogs this time, and who does he bump into ?
Also starring George Micheal
Maid in Manfatten - It's about a maid, she lives in La she meets this guy Ralph Fiennes - he takes her fishing, this makes her well happy, thus she gets promoted and everything falls into place oh yes- she's well endowed
How to lose a Van in ten days - Veronica has just learned to drive, and hubbie doesn't like her new freedom, they go travelling together and she accidentally parks in .... Can't think of a finishing line, but maybe you chaps could enlighten us
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