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The gardening thread

Nope, that's it, my brain has just folded up. Suddenly, I am in panic mode. I don't remember setting up my phone at all (must have hived this off to an offspring.) The mere mention of passwords and I am flapping...and as for storing images somewhere else (on what).?! It's truly hard to explain the utter nitwittishness which is part complete non-understanding (I have no idea what my gmail password is, don't think I have ever used anything except hotmail and that was so long ago in the distant past I have no clue what my password was then). O, and I become even more stupid if I attempt to make any changes at all.
Anyway, I did manage to find some pics on my camera and connect to my computer...so I might be able to upload summat (except it took so long to read the files, my camera ran out of battery so I can't do anything till tomorrow. I did take some nice pics of tulips in the middle of April and even some of the allotment...so not totally beyond all help, just if the phone is involved cos Chromebook says I need model 8 (or something) and this is model 5 (I think).
I don't know what you mean by syncing. I have never used my phone to do anything on urban (because I can't really see it and my sausagy fingers, stabbing the (ahem) keyboard, is a disaster (see my last sentence) My chromebook also did something weird and wouldn't let me 'sync local data' (or something like) and just wouldn't let me save anything. It acted as though I was a guest and I had a nightmare (not even sure it is fixed, tbh. In fact, I have put much of it out of my mind cos I have a panic moment. I know I am hopeless. Sweetheart is even worse than me! You should see us both attempting to send a text.

I will try all this tomorrow (or Tuesday when I pick up my meds).
Nope, that's it, my brain has just folded up. Suddenly, I am in panic mode. I don't remember setting up my phone at all (must have hived this off to an offspring.) The mere mention of passwords and I am flapping...and as for storing images somewhere else (on what).?! It's truly hard to explain the utter nitwittishness which is part complete non-understanding (I have no idea what my gmail password is, don't think I have ever used anything except hotmail and that was so long ago in the distant past I have no clue what my password was then). O, and I become even more stupid if I attempt to make any changes at all.
Anyway, I did manage to find some pics on my camera and connect to my computer...so I might be able to upload summat (except it took so long to read the files, my camera ran out of battery so I can't do anything till tomorrow. I did take some nice pics of tulips in the middle of April and even some of the allotment...so not totally beyond all help, just if the phone is involved cos Chromebook says I need model 8 (or something) and this is model 5 (I think).
I don't know what you mean by syncing. I have never used my phone to do anything on urban (because I can't really see it and my sausagy fingers, stabbing the (ahem) keyboard, is a disaster (see my last sentence) My chromebook also did something weird and wouldn't let me 'sync local data' (or something like) and just wouldn't let me save anything. It acted as though I was a guest and I had a nightmare (not even sure it is fixed, tbh. In fact, I have put much of it out of my mind cos I have a panic moment. I know I am hopeless. Sweetheart is even worse than me! You should see us both attempting to send a text.

I will try all this tomorrow (or Tuesday when I pick up my meds).
I'm not tech savvy either. I think I've put 2 threads on the phone/computer forum which probably looked completely basic knowledge to all of them. It's so easy once it's set up and I'm sure we'll be getting some truly great pics soon. I've not got any ATM as my garden is still fairly dormant. Made it to a sweltering 8 degrees today ! I thought bollox to it and put out some plants that were grown from seed and begged the gods for no more bastard frost.
Try these, iona. My grand-daughter also uses some cut-resistant gloves - will look up the brand.

I think my chromebook is sniffy about the Andriod model I need so I think I will just have to use my ancient Canon for pics and try to bypass the chromebook completely, if I want to take pics with the phone. Miserable outside today so putting off all photo stuff till the sun returns. Thank you so much for the offer (which I may take you up on).
Try these, iona. My grand-daughter also uses some cut-resistant gloves - will look up the brand.

I think my chromebook is sniffy about the Andriod model I need so I think I will just have to use my ancient Canon for pics and try to bypass the chromebook completely, if I want to take pics with the phone. Miserable outside today so putting off all photo stuff till the sun returns. Thank you so much for the offer (which I may take you up on).
Cheers :) My little assistant's family are moving into their own place so I won't have her at work any more. She's not had any gloves while she's been here but the house they're buying has a garden so I thought I'd buy her some as a goodbye/thankyou present (they were in a twenty-somethingth floor flat in London before so helping me is the first time she's had a garden and she's taken to it like mad, she makes a better job of stuff now with less supervision than a lot of adults I know!)
I have put out the courgette plants to the mercy of slugs and wet weather. About time because judging by the amount of roots in those paper tubes it was mere days until they emerged from the plastic trays on the windowsill and murdered me in my sleep.

Unfortunately I have also exposed the fact that at least one of the toms is doing the same thing so I'm going to need to shove that out into a bigger pot soon as well.
Shed roof pretty much finished, right before it starting pissing it down :thumbs: Couple bits left to do but shouldn't have any rain getting in now.

Is a stranger pissing up your shed? :)
I've been going out in the evenings to murder slugs and snails. I don't like to use pellets in my garden as we have hedgehogs. I have to use them at the allotment or I'd just be a mover of mud and not a gardener at all.
Spent today dodging rain and wind (plus some thunder).

I did manage to make progress on tidying up another small area ...
Yeah, our poor tomato plants which have just been planted out of their pots were battered in the hail!

But good news, the echiums are finally flowering after three years! And the bees are loving them.


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I bought 1000 7cm pots, iona...an absolute pleasure. I only use square pots (because space) and having a whole heap of new ones, all the same size, has made the usually tortuous job of pricking out hundreds of seedlings, a much easier task. They will also last a few seasons. If you are concerned about the use of plastc, hadapots also do polythene, biodegradeble pots for around 2-3 quid for 50.
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