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The gardening thread

It has been a rare dry and bright day so got to work.

Harvested the remaining cucumbers, peppers, ripe tomatoes, aubergines and some decent spuds.

Cleared some beds and dumped about 1500 litres of well rotted compost on top. Like a mulch.

Been cooking tomato sauce. Plus ratatouille.

My back hurts but all good.
Wanted to go outside as I've a list of jobs longer than my arm ...

But it has been too windy for several of the more urgent things, not to mention the wind is unseasonably cold and quite wet at times as it keeps showering. Bah, humbug !

Only good thing is the grass seed dumped onto where the water board had dug a big hole to fix a leak has finally started to germinate. Very patchy, though thanks to birds and heavy rain washing some seeds away ...
I do have some more seed to cure that ...
Done all the edging (now I have a battery one) and pulling stuff up from next to the raised beds, 5 wheelbarrow loads for the compost pile which is literally a pile now. Ripped a load of ivy off, neighbours did their 'scrumping' and have left the tree nearly bare and the floor not covered in old apples, which was my main I don't want to deal with this thing, weed and cider is a bonus. They left with 4 huge sacks of it so they got a good harvest off it. Its probably only 75% of what was left but thats way less to deal with especially with some falling in the pond I am trying to renew.

Cleared one bed of everything, tomatoes are gone now, only have a few bits left. Daughter will apparently take all the veg so thats sorted. Chef so can whip up whatever.
I have a question for campanula again.

I want to plant some bulbs on my mother's grave, so something that will naturalise and cope with neglect other than being mowed every so often.

She was very much a gardener and liked unusual things but unusual doesn't always equal "a good doer". She also hated purple.

Any suggestions?

Edited to add, there's some shade from nearby trees I think but it's fairly open.
At risk of being a bit obvious, my main choice, for naturalising, especially in grass or where small mammals are present, are the many and varied narcissus. Nothing eats them, they cope with utter neglect and, with a careful selection, can give you 3 months of bloom (starting with the dainty February Gold and finishing with the tiny, but tough Sundisc or jonquillas which are in bloom in early May.
However, I have had really good success with leucojum and, although a bit spendy, the Crown Imperial fritillaries have also naturalised in my wood (which is a really ferociously testing environment.
You might also consider cyclamen - both hederifolium and coum are tough, hardy and will colonise a large area. Tell me more about the sun/shade, soil type/climate and space...and especially if squirrels, rodents, deer or rabbits are present. I have never managed a single crocus or camassia. Are you looking to plant a few different sorts to extend the bloom times?
Snowdrops? Winter aconites? (best planted 'in the green' though as they do not like to dry out and be stored as dry bulbs).
Trimmed back most everything except some things that could be hard cut back. Pond still empty but rain is coming and I have 12 containers outside to catch it including a picnic bench umbrella aimed at a water butt (still not connected its a hassle I haven't got around to).

Dug up huge amounts of dandelions, need replacement stuff to overseed. Found surprisingly clover is £36ish/kg and pasture stuff with 80% grass of various types and 15% of clover is the same price for 25kg. Is there a shelf life? I have vacuum sealers and fridge/freezer space if required. Also some other areas to seed and potentially use to harvest for compost. Also what to plant over a red clover thats died off, 4x8ft patch. Anything that flowers/colours, will do a lasagne plant if required with whatever base but something needs to go in.

Also want evergreen options for a dense hedge type thing, guy down the road has one thats waxy looking but if theres something more interesting thats better. Have both a front and side to cover, both have shallow soil and are 20-30ft long each and one where its rich in everything including depth thats maybe 15ft long. Prefer the lowest cost, don't mind waiting, have everything needed from seed to 1ft wide pots, inside and poly (3ft limit in there tho so far).

If I have dried branches, say 1inch thick dried for a year, is that brown or green when mulched? 43mm max so must be less then that.
Also where are people getting bulk fertiliser/mulch/manure? And for how much? Looking at about £10/100 litre so far. Is it cheaper?
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