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The gardening thread

What says you urban gardeners is it not going to snow any more can i put stuff (sunflowers & sweet peas etc) out now?

The bloody deer are testing my equanimity, someone gave me my first Hosta last week, and it was very beautiful and i tenderly surrounded it with copper and coffee for the slugs and a deer just came and ate it last night, in a couple of bites.
Yes, do, iona. I have an old map drawer for storing seed packets.
Despite the cold, the garden has undergone a rapid seachange with verbascum, campanula, evening primrose all extending the flower-bearing stems, and joy, I have (after 3 long years) managed to germinate 3 lathyrus rotundifolius (persian pea), The indigofera and ceanothus are just hinting at opening, the alstros are going demented, and the salvias are sprouting like crazy.
This inability to upload pics is driving me crazy. I never have much to boast about in life, apart from the garden, and right now, it is just entering a month-long peak of loveliness.

As a bonus, I have delayed pricking out a lot of seedlings because of the cold weather...giving a whole slew of dithering seeds another chance to show themselves before the pots are emptied back into the general potting mix bin. I thought I only had 4 dahlia coccinea but turns out there are over a dozen, along with potentilla, another set of Xanthos cosmos (after snail devastation) and a lot of mystery plants.
campanula I was on a train this week and noticed these flowers all along the sidings, wondered what they are? They look just like the bog standard daisies in lawns etc but are about 12 inches tall...spindly stems? All blooming now, really prolific , ( does that mean weeds) but they looked lovely all bobbing around.
Sound like Ox-eye daisies (blooming about now), clicker I love them too.
I just don't know how to upload a pic from my phone to my laptop/chromebook. Used to be simple with my camera and old PC but both are now borked....and I am a bit dim. I have some lovely flowers at the moment - easy to grow (obvs) and very shareable so yep, I do need to sort this out.
Your phone that has the pics on, is it a smartphone campanula?

Got a shitload of weeding done today up at the plot, earthed up half the spuds and planted out tomatoes, runner beans, brussels sprouts and some sunflowers. Broad beans & strawberries are flowering and everything's finally started to grow now it's got warmer. Still got a load more weeding, planting and sowing to do in the week.
Well, I am not really sure what a smart phone is cos mine is very dim indeed (in my hands). My youngest set up an account for me so I don't really know anything about that cos he pays for it too. I got him a contract for his 16th birthday and paid for it, supposedly for a year, but actually, more like 15 years, so now he is returning the favour. Also, after my PC died, I bought a chromebook cos it was a lot cheaper than a new laptop, but not having a hard-drive makes it even more complicated for me to get my head around. I used to just connect my camera to my old PC and download a photo...but all that has now changed and I am completely at sea. Apparently, having a different phone account to my google account on the chromebook, makes it more complicated.
Both my boys are a bit impatient too. The last time I asked for help, there was much sighing and smirking until I handed one of them a pair of knitting needles and suggested they just whip up a scarf (because it's so simple) I may have said I would use the knitting needles to stab them if they failed...after all, it's just 2 sticks, right?
Anyway, every so often, I have another go at sorting it out but invariably fall at the first hurdle (and then feel denser than ever). Makes me weep in rage - would gnash teeth too, if that was a possibility.
There is a clue in the name (michaelmas daisies) two sheds...michaelmas being 29 September. Asters are short day plants, like dahlias, and cannot flower until there are more hours of darkness than daylight. My ox-eyes (leucanthemum vulgare) are just at the point of opening.
Well, I am not really sure what a smart phone is cos mine is very dim indeed (in my hands).
Do you know what make & model it is? Should say either on the outside of the phone somewhere or if you have a poke about in "settings" for the phone info. Or, if you go into the menu is there a web browser app (probably called Chrome, or Safari if it's an iphone I think)?
Do you know what make & model it is? Should say either on the outside of the phone somewhere or if you have a poke about in "settings" for the phone info. Or, if you go into the menu is there a web browser app (probably called Chrome, or Safari if it's an iphone I think)?
Sony Experia X5.
campanula , take a pic, forget about it.
Come back here, press attach files like you used to. It will take you to documents and press photos. Press the one you want and it may do it automatically or hit select at top right and it will upload here. Honestly it's that simple.
Here's one, I've fitted my new clutch on my motorbike , serviced it and even done shims, yet ask me to fit windscreen wipers and my brain melts, it ends up like the bloody krypton factor.
No, it doesn't do any of that, @Calamity. It says 'images', not photos and when I press it, I get 8 pics from 2012 - Have ni idea from whence they came...but they are mine. But nothing on my (your) phone. I can't seem to make the phone speak to my chromebook. There is a load of things in my album but all inaccessible. Its enraging, I can't even see any of them on a screen, never mind upload them to here.
No, it doesn't do any of that, @Calamity. It says 'images', not photos and when I press it, I get 8 pics from 2012 - Have ni idea from whence they came...but they are mine. But nothing on my (your) phone. I can't seem to make the phone speak to my chromebook. There is a load of things in my album but all inaccessible. Its enraging, I can't even see any of them on a screen, never mind upload them to here.
Do you have data on your phone, the newer one? You shouldn't need to get it to talk to your Chromebook to take a pic and put it on here.
You can synch devices, phone/chromebook through Google with your password that goes with your Gmail address. You will have done this when you set your phone up.
Not too much to report, really. The weather hasn't co-operated recently. Too cold and soggy !

I did get a splendid, if late, show of daffillips - I think the snowdrops told 'em to hang fire ...
The various areas of grass have had a couple of trims and I've done some pruning back in various places.
Front garden now has a new fence and the rugosas have been trimmed to a lower height - I've also cut out a lot of dead twigs (damm prickly stuff!)
I've done some pottering in the greenhouse ...

Oh, you may or may not recall I tried growing sweet peppers from saved seed last year. I was a bit too late planting them, so I over-wintered a couple of almost bare stalks in the house as I wasn't doing much else with the space. I now have four or five small green peppers ... I thought they were annuals !

I've got a massive list of garden jobs to tackle in the next few weeks ...
Worth bearing in mind that many phones take pictures to large to attach to the forum and the native editing apps don't allow resizing

Attach files might give an option for " Camera" which allows direct snapping mind.
I keep my images on Ipernity ...
and just link to them.

This album has a few daffs in it
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