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The gardening thread

i've genuinely come to a zenness with the slugs, but then i'm not growing crops beyond fruit and herbs. they still decimate every thyme i put in...
Yeah, I am pretty relaxed as far as fruit and veg are concerned and simply ignore the allotment slugs/snails and other pests, I don't use pellets (or anything, really), on my plot but have done hunt and remove for years in my tiny garden. Enture hibernaculums can be removed so the problem is really diminished over years. Same with lily beetles. I am vigilant in my greenhouse, doing my nightly torchlit rounds as entire trays of seedlings can be wiped out in a night - weeks and months of growing. I relocate them...on the other side of a busy main road.
maybe me and my mate around the corner will finally get round to the homing-snail experiment this year.

in awesome news my orange tree is putting on some new growth. it's done nothing but sulk since i brought it in, am so relieved is not permanently on it's way out :thumbs: will look to putting it out sooner rather than later i reckon.

and i have a tiny little chinese elm on a rock that's been inside since i got it, but it'd rather be out. has been having the day outside when i remember and already looks happier for it :)
our blackbird is back :) i mostly put up with the other birds, but the one i hold my breath every year for is the blackbird :cool:

left my poor tiny defenceless elm tree out overnight on the first clear night in months :facepalm: it's been incredibly forgiving so far, hope it's okay!
Looks like this sun has started things sprouting :)

Need to get more in sometime this week and finish the cold frame.
i got <this> close to a sash-window cold-frame in the autumn but i didn't have complete faith in my measurements and chickened out :D
i got <this> close to a sash-window cold-frame in the autumn but i didn't have complete faith in my measurements and chickened out :D

I'll show off pics when it's done, it's just a wobbly wee greenhouse where I'll bung seedlings made of pallets tbh (and I made a larger one the same way) both just need wrapping up but I might do a proper lid for smaller one.
Have gone back on the attack in the overgrown jungle that was my garden over the last two days ...

After the wet and windy winter weather one of the first tasks was to pick up a small mountain of twigs and small branches. This lot have ended up as a contained bonfire and the ash is going to supplementary feed some poor daffillips (which either have eelworm or are too shaded).
Other areas of snowdrops and daffillips are putting on a brave show - and to my surprise my greengage has flowers, unfortunately we have had frosts so probably zero fruit ...
Having done the clearance got the lawnmower out and ran it over the grass, which also mulched the leaves. I would rake 'em up but the wet winter has softened the surface so much any serous attempt at raking pulls grass up by the roots. I don't normally roll, but might make an exception this year - or do some heavy stomping - problem is that the surface is already rather "lumpy" as the previous existence was rough grazing and we've had extensive problems with rabbits / moles ...
Still outstanding is a spring pruning dash around the worst offenders for encroaching on the grassed zones, either that or some serious levels of bondage are likely ...
I also need to spring clean the two greenhouses and get some seeds planted (I usually buy in tomatoes and a few other things). The small greenhouse currently has a couple of plants over-wintering ...
Then I'll transfer my attentions to a border tidy-up - one very visual thing today was to "edge" the grass of the front lawn alongside the path.
Put up the last of the current batch of "new" birdboxes ... some already being inspected by the local feathered mafia.
i've figured my space is better used for overwintering the little trees rather than any kind of raising seedlings malarkey that never turns out well. and a lidded cold frame goes against my relying on the rain to do the watering. overwintering is basically sticking everything under a table, which i can do :thumbs:
Yep, I put as many seedlings in the ground yesterday...with no attempt at design or planning - just filling an empty space (with verbascum, bronze fennel and larkspur so far)
Have noticed people getting potatoes in - far too early imo - I usually wait till the end of April.
Pretty much every plotholder was out yesterday - lots of polite standing back from each other (plots are only 5.5metres across). I am off to stuff many sweet peas (which I had originally grown for customers) around the roses, to scramble and twine as they will. I have shitloads of tulips so everyone got a generous bunch to take home.
I don't mind chancing an early sowing down here in Devon. The leaves won't pop up for 2-3 weeks, and I can cover if it looks like a late frost.
We have a mild micro-climate here, but I'm still letting them chit til at least mid April.

The weathers been lovely today so I've just been pottering about slug chasing and a bit of tidying. Looking at every bit of spare ground and wondering what veg I can squeeze in.

I have a great bit of space for container veg, loads of big pots, but I've got half a bag of compost :(
Bloody Hell - my last frost date is around 3rd week in May (and can be later - have fleece at the ready)....and as my whole plot dips into a frost pocket, I don't consider putting things like tomatoes out till mid June. True, if frost nips the tops off spuds, they recover but beans, sweetcorn, curcubits are goners if they get a ground frost.
I've only put the early spuds in. Will put the mains out in another couple of weeks.

I start the sweetcorn, squashes, curcubits and tomatoes indoors around the middle of April. Plant the beans direct outside about the start of may (maybe a week or so later). Carrots and peas straight out mid April.
Yep, my timetable too, more or less, although I have had tomatoes coming up for ages but I can keep them in the greenhouse. Not doing sweetcorn or squashes this year because I am trialling a small (30m2) wildflower meadow.
I have a great bit of space for container veg, loads of big pots, but I've got half a bag of compost :(
is anywhere still delivering?

i've turned the compost and hacked some ivy and tied back my rampant jasmine and pulled out all the strawberries. currently sieving through the top layer for slate chippings to re-mulch what will be the tree nursery. hoping to get a table shifted by the end of the day too. just pausing for breakfast then back out :thumbs:
I need to turn over and divide my compost. Might drill out some holes in a plastic pipe to act as an aerator.
and thus began the legendary earthworks of canton :D

like a twat i figured after fossicking in the mud all afty i should scrub my hands all over with a nail brush. i needed those hands :(
am hoping to sex my yew tree soon :) (not a euphemism :p)


Yew is dioecious, meaning that male and female flowers grow on separate trees. These are visible in March and April. Male flowers are insignificant white-yellow globe-like structures. Female flowers are bud-like and scaly, and green when young but becoming brown and acorn-like with age.
and thus began the legendary earthworks of canton :D
Or maybe not. They've just been in touch concerned they might not get the lorry down the road. I've offered a solution (me barrowing it down the road:rolleyes:) and waiting to hear back if its still happening.

I ordered some more veg seeds and fert on the promise of this compost straight after so I'm hoping that it happens
Can folk still go to plots/allotments? Would that count as daily exercise?

I'd say so, just work it into your daily exercise.

I combined a walk with the dog with a visit to the allotment yesterday. Unfortunately, the dog moans his face off as soon as I stop walking so I couldn't stay long :mad:
Nice sunny day ...
After the grass was shortened a bit yesterday, I continued the tree/hedge bashing today - I've pruned or tied back all the low branches that were impinging on the area I laughingly call the back lawn. Next, the first job tomorrow is to finish tidying up the arisings (and pick up twigs from some other areas), which will involve a small contained bonfire ...
The other main job was finish cleaning out the greenhouse.
Ordered some plants online (tomatoes and courgettes) tonight, next job is to look through the seed box again.

Tomorrow - the main aim is to plant a load more seeds, assuming I can find the other bags of seed compost and some paraffin for the heater !
Following that, I will tidy up (weed) the flower beds, also finish cutting up some dry branches that will fuel the fire pit (and some green stuff to season, if I have the energy, it will be pre-cut.

The next/ main "structural" task will be to rebuild the compost bins area, this will provide me with some much needed material to top up flower beds and top-dress some of the grassed areas - I did start this last year, but real life events overtook the careful plans ...

A further maintenance task will be to clean the garden furniture ...
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