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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

Every picture of him turns out like this :D but there's a black lab staying at the campsite at the moment and he's the goodest of boys. I've been giving him stuff like duck feet and playing fetch for ages, so we're best friends now. Been really nice having a dog around again after so long.

A blurry photo of a dog who won't stay still for long enough to have his photo taken properly
OK, I'm a negligent dog owner. I had a bottle of Nigerian Guinness about half empty. I left the room and he knocked it over and had at it. He is now getting barky and rambunctious in the hallway. He's the dog equivalent of the bloke at the pub challenging randoms to a fight in the car park. Lord help me.

guinness dog.jpg
Phew, that’s over. I just had the oldies dog Sid to stay for a short week while they went away, and it was much more challenging than I thought it would be. He’s never been left before, apart from a couple of times when they’ve left him at home and once when they’ve left him at mine for a few hours, for hospital/ doctor’s appointments.
He did very well, considering all that, but isn’t used to eating when food goes down. Also, poor love, obvs had the same fleas as mungo, which was why he was biting and licking himself so much, and which is all sorted now. Nevertheless I feel very pleased to not have him here anymore, and a bit guilty for feeling this way, as he’s a nice dog
Yeah, not good. Will persuade him to have a good drink of water before bed. He may be a silly cunt, but I'm more of a silly cunt :facepalm:
Well soon after I got Frankie I left some bird fat balls with raisins on the table: visit to the vet 1 (£150). Then soon after that I put a couple of onion bhajis on the table while I turned round: visit to the vet 2 (£150).

He's been very sweet the last couple of days. I actually left him alone for 15 minutes and he was fine (I've not left him since I got him, felt uncomfortable about it because he came to me with separation anxiety, plus I just don't go out).

He got under the duvet last night for the first time and again this morning (I think he gets cold) and spent a fair bit of this morning with his head on my leg awwww.
Saw my 14-year-old spaniel dog nephew today. He's definitely getting on, he's starting to sort of shuffle around and he only had the energy to bork at the shrubbery in my parents garden for no reason for about 5 minutes as opposed the his previous 15 minutes+ of borking at shrubbery for no reason average.
two sheds, for some random reason, Blue started having an early morning dump in the kitchen a few months ago. Healthy turds etc. I knew he could hold it because when he sleeps in the van/tent, he doesn't go til I get up - sometimes 8 or 9am. Where he got the idea he could crap in the kitchen from, I don't know but I started putting him on a loose lead when he was in bed and tethering him for the night. He could get up and move but only within a metre or 2 of his bed. My thinking was he wouldn't shit in/near his bed & if he really needed it, he'd whine so I'd get up.

It did work; no more crap in the kitchen and after a couple of weeks, I stopped tethering him and he hasn't done it since 🤷‍♂️
Well a month on and he's been loads better.

I tethered him the first night and next night he took a dump in the kitchen in the evening rather than during the night :rolleyes: clearly planning things properly in advance.

I thought again about him just using the kitchen as a dumping ground and I'm more thinking that he wanted to go outside and got to the kitchen (once the conservatory) in the middle of the night and couldn't get out any further so went there.

Anyway I tethered him for a few nights but then tried letting him out before going to bed. This was successful but one night he went out and was barking for half an hour at 2 am and wouldn't come in he was so excited - not many neighbours around but I couldn't be doing with that. So I go out with him on the lead now. Luckily it's not been raining yet and I walk him round for ten or fifteen minutes until he decides to go if he needs to. Touch wood he's been fine for a couple of weeks now. So I don't bother tethering because I have at the back of my mind that if he does get desperate he's just going to go in the bedroom. He hasn't done that yet, but it does seem to be working well without tethering. I'm feeding him as soon as I get up so 7.30 or 8.00 and at midnight, seems to be working well too.

Tethering was the start of stopping the behaviour though so thanks again :)
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