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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

My OH grew up with dachshunds and always said she really disliked the term sausage dog. Now that we own a couple, I’m contemplating buying this and putting it on them whilst she’s out

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I've had a few dachshunds in my life - a friend's family had one when I was little and my ex's mum had several - I found them to be very nice dogs if a little excitable!
I'm not really on board with dressing animals for entertainment value mind you :D (Coat to keep warm of course, hot dog bun maybe not :D )
I met the most lovely dog today - a gorgeous Border Collie - oh my god I love them so much.
He was black and white and tired after a day out but his humans said it was ok for me to pet him and that he would enjoy the fuss even though he was tired - absolutely lovely dog.

It made me feel quite emotional and later I had a bit of a cry about it, the only dog I've ever had that was my dog was a black and white border collie puppy that my parents got for me and told me he was my dog (Shadow), I would have been about 10 and not in charge of anything that happened and I don't know where he came from but probably a puppy farm, it turned out he had parvo, I had him for about 2 weeks or less during which he was extremely ill, and it broke my fucking heart.

Always have a soft spot for black and white border collies and I got a bit tearful today meeting such an absolute beauty of a dog. And thinking what my Shadow should have grown up to be.
It still hurts me somewhere in my soul even more than 40 years later, if that makes sense. It did leave me with a very lasting impression though about animal welfare and care, what is right and wrong.
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Has the classic "I'm not 100% comfortable with you touching me like this" look dogs can have.

That's part of out next door neighbours face in the pic.

I have a few pic of mini shippy hanging on to him in storage somewhere

There is a slight air of "I'm putting up with being cuddled because I'm a good boy" about it :D
Which makes it all the more lovely :)
Oh my goodness what a night! Alice the Dachshund reverted to the anxious attachment she had when she lived with me for 4 months last year (after she'd had the loss of her first human). Her new family have done so well to promote her to be more independent, able to sleep in the kitchen with their other dog Fudge, capable of being left in the house with Fudge for a couple of hours. Last night, she basically whined anxiously all night (I had ear buds in but could hear it off and on) and then Fudge joined in barking too. I gave up at 5 30am and got up. Now they've conked out on the sofa after their wild night and I am wondering what sort of a work day I'm going to have with these two rebrobates and me so tired! We're all here together until Friday. Help!
This is why dogs are amazing and special creatures...

That story has the whiff of urban myth about it so I had a look for similar stories. I suspect maybe this 2019 case was the original source:

That dog identified three kittens in a storm drain and alerted its owner. According to the news report, it then took the authorities a lot of time to recover them.

The Turkish story is suspiciously similar in plot details — kittens, a storm drain. But it lacks verifiable real world detail — which Turkish town, for example? The details sure also suspiciously American, like being sausages from a butcher and names like “Annie” and “Ben”. Are those typical Turkish names? The webpage and accompanying video are full of stock photos of dogs, and the story contains information that couldn’t possibly be known (eg in the video, about the dog’s experience of finding the kittens). I think it’s been made up based on the original source material, but made more heart-wrenching
on teh tweeter today

Ha I know that stare well, Miss-Shelf, but I only have one of them. How’re they getting on now since you’ve been looking after them for a few days?
I think Fudge is really missing his humans. There are four of them and he is well loved by them (and played with a lot). He wants me to play with him more than I want to (plus I have work to do) but we're getting there. Alice I think is both super happy to see me again but also sort of reverting a bit to her quite dependent ways as happened when she lived with me

It's really great to see her again, more mature and well settled in her animal family. It's amazes me all over again how lovable dogs are when you get to know them and their ways
Ah poor Fudge, and also how lovely for Alice that she gets some time with you.
Yes, I learned the same from my old (first) dog how lovely they are when you get to know them and their ways.
It sounds a bit of a challenge, keeping them both happy. Could you walk them separately? It would obvs take longer but might help them both settle more comfortably if they’d come home after a stimulating, rewarding walk with you?

Our new dachshunds had their unmentionables chopped off today. They were understandably subdued when I first brought them back from the vet, but are now fully awake and back to their usual mischief.

One of them hasn’t tried to lick his balls once, but the other can think of little else at the moment, and worse still, it looks as if the vet has misjudged the size of the cone required according to his length,, as the little bastard seems to have no trouble reaching his balls. And then of course there’s the issue of them deciding to scratch each other’s back, metaphorically speaking. The next 48 hours should be fun.
how are they doing T & P ?

I'm back home now. Relieved to have a sit down without having to do something every 15 minutes for an animal.
Sad to say bye to Lady Alice of Dachshund but relieved to see she is thriving and has found such a happy home with lovely people (I knew that already but it's good to see it for myself) All in all, I don't have the energy and lifestyle for a dog. Even a lovely, heart winning dog like Alice. Here's one of what her first human called ridiculously elaborate ears.

I don't know how to add alt text to urban photos. Photo of a black dachshund lying face down on red, brown and cream blankets, wrapped in a grey dressing gown with her black ears spread out to the side

WhatsApp Image 2023-04-06 at 17.04.40.jpeg
how are they doing T & P ?

I'm back home now. Relieved to have a sit down without having to do something every 15 minutes for an animal.
Sad to say bye to Lady Alice of Dachshund but relieved to see she is thriving and has found such a happy home with lovely people (I knew that already but it's good to see it for myself) All in all, I don't have the energy and lifestyle for a dog. Even a lovely, heart winning dog like Alice. Here's one of what her first human called ridiculously elaborate ears.

I don't know how to add alt text to urban photos. Photo of a black dachshund lying face down on red, brown and cream blankets, wrapped in a grey dressing gown with her black ears spread out to the side

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They’ve been fine! Don’t seem particularly bothered by the cones. One of them hasn’t even tried to lick his balls at all. The other one a bit (and the cone is not doing a great job of preventing it- the problem with long dogs I guess), but not too much.

Going for their post op check up in the morning but so far so good :)
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