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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

Has anyone tried one of those dog behavioural/ obedience courses, and did you see an improvement in your dog’s behaviour? Our new boys are lovely and not badly behaved in general, but one of them will just start barking non-stop at the very sight of other dogs.

The people we got them from said that bizarrely he’s much more chilled around other dogs when not on a leash, which would certainly make life easier when in a park. But we’d still like to make him not to on a barking frenzy when sighting other dogs.

Yes. We did three rounds with Willow and some agility. I think it really helped. That said it's as much about training you as the dog and we'd never owned a dog before, so it was good. She enjoyed then as well. I mean she's still a stubborn little sod when she wants to be, but that's the terrier in her I guess. I sometimes get comments how good she is (and sometimes ones about how's shes not listening).

I can really belive that a dog would be less reactive when not on a lead, but can understand how you need to be sure about things before you allow this around other dogs.
The people we got them from said that bizarrely he’s much more chilled around other dogs when not on a leash, which would certainly make life easier when in a park. But we’d still like to make him not to on a barking frenzy when sighting other dogs.
I think that sort of behaviour (being more reactive to other dogs when on lead) is not uncommon. Maybe look for local trainers and discuss with them if they feel that is something fixable?
I'm always careful to keep the lead loose when Frankie's mixing with other dogs and he's on lead, the temptation is to pull him back.
Sorry for swearing but my fucking shitcunt neighbour has fucning done it again with her dogs.

Kail and I are coming back onto the estate after a leisurely stroll through the woods. Neighbour (she lives lower ground floor) is out front on her phone paying fuck all attention to her dogs that are running free. The female one, an XL Bully, must still be in heat as it came hurtling towards Kail and presented herself. I've managed to drag him away but she didn't even bother to come get her dog! Another neighbour had to do that and I didn't even get a hint of an apology. :mad:

This is the second time in the last few days she's done this outside. Her dogs even barged it's way into my flat before ffs. She's arsehole lucky that Kail is friendly because my last dog was not and would have torn her dogs apart but me being a responsible owner had that side of her managed.

I've reported her dogs to everyone I can think of and nothings happening. I am at my wita end now with this, it's making me fearful taking Kail out because what happens if it escalates? Ffs, if you can't control your dog, fucking get a hamster.
Fucksake tonysingh. No advice like but I know how that feels, big part of the reason Gizmo was so bad with other dogs was a few neighbours who'd make no attempt to control their dogs even when they were running over already in attack mode before he'd even clocked they were there. Had to start working on it pretty much from scratch after every time and eventually it just became easier not to bother so much. And you just know if something does eventually happen to her dogs it'll be you or the other owner's fault, never hers :rolleyes: Sadly that's probably the only thing that'd get her to change her behaviour though.
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Fucksake tonysingh. No advice like but I know how that feels, big part of the reason Gizmo was so bad with other dogs was a few neighbours who'd make no attempt to control their dogs even when they were running over already in attack mode before he'd even clocked they were there. Had to start working on it pretty much from scratch after every time and eventually it just became easier not to bother so much. And you just know if something does eventually happen to her dogs it'll be you or the other owner's fault, never hers :rolleyes: Sadly that's probably the only thing that'd get her to change her behaviour though.

It's not a huge estate we live on, 200 flats but her dogs roam all-over. I'm scared for some of the dogs here that aren't friendly because you're quite right that if her dogs get jumped, it'll be the other dogs fault. .

She's made a few quid from Lexies litter of puppies from the unplanned coupling with a Staffie. I'm half convinced she wants her to get pregnant again this season and Lexie is only 2.

It's going to have to be the case that I plan Kails walks around when her dogs aren't about because I can't risk Kail being in the shit. Fucking hell it burns me that she'd controlling my life but I can see signs of Kail getting fed up with this big dog always rushing at him. I've spent 8 years keeping him the joyful and friendly dog he is, I ain't cocking that up now.
She is absolutely gorgeous!
Sorry if this is a daft question, I may have missed posts about her or forgotten if you said somewhere upthread or elsewhere on the boards, but what is her work?
Also curly-coateds are lovely and distinctive looking dogs :)
She works in the field during the winter picking up. I don’t really show her but might do after this as we really enjoyed it
Dogs are great conversationalists. Marley perfectly understands would you like to go to the pub and reacts joyfully. He also understand and reacts to 'nothing here for you Marley so go away' and also reacts but not so joyfully.
When I talk to Marley his eyebrows go up and I know he's thinking and cogitating my words. He's a great thinker and sometimes decides that he won't give me his opinion as like all great and wise counsellors, he lets me find the answers for myself.
I know what you mean sparkling they are pretty good to have a chat with. Humphrey is a comforter and will give me lots of fuss if I’m sad. Albert’s much more of a loner in his old age.

I don’t think they’re as wise as Marley sounds though. 😄

Mr Looby is convinced Albert thinks he’s an absolute dickhead which I enjoy. I think he’s paranoid. 😄
Has anyone tried one of those dog behavioural/ obedience courses, and did you see an improvement in your dog’s behaviour? Our new boys are lovely and not badly behaved in general, but one of them will just start barking non-stop at the very sight of other dogs.

The people we got them from said that bizarrely he’s much more chilled around other dogs when not on a leash, which would certainly make life easier when in a park. But we’d still like to make him not to on a barking frenzy when sighting other dogs.
I did an online barking course to support the dachshund that I had last year (her original human died. I took her in. She is now happily living a life of Riley with friends of the original human)

I found it helpful to understand the causes of barking and to learn some techniques to distract and engage her. I think those sort of techniques are easily accessible via the Internet. The value if the course was making me do it and practise it regularly

I am dog sitting her and her dog sibling this week (plus 2 cats, 3 chickens and a snake) and we are having a lovely cuddle but she's miffed if the other dog gets my attention!

Lady Alice of Dachshund and Fudge


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I did an online barking course to support the dachshund that I had last year (her original human died. I took her in. She is now happily living a life of Riley with friends of the original human)

I found it helpful to understand the causes of barking and to learn some techniques to distract and engage her. I think those sort of techniques are easily accessible via the Internet. The value if the course was making me do it and practise it regularly

I am dog sitting her and her dog sibling this week (plus 2 cats, 3 chickens and a snake) and we are having a lovely cuddle but she's miffed if the other dog gets my attention!

Lady Alice of Dachshund and Fudge
It’s very encouraging to hear about your as well as other posters’ positive experiences with dog trainers.

Since I first reported on our new four legged babies, things have gone pretty smoothly aside from Sidney’s barking issues. They love us and for the most part observe our commands. They have even mellowed out a lot in their initial barking in indignation whenever the upstairs neighbours dared to come in or leave the house.

We have had three visitors since we got them. Sidney, the barking one, was pretty cool with a (male) plumber who came to replace our toilet, but barked literally non-stop at a (female) friend who stayed overnight the other day, and had another barking fest though admittedly a short-lived one when another female friend visited today.

He was wagging his tail throughout on both occasions and did not at any time look like he wanted to bite them, but all the same I wish he wouldn’t bark at visitors like that. Not sure if gender is an issue. In any event, they’re both getting neutered next week, which I’m sure it’ll help. And hopefully a subsequent few sessions with a dog whisperer will get rid of the barking. But overall, it’s going great so far and they’re bringing us so much joy already :)
It’s very encouraging to hear about your as well as other posters’ positive experiences with dog trainers.

Since I first reported on our new four legged babies, things have gone pretty smoothly aside from Sidney’s barking issues. They love us and for the most part observe our commands. They have even mellowed out a lot in their initial barking in indignation whenever the upstairs neighbours dared to come in or leave the house.

We have had three visitors since we got them. Sidney, the barking one, was pretty cool with a (male) plumber who came to replace our toilet, but barked literally non-stop at a (female) friend who stayed overnight the other day, and had another barking fest though admittedly a short-lived one when another female friend visited today.

He was wagging his tail throughout on both occasions and did not at any time look like he wanted to bite them, but all the same I wish he wouldn’t bark at visitors like that. Not sure if gender is an issue. In any event, they’re both getting neutered next week, which I’m sure it’ll help. And hopefully a subsequent few sessions with a dog whisperer will get rid of the barking. But overall, it’s going great so far and they’re bringing us so much joy already :)
dachshunds are incredible generators of joy. Glad things are going well for you all (even if they're a little barky )
dachshunds are incredible generators of joy. Glad things are going well for you all (even if they're a little barky )

a few months ago, i saw someone walking a dachshund puppy in reading town centre. he was making very slow progress as so many people stopped and wanted to pet them (the puppy that is)
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