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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

A mate may be looking for someone to foster a dog.. a friend of there's is being sentenced next week and not sure if they'll get a custodial sentence..

The dog is Dougal and is here:


All expenses of looking after him are paid... Just DM if you think it might be something of interest... Err, hopefully the guy will get a suspended sentence!
A mate may be looking for someone to foster a dog.. a friend of there's is being sentenced next week and not sure if they'll get a custodial sentence..

The dog is Dougal and is here:

View attachment 371051

All expenses of looking after him are paid... Just DM if you think it might be something of interest... Err, hopefully the guy will get a suspended sentence!

Where's Dougal at? I'm in Kent but if he can be got to me then I'll help. Someone did same for me with Kail when I was banged up. Kail is bouncy af and friendly with other dogs so be a good fit. Let me know.
New dachshunds update. Despite being able to lick their balls with a cone on (bloody long dogs!), they have healed fine and we’ve started taking them to the park for daily walks. They continue to bark at any dog they cross paths with on the pavement, but with the full 5-metre leash extended out, they’ve now made close contact in the park with loose dogs that come to greet them, and they’ve been play chasing each other, happily and without any barking.

We’ve also introduced them to three separate sets of visitors to the house, and for the most part the barky one stopped barking after five minutes. Progress! :)
Mungo and I just got back from shopping half an hour ago and he came in all ‘I’m ready for dinner now’ but, as soon as he heard a saucepan go on the stove and the sounds of His Stew being made, he has been lying quietly in the other room. I can hear him waiting.
I ha
I've just bought Cassie a snuffle mat and she's been at it for 20 minutes. I'm sure she's had all the treats but she's still going. I'm surprised she hasn't picked it up and launched it yet.
I need a couple of those for when we're eating our evening meal - dogs just bark and beg from the other side of the stairgate across the kitchen entrance and it's so annoying
She's tired herself out now.
I need a couple of those for when we're eating our evening meal - dogs just bark and beg from the other side of the stairgate across the kitchen entrance and it's so annoying

Cassie is obsessed with dentasticks and worries us for them while we're having dinner. I've bought her a lick mat to try and break the habit. Just put some stuff on it and put it in the freezer for later. Hopefully it helps. 🤞
Trigger pts

Bruce is 16 now, every year for a while now we've been wondering if he'll make it through another summer, another winter. But he's carried on enjoying life, until recently. He's blind, deaf, I don't think his nose works anymore, and he often needs to be carried up and down the stairs to the garden. He weights approx 35k. He's really wobbly on his feet, falls over a lot, and is really confused and disoriented. We'd said ( we being me and son 2) that when he stops eating it'll be the right time to be pts. Well just now he didn't eat his dinner for the first time ever, no interest at all. I keep hoping he'll just pass away quietly in his sleep like my last German Shepherd. Ive never had a pet pts before. I plan to get a vet to the house to do it, I'm just really stuck on making the decision. I suppose if he doesn't eat for a few days I'll have to make the call. Anyone got any advice please :(
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Trigger pts

Bruce is 16 now, every year for a while now we've been wondering if he'll make it through another summer, another winter. But he's carried on enjoying life, until recently. He's blind, deaf, I don't think his nose works anymore, and he often needs to be carried up and down the stairs to the garden. He weights approx 35k. He's really wobbly on his feet, falls over a lot, and is really confused and disoriented. We'd said ( we being me and son 2) that when he stops eating it'll be the right time to be pts. Well just now he didn't eat his dinner for the first time ever, no interest at all. I keep hoping he'll just pass away quietly in his sleep like my last German Shepherd. Ive never had a pet pts before. I plan to get a vet to the house to do it, I'm just really stuck on making the decision. I suppose if he doesn't eat for a few days I'll have to make the call. Anyone got any advice please :(

As I've said many times, the very worst part about owning a pet is that they don't live long enough. So, the pts decision is one that most pet owners have to face at some point. :(

I can't give any specific advice other than you will just know when it's the right time.


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