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The children of Windrush

Yeah, disgusting. WTF is going on here. Home Office are saying, it's OK. We can help them find the right documents. Why do these peple even need to prove anything at this stage. What's changed. Who's decided to persue / enforce this.
Concerned there's a narrative of good immigrant (Windrush invitees) and bad immigrant (everyone else) being allowed to develop around this. The Windrush accidental deportees are just the most glaring outrage of an outrageously racist policy - they are the tip of the iceberg. We need to make sure the argument is widened out at all opportunity.
I posted a thread about my friend a while back, who finds himself in this absurd situation.

His black mother and white father met in apartheid South Africa and went to Zambia to be together and raise a family. The father died, the mother met a man from the UK, and they moved to the UK in 1969. My friend was two yeas old and travelled on his mother's passport. His mum then died and his stepfather refused to adopt him. His birth certificate and his mother's passport seem to have been lost (my friend says he feels that his now-dead stepfather deliberately destroyed them but that's by the by at this point). My friend has been through the school system, has received ongoing treatment from the NHS, has served time in prison, been in receipt of benefits, has a council flat, and has paid taxes at least some of the time. But he's told that he doesn't officially exist and is at risk of being deported back to Zambia. There's probably no record of him there either, he's never been there, doesn't know anyone there, he hasn't even ever been able to go out of the UK because he can't get a passport. It took him years to finally get a driving licence. He stopped paying taxes and dropped into the black economy when it looked like he was at risk of deportation. He's spent a fortune on solicitors, trying to get this sorted out but whenever he pops up above the parapet, the government meanies spot him and threaten him with deportation. He keeps finding himself up against brick walls, and bounces from being resigned to this stupidity and just trying to keep his head down, and determination to get it sorted out once and for all.

Hopefully this issue finally getting some publicity will help him and others like him to get some kind of resolution.
Concerned there's a narrative of good immigrant (Windrush invitees) and bad immigrant (everyone else) being allowed to develop around this. The Windrush accidental deportees are just the most glaring outrage of an outrageously racist policy - they are the tip of the iceberg. We need to make sure the argument is widened out at all opportunity.

I suspect my friend will fall foul of this aspect of the story.
It's not that widely known I think but this government has a policy of deporting people *before* their appeals can be heard. They claim appeals can be lodged from wherever you get deported to but in reality this happens very rarely - barely at all in fact. You can imagine the difficulties with doing it if you don't have plenty of resources. It's an atrocious policy, and an example of what happens when the Daily Mail narratives are winning.

This is one of the things the Stansted 15 were protesting btw - currently up on 'terrorism' :rolleyes: charges for preventing a deportation flight taking off.
this leaflet (and accompanying DVD) created by the Home Office for those *cough* accidental deportees exposes the lie of the accidental bit. (found here)

It's really REALLY shameful stuff from this government.

The anxiety alone from being told after 50 odd years of living here that you're here illegally and are due to be deported to Kingston, Jamaica or somewhere where you've got possibly no family whatsoever is shocking. Let alone the fact that this is preventing people in need getting treatment on the NHS or renting somewhere or working.

Utter cunts of a govenment with their short-sightedness in their crackdown on immigration. And I speak as someone who's endured 8 years of immigration nonsense and over 10 grand of expenses just to live with my foreign wife here.
Government now in retreat mode:
Some Windrush immigrants wrongly deported, UK admits
The retreat itself is a sign of how unprincipled they are. The Windrush generation are a coherent group with a place in Britain's 'national story'. It was always going to be a mistake to take them on. However the Home Office will behave just as despicably when it comes to individual migrants and asylum seekers.


This June 22nd marks the 70th anniversary of the arrival of the HMS Empire Windrush to the Port of Tilbury.

The ship brought 492 passengers from Jamaica to the UK, many of whom were ex-servicemen who had fought for Britain in the Second World War, and all were in fact British subjects, rather than ‘migrants’, and as such came with full citizenship rights. It is often forgotten that those who lived under British colonialism only became subject to immigration controls in the UK after 1962.

The Windrush heralded the ‘irresistible rise of multiracial Britain’ and with it sparked debate and discussion about immigration, Britishness and ‘race relations’. The arrival of just a few hundred ‘coloured immigrants’ from the New Commonwealth sparked widespread consternation, despite the fact that many more ‘white’ migrants were arriving during this period. Concerns about ‘coloured immigration’ ultimately led to the implementation and hardening of border controls on those coming from the former colonies, and to the introduction of a descent-based (racial) model of citizenship. In fact, the racialised character of British immigration continues to influence who can move and who can stay in the country, and on what terms.

With this historic moment in mind, Consented brings you Rethinking Windrush, where, over two panel discussions, we will reflect not just on the significance of the Windrush in 1948, but on the legacies of the Windrush today, using the anniversary as an opportunity to discuss race, citizenship and immigration control in Britain, seventy years after the ship’s historic arrival.

Speakers TBA shortly.

This event will take place on the 17th June from 1.00 pm at Birkbeck’s Malet Street campus in room B34.
Concerned there's a narrative of good immigrant (Windrush invitees) and bad immigrant (everyone else) being allowed to develop around this. The Windrush accidental deportees are just the most glaring outrage of an outrageously racist policy - they are the tip of the iceberg. We need to make sure the argument is widened out at all opportunity.
Kenan Malik recently:

"In demonising a figure such as Hopkins, we often give a free pass to politicians and institutions that are far more influential in promoting reactionary ideas, both in policy and in shaping public opinion.

Consider one of her most infamous columns for the Sun, in which she described immigrants as ‘cockroaches’ and called for gunboats to ‘drive them back to their shores’. It was an obnoxious, hate-filled piece that drew a torrent of outrage.

Yet I am always struck by how silent liberals are when it comes to the actual use by European nations of gunboats against refugees and the attempt to wall off Europe by paying millions to the most unsavoury regimes from Turkey to Eritrea to Libya to lock up would-be immigrants in hell-hole detention centres just out of sight of Brussels, Paris and London.

If half the energy expended on denouncing Hopkins had been used to challenge European migration policy, migrants might be in a better place now. But, then, to have done so would not have satisfied the demand for cheap outrage." (My emphasis).

Much is being made of the campaigning journalism of Guardian Writer Amelia Gentleman in getting this stuff into the public sphere. Gentleman is married to Tory minister (and brother of Boris) Jo Johnson - I find it quite hard to reconcile these two things. How is it possible to remain married to a key member of such a cruel government, while at the same time exposing it's cruelty? Is it just a game for these people?
cretinous unthinking behaviour my mum was threatened with deportation having been born in Kenya 70 plus years ago.
retorting but it was part of the Empire back then and:D being white made the idiot apologise and back off.:rolleyes:
technically these people are illegal immigrants but only technically and have been here 30 years plus paying taxes etc et only a complete fuckwit wouldn't sort out their citizenship papers quickly without fuss.

so that's them screwed then:facepalm::mad:
this isn't the home office coming up with an evil plan its unthinking fuckwits being fuckwits and refusing to back down when called on their fuckwittedness.
this isn't the home office coming up with an evil plan its unthinking fuckwits being fuckwits and refusing to back down when called on their fuckwittedness.

Afraid not. This is the result of deliberate policy to make life as uncomfortable and untenable as possible for people with unclear status. No ifs or buts. This is the consequence of persistent media campaigns framing the policies of both Labour and Tory governments. Wankers trying to act tough.
technically these people are illegal immigrants .

Nope. Not even if you believe in 'illegal immigrants'.

But let's assume we are talking about people doing something illegal. Existing in the wrong place with malice aforethought. Why are these people, unique among lawbreakers, required to prove their innocence rather than being treated as innocent until proven guilty?
Kenan Malik recently:

"In demonising a figure such as Hopkins, we often give a free pass to politicians and institutions that are far more influential in promoting reactionary ideas, both in policy and in shaping public opinion.

Consider one of her most infamous columns for the Sun, in which she described immigrants as ‘cockroaches’ and called for gunboats to ‘drive them back to their shores’. It was an obnoxious, hate-filled piece that drew a torrent of outrage.

Yet I am always struck by how silent liberals are when it comes to the actual use by European nations of gunboats against refugees and the attempt to wall off Europe by paying millions to the most unsavoury regimes from Turkey to Eritrea to Libya to lock up would-be immigrants in hell-hole detention centres just out of sight of Brussels, Paris and London.

If half the energy expended on denouncing Hopkins had been used to challenge European migration policy, migrants might be in a better place now. But, then, to have done so would not have satisfied the demand for cheap outrage." (My emphasis).


I’ve always contended that the likes of Hopkins, Littlejohn etc. and other well-known paid gobshites exist as kind of lightening rods for the rage of the left/liberal/progressive masses - obvious reactionary unpleasant idiots to draw out the anger of this group on social media etc. while the actual cunts with power get on with doing shitty stuff unmolested, looking good in comparison. Also helps with the Overton window thing. They’re not just there for page clicks.
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