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The Brixton Citizenship Test

The legendary lock-ins at the Hamilton Arms. LKJ, the landlady (what was her name? there were a couple of women, one lived in Mayall Rd,who practically lived in there and would sometimes have a fight) bringing out sandwiches, the Bill looking through the letterbox and sometimes coming in for a drink...
I used to live opposite on Railton Road. It took us a while to summon up the courage to go in there (we were only 19) but after we did it became a favourite. Soon, we were nipping across the road half dressed with no shoes on to watch the Wednesday night Bond film on their telly or have a game of pool. They had some fat speakers in there if I remember correctly. Can't remember the name of the landlady though, sorry!

It's a shop/newsagents now :(
Sadly, that appears to be the direction a large chunk of central Brixton is currently heading in, at least at weekends.

It does feel very different to me now whenever I go back. I'm amazed and pleased to find myself saying this, but West Norwood has turned out to be a brilliant place to live in. Just nice and small and great mix of people. No sign of any Dalston/Clapham types here yet thankfully...and with no bars/clubs here, there's not much likelihood of any coming any time soon I guess. Suits me just fine.

Can't remember if I said this at the time, but last month I went for a drink on a Thursday at the pleasingly unpopulated Marquis Of Lorne - finally! - and then walked over to Franco Manca's. The crowds in just that bit of the market were incredible. God knows what it was like at t'village.
No sign of any Dalston/Clapham types here yet thankfully...and with no bars/clubs here, there's not much likelihood of any coming any time soon I guess. Suits me just fine..
I wouldn't bank on it. You are, after all, just a short single speed bike ride away!
I used to live opposite on Railton Road. It took us a while to summon up the courage to go in there (we were only 19) but after we did it became a favourite. Soon, we were nipping across the road half dressed with no shoes on to watch the Wednesday night Bond film on their telly or have a game of pool. They had some fat speakers in there if I remember correctly. Can't remember the name of the landlady though, sorry!

It's a shop/newsagents now :(
I liked the Hamilton. A sad loss.
I wouldn't bank on it. You are, after all, just a short single speed bike ride away!

Very true. And Mrs Beeton is a hipster icon, after all. And who wouldn't want to come and look at the everything for a pound type shop that Adele used to live above when she wuz street?
Very true. And Mrs Beeton is a hipster icon, after all. And who wouldn't want to come and look at the everything for a pound type shop that Adele used to live above when she wuz street?


That place reminds me of Robills but not as good
Robills was fabulous.

I still have a set of plastic bowls, made to look as if they are made of lettuce leaves, from Robills. And two massive steel mixing bowls.
This thread forum:

If you've lived in Brixton longer than me/as long as me: you're alright
If you've lived in Brixton less time than me: You're a dickhead who's ruining brixton hipster gentrification hipster gentrification blah blah blah
And since you posted that as your very first post on urban, you can be sure of a warm welcome; here come the locals to light the pyre...
Do you remember Brixton tube before it was refurbished?
Do you remember the record shop in the tube station?
Do you remember dancing man in front of market row?
Do you remember when it was all fields?
Do you remember when the No. 109 used to go a lot further than Brixton?
Do you remember when the 59 used to terminate just off Fleet Street?
Do you remember when the Country Fair was so much better than it is now?
Do you remember the Poll Tax March to Brixton Prison?
Do you remember when the Dole Office was in Coldharbour Lane?
Do you remember when the IRA escaped from the Prison?
Do you remember Robills?

I don't know what Robills was but I pass the rest
This thread forum:

If you've lived in Brixton longer than me/as long as me: you're alright
If you've lived in Brixton less time than me: You're a dickhead who's ruining brixton hipster gentrification hipster gentrification blah blah blah

Nailed it.

You're *not* new around here, are you ;)
Long-time lurker, find this forum's a good source of local news. Just tired of being demonised 'cause I'm
a) young
b) not originally from London
c) a Brixton resident of a mere three years
d) have a job, therefore, I assume, a 'professional'
. . . shop on the corner??

Don't think so. Pretty sure it was nearer the tube. Maybe where Sainsbury's is now? I could be wrong, but if it was on the corner, it would have windows on two sides (unless they were boarded up) and I don't remember windows both sides. I'm wondering if it was where WH Smiths is, but I'm thinking that's too narrow, so must have been Sainsbury's

Someone will come along and tell me it was on the corner now :D
Don't think so. Pretty sure it was nearer the tube. Maybe where Sainsbury's is now? I could be wrong, but if it was on the corner, it would have windows on two sides (unless they were boarded up) and I don't remember windows both sides. I'm wondering if it was where WH Smiths is, but I'm thinking that's too narrow, so must have been Sainsbury's

Someone will come along and tell me it was on the corner now :D

Sainsbury's. It had a magnificent black art deco-y panel above the ground floor level. Or one of those shops did. It was the last shop before the bridge, and the bridge had a sticky out bit underneath which housed a Ravel shoe shop.I can't remember what was right next to the station, now Smiths.
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