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The Brixton Citizenship Test

Are you thinking of Dunns and Colliers by the bridge?
Weren't Dunns and cooliers a bit further towards Atlantic rd? The bit i am thinking of has been demolished, it was a shop that jutted out into the pavement right under the bridge and was a Ravel in about 1986 04 7, I think. Maybe even earlier. Does Ravel even exist these days?
Weren't Dunns and cooliers a bit further towards Atlantic rd? The bit i am thinking of has been demolished, it was a shop that jutted out into the pavement right under the bridge and was a Ravel in about 1986 04 7, I think. Maybe even earlier. Does Ravel even exist these days?

Dunns jutted out. It got burned in one of the riots. Not sure about Ravel. There used to be a Dolcis in Brixton though
The question about hatboy is about this forum, not about Brixton

Nah, not true. Hatboy was/is a total face among the Brixton marginals! Every dosser, junkie, dipso and half-twatted gutter-puker benefitted from Hatboy's friendship and compassionate middle-class chit-chat!!!

Or so he reckoned. ;)
Nah, not true. Hatboy was/is a total face among the Brixton marginals! Every dosser, junkie, dipso and half-twatted gutter-puker benefitted from Hatboy's friendship and compassionate middle-class chit-chat!!!

Or so he reckoned. ;)

Rubbish. I know who that is and I remember him as genuinely kind. And "middle class" is a bit off too. More like charming. You clearly didn't know him.
Rubbish. I know who that is and I remember him as genuinely kind. And "middle class" is a bit off too. More like charming. You clearly didn't know him.

That was a (paraphrased, condensed) self-description, from a thread on Brixton's "marginals" (his word, not mine) by the man himself.
Also, I made no judgement about Mr. B's kindness and charm. From what I remember he was a nice bloke, apart from his occasional descent into playing "more Brixton than thou".

Now, you were saying...? :)
Wonder if oneq aulifies if ones Grandparents lived there. I do remember and have been on the 2B (Grandparents taking us to the zoo). Went to see Mr Pastry at the Empress Theatre in 1964, Puss in Boots. Remember Orange Coaches and the George Canning. Grandfather was secretary of the Effra Conservative Club and we got vegetables from Molly's on Tulse Hill. Parents got married in Corpus Christi on Brixton Hill. Loads of happy childhood memories of Brixton.
Brixton Citizenship Test:

Is squatting
a) a rational response to the housing crisis and the only moral answer to empty stock
b) a criminal act to be dealt with by eviction and swift development by Barratt
c) I remember the day the 121 centre was raided, they did it on the solar eclipse and loads of residents were at Lands End....
Dunns jutted out. It got burned in one of the riots. Not sure about Ravel. There used to be a Dolcis in Brixton though
Dunns Gentlemans' Outfitters was burned in the '85 riots. I still wear a hat from there.
Does anyone know if they still exist? They had branches all over London (and elsewhere?) and were good for chaps' items like belts, wallets, hats.
Wot about: "have you eva been in an inter-racial relationship"-seeing the high level of afro-carribean residents in brixie?
Yes: my partner past/present is/was afro-carib [you are a brixton citizen congrats]
No: never been attracted [citizenship under review]
Wot about: "have you eva been in an inter-racial relationship"-seeing the high level of afro-carribean residents in brixie?
Yes: my partner past/present is/was afro-carib [you are a brixton citizen congrats]
No: never been attracted [citizenship under review]

That's assuming I'm white :hmm:
Wot about: "have you eva been in an inter-racial relationship"-seeing the high level of afro-carribean residents in brixie?
Yes: my partner past/present is/was afro-carib [you are a brixton citizen congrats]
No: never been attracted [citizenship under review]
Can you afford £400k for a 2 bedroom flat? Where can you get your free copy of City AM? Besides Starbucks and Costas, where is the other big UK coffeechain located? How many housing offices have closed down in the last year? Tristram and Jocasta have just rented a flat where? The O2 Academy plays great shows – who sponsored it before? Why have many people who have lived in Brixton for years turned into inverted snobs? Why do most people in Brixton go to Sainsbury's and not that lovely Portuguese delicatessen under the arches? The crackwhores who formerly set up business in Josephine Avenue can now be found in which adjacent street, after the resident's association decided enough is enough and they planted flowerpots at the end of their street? Poor people cannot afford to live in Brixton anymore – where have they moved to?
Wot about: "have you eva been in an inter-racial relationship"-seeing the high level of afro-carribean residents in brixie?
Yes: my partner past/present is/was afro-carib [you are a brixton citizen congrats]
No: never been attracted [citizenship under review]
No, was already in a longterm relationship by the time I moved here, sweetie.
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