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The 7/7 Report

zArk said:
But many survivors want a full-scale public inquiry into why and how the attacks happened - so far resisted by the government.
Do you think many 7/7 survivors are grateful for people like you getting involved with their fight, zArk?
editor said:
Do you think many 7/7 survivors are grateful for people like you getting involved with their fight, zArk?

actually i spoke with 50 of them and they all gave me an icecream and a pat on the back.
detective-boy said:
I would be grateful if you could point out to me my post that you have quoted. I have no recollection of writing the words you attribute to me in the quote.
You know very well that zArk was merely making the point that he wasn't talking to you (albeit in the most childish manner possible).

But either way he's talking out of his arse on that one.

editor said:
Do you think many 7/7 survivors are grateful for people like you getting involved with their fight, zArk?

a liar calling himself zArk said:
actually i spoke with 50 of them and they all gave me an icecream and a pat on the back

Rachel North
and Holly Finch here, calling zArk a liar. On behalf of 7/7 survivors everywhere.

How rum, how not one survivor, injured or bereaved person from 7/7 has appreciated your ''investigation'' or given the slightest credence to your mass-murderer-denying fruitbat claims. In fact, word is, they think you are paranoid ghoulish twats!

Crivens! One might almost 110% agree!


Rach and Holly xx
Jazz - I'd still like to see that e-mail header if you can C&P it into this thread.
TAE said:
Jazz - I'd still like to see that e-mail header if you can C&P it into this thread.
Me too. Maybe the talking terrier's run off with it or buried it in the garden?

That fake-charity clown's website is still going on about his 'false flag' fantasy for three days ago.
Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

As if the credibility of the buffoon with the talking terrier wasn't low enough already, check out the CDs and DVDs his shitty site is flogging - it's UFO-tastic!

NEW" Earth Defence Headquarters - Whistleblower tells all about friendly aliens, hostile aliens, galactic battles and a plethora of other amazing revelations. £10

CD - "NEW" The Windsors and Satanism - James Casbolt, a former MI6 agent, spent 10 yrs investigating & researching the malpractices of his and other government departments, right from the bottom to the very top. His findings were, to put it mildly, very disturbing & almost unbelievably horrifying. £10
NOTE: This is an ideal companion for 'Above Top Secret'.
Hold on.. is he Joe "no facts" Vialls in disguise?
Who Really Murdered Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman? - A most disturbing aspect of this tragic case which has been totally ignored by the mainstream media. £7
NEW" Earth Defence Headquarters - Whistleblower tells all about friendly aliens, hostile aliens, galactic battles and a plethora of other amazing revelations. £10
On a tangent, I seem to remember an interview on TV with some guy who the FBI are after, some kid who broke into US Gov computer systems while smoking 'stuff' at his girlfriend's mom's computer on a dial-up connection. He said that he remembers reading entries about ships which are not in the US navy and off-planet deployments. Apart from the fact that he was stoned at the time it sounded quite convincing, as he was really rather lethargic about the whole thing.
TAE said:
He said that he remembers reading entries about ships which are not in the US navy and off-planet deployments.
Did he mention any "galactic battles"?

PS Did the stoner explain how come the Russians/Brits didn't spot these "off planet" ships and where they've all gone now?
TAE said:
On a tangent, I seem to remember an interview on TV with some guy who the FBI are after, some kid who broke into US Gov computer systems while smoking 'stuff' at his girlfriend's mom's computer on a dial-up connection. He said that he remembers reading entries about ships which are not in the US navy and off-planet deployments. Apart from the fact that he was stoned at the time it sounded quite convincing, as he was really rather lethargic about the whole thing.

That was in the Guardian - the US wanted him deported and tried under terrorist laws.

KeyboardJockey said:
I don't often get out of my pram but why oh why has yet another terrorist thread fucked up by being full of conspiraloons with theirr fact lite drivel.

Here here:)

They're crap aren't they. Just wasted 5 minutes trying to read this thread.

I'm reading the 7/7 report at the mo' and, its a shame really, because there are sometimes folks here with something to say - and they've been drowned out by the obsessives.

Interesting, it seems that Khan and Tanweer were also conspiracy theorists who believed 9/11 was a US plot.

Interesting that the bombers and the conspiracy people have such a convergence of views/interests; one wonders if their social and psychological alienation comes from an equal mix of ethnic disadvantage and economic deprivation?
Sid's Snake said:
Interesting, it seems that Khan and Tanweer were also conspiracy theorists who believed 9/11 was a US plot.

ahhh well i was seeing a girl whos sister spoke out in class after the 9/11 event saying that the official story is non-sense. Their house was visited by CID questioning her and their family. Very scary.
Her father who is in palestine is of the same opinion, but she was dubious unlike her sister.

What you write upon the web will be investigated, a stark warning.

Detectives are searching an internet cafe in Bradford following two arrests under terrorism laws earlier this week.

Interesting that the bombers and the conspiracy people have such a convergence of views/interests; one wonders if their social and psychological alienation comes from an equal mix of ethnic disadvantage and economic deprivation?

Better read up on your psychoanalysis and Said in order to answer that for yourself. Quite a minefield.
zArk said:
Better read up on your psychoanalysis and Said in order to answer that for yourself. Quite a minefield.


I mean I think its got a lot to do with detachment of feelings from any real object that becomes a broader detachment from reality.

Hasib Hussein spent 10 minutes eating a Big Mac meal before boarding the Number 30 bus that day, one wonders what he might have been thinking; but it would probably be very different to what most people would think when they were about to die.

Maybe he was a "visionary?"
Sid's Snake said:

I mean I think its got a lot to do with detachment of feelings from any real object that becomes a broader detachment from reality.

You have a valid question as the logic follows;

Victims are multicultural, multiethnic and multinational
Conspiracy claiming people are multicultural, multiethnic and multinational
The terrorists are ethnocentric groups and dominantly Muslim

all inline with the general publics and medias view

Something is wrong. At no point is it ever suggested or entertained that terrorist groups can be multicultural, multiethnic and multinational.
zArk said:
You have a valid question as the logic follows;

Victims are multicultural, multiethnic and multinational
Conspiracy claiming people are multicultural, multiethnic and multinational
The terrorists are ethnocentric groups and dominantly Muslim

all inline with the general publics and medias view

Something is wrong. At no point is it ever suggested or entertained that terrorist groups can be multicultural, multiethnic and multinational.

Jermaine Lindsay was a Jamaican of, it seems, a different background/ethnicity culture.

Whilst the others were purifying themselves for the sacred attacks Jermaine, it would seem, went the other way. Having acquired the reputation of a devout Muslim Jermaine began hanging out with petty crims - his car was maybe used in a minor robbery - he began to cheat on his wife and start shagging around. I think was planning to/had left him just before, having found out his infedelity.

( His Mum left for the US to live with another man in 2002- when Jermaine was 16 ( and reciting whole passages of the Quaran in a white robe ) this may have had something to do with his sudden and "out of character" decision to start shagging around. )

Khan had also split up with his wife after she refused to wear the veil, having previously married into a British Indian family.

The point I am making is, yes, the 7/7 bombers, it could be argued, were "beyond ethnicity and culture" in that their roots, by the time of their acceptance of al Quida Islam, were so confused it would be very hard to place them.
Sid's Snake said:
Jermaine Lindsay was a Jamaican of, it seems, a different background/ethnicity culture.

Khan had also split up with his wife after she refused to wear the veil, having previously married into a British Indian family.

by the time of their acceptance of al Quida Islam, were so confused it would be very hard to place them.

It is a minefield.

Nationality emerges at points of convience, religion emerges when it suits, *insert country* origin seems important even when the person was born in England and all swept aside under a religious paradigm.

I am sure a 'terrorist profile' is confirmed if Islam is noted yet for Victims and Conspiracy claimants no religion can be used to confirm them.
If a conspiracy claimant was 'Muslim' the profile doesnt alter, instead, i think, the person is classified under 'terrorist suspect'.

Referring back to your question of convergence of views and social alienation i think structured beaurocrasy answers the question apriori.
zArk said:
Referring back to your question of convergence of views and social alienation i think structured beaurocrasy answers the question apriori.


Khan was a trained beaurcrat - low grade civil service, is it that?

Personally I don't buy the "religious" motivation - I would weigh equally socio-economic/ethnic/psychology/relgio-political/psychological....

Not one over the other...

Blair's characterisation of any link to Iraq as an "obscenity" is an inaccurate smokescreen. His behaviour, imho - and that of his parrot ( John Reid ) is indicative of someone in denial, in a personal sense - as to their sense of culpability.
Sid's Snake said:

Khan was a trained beaurcrat - low grade civil service, is it that?

Blair's characterisation of any link to Iraq as an "obscenity" is an inaccurate smokescreen. His behaviour, imho - and that of his parrot ( John Reid ) is indicative of someone in denial, in a personal sense - as to their sense of culpability.

I think intelligence circles, media, politicians thrive upon 'common-sense' knowledge.
It seems that for these sources religious belief is the confirmation of fact when faced with eccletic details especially when 'blame' is to be levied.
Structured discipline to gain results is standard in all fields. Anything that doesnt fit is footnoted but not included in the results.
The beaurocrasy involved is monstrous in quantity but also historical value. One inclusion of a detail that doesnt fit in the model will have the potential to demolish the entire structures validity.
This is why i say that your question is already answered apriori. The beaurocratic model defines and structures immediately, the question can never be posed against the model because it is the machinary for the answer.
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