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The 7/7 Report

sparticus said:
So on the back of watching this film you are ready to denounce the 9/11 truth movement as offensive to the 9/11 families. You should look into the history of the 9/11 truth movement and role of many 9/11 families in it and the questions they were asking before you talk about something you seem to know very little about.

Truth my arse. You wouldn't know the truth if it came up a spat in your face.
nino_savatte said:
Truth my arse. You wouldn't know the truth if it came up a spat in your face.

Have you ever tried to argue with a born again nutter or a scientologist or other cultist?

Thats what it is like arguing with the conspiraloons. :( :rolleyes:

Its not a 'truth movement' it is a religious cult.
KeyboardJockey said:
Have you ever tried to argue with a born again nutter or a scientologist or other cultist?

Thats what it is like arguing with the conspiraloons. :( :rolleyes:

Its not a 'truth movement' it is a religious cult.

Oh aye, it's about as satisfying as trying to discuss anything with L&L. It's a waste of time.
Back on topic well sort of..

Having beena member in the past of an evangelical cultish church I can really see the similarities between the 911 conspiraloons and the street evangalists etc. The whole 'we've got the truth and it you don't believe me you'll go to hell / are a brainwashed sheep ' attitude is virtually the same for both groups.
Donna Ferentes said:
Oh good, let's have Nino derail yet another thread into a childish spat with L&L.

Ah, good auld, two-faced Donna. You simply cannot resist having a go - can you?

Before calling me childish, I would have a good look in the mirror if I were you.
nino_savatte said:
Oh aye, it's about as satisfying as trying to discuss anything with L&L. It's a waste of time.

Another one to add to the list. :rolleyes:

All of these quotes are from threads in which my comments were never directed to Nino before his appearance.

09-11-2005, 02:38 PM:
Projecting again L&L?
*In his best Bill Grundy voice* Go on, say something clever.

17-02-2006, 09:58 AM:
L&L has recently taken to defending rogue yam on another thread. I get the feeling L&L doesn't read posts properly...but I suspect this misreading of posts is deliberate.

17-04-2006, 11:51 AM:
It's a pity that you don't take the advice of your own tagline. I think you'd look good on top of a bonfire.

17-04-2006, 11:54 AM:
Lock & Light (with emphasis on the word "light") a "shitstirrer"? There musht be shome mishtake shurely.

18-04-2006, 12:41 PM:
Tbh, most people should have put you on "ignore" ages ago. When did you last make a proper contribution to a thread?

01-05-2006, 01:19 PM:
I wouldn't bother with L&L, as it is a waste of time.

15-05-2006, 11:10 AM:
Are the people of Tibet going to listen to you? I don't think so...I mean who are you anyway?

19-05-2006, 12:31 PM:
This is as good as it gets with L&L. he doesn't 'do' discussion or debate for fear of being exposed as an intellectual lightweight. (he'd never admit to that, mind) Easier to play the prat than to discuss things in an adult fashion.
Lock&Light said:
I'd like nothing better than that it be left.
Then stop.

And the same goes for nino re: L&L. This is getting really dull and nobody else cares. Both of you put each other on ignore or whatever it takes.
FridgeMagnet said:
Then stop.

And the same goes for nino re: L&L. This is getting really dull and nobody else cares. Both of you put each other on ignore or whatever it takes.

I already have put him on ignore, but he insists on stalking me around the boards. It's been like this since I joined Urban: he's done nothing but snipe and make snide remarks. He accuses others of derailing threads but is more guilty than most of the very things he accuses other of doing.
Right - this is getting silly now and dragging this thread even further off topic.

Please put each other on ignore.

If you continue to argue the toss on this thread, the big temp ban button may have to be wielded.
The people alleged to have been harassing BK by attempting to contact her and her family directly by phone or in person to insult her have been denounced by me amongst others. Who is actually owning up to this harassment? We don't know who they are do we? I have seen no one own up to it. Similarly I do not support people insulting BK as a spook, shill and other such childish evidence free accusations.

But it was the statement by BK

"The bloody loons are planning to picket the cinemas and hand out leaflets claiming 9/11 was a lie; after seeing that film I don't think anyone could not be moved. All this conspiracy theories bullshit, have you ever thought of how offensive they are to the families of those who died? Do you care?"

that claims that all those challenging the 9/11 official account are 'bloody loons' that I object to. There are many relatives of 9/11 victims who support the 9/11 truth movement (for example http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20041026093059633).

So BK and others, are you calling me a conspiraloon and if so on what evidence?
sparticus said:
So BK and others, are you calling me a conspiraloon and if so on what evidence?
I think you're a conspiraloon based on your postings here over the years. Your one-tracked willingness to enthusiastically promote anything that points to an exciting 9/11 conspiracy - without any credibly sourced data - is enough for me.

That's my opinion. You Are One Of Them.

Well those that appear to be denouncing the whole 9/11 truth movement as 'bloody loons' should expect those of us who are not 'loony' and who don't rely on pods, holograms or cabals of lizards to make our case to challenge you. The 9/11 truth movement cannot be honestly dismissed as just a bunch of conspiraloons.
It's this insistence that you are part of a "truth movement" that gets me. You're no more adept at the truth than the average politician.
sparticus said:
The 9/11 truth movement cannot be honestly dismissed as just a bunch of conspiraloons.

The 9/11 'truth' movement has become irretrievably contaminated by the conspiraloons.
editor said:
I think you're a conspiraloon based on your postings here over the years. Your one-tracked willingness to enthusiastically promote anything that points to an exciting 9/11 conspiracy - without any credibly sourced data - is enough for me.

That's my opinion. You Are One Of Them.


Well that's your opinion but it's a bullshit opinion. I've given you credibly sourced information principally about the intelligence and air defense failiures.

Care to show me where I have made 'loony, evidence free posts'
sparticus said:
Care to show me where I have made 'loony, evidence free posts'
Sorry, far more important things to do!

Haven't you got another UK 9/11 fruitloop film premiere for one (non paying) customer to plan or something?

Who are you quoting there, btw?
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