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Tell me about Spotify for my teenage daughter please.


Member Since: 1985 Post Count: 3
My daughter wants Spotify to listen to. She says specifically for listening to when she is doing her art exam this thursday and friday. Don't ask me why it has to be spotify.
She want's to sign up for a free months trial then quit (though I assume she has to input her credit card to do so).
She can't get wifi at school and I don't really want her streaming on her/my pay as you go, but she says she can just download two days worth of songs and listen to them offline without the internet. Is that possible? Can she just download a load of stuff for free? If that is right could she not spend a month downloading millions and millions of tracks and then just quit? Get it all for free?

My main question. Is there anything to be aware of/lookout for?
I thought Spotify was free if you are OK with adverts.
You pay a sub so you don't get adverts between tracks.
There are as you know ways to download music without having to have a Spotify sub.

Edit: I just asked OH and he said a Spotify sub doesn't allow you to download anything, you still stream it but ad free.
It is free, but the advertising is of course a nuisance. I wouldn't pay for it though.
Also isn't the audio quality lower standard on the free platform? Not really noticable to my mind
Sorry, am having communication problems with the OH who is half asleep - he says with some subscriptions you can download stuff for offline use as long as your sub is active as others have said.
My daughter wants Spotify to listen to. She says specifically for listening to when she is doing her art exam this thursday and friday. Don't ask me why it has to be spotify.
She want's to sign up for a free months trial then quit (though I assume she has to input her credit card to do so).
She can't get wifi at school and I don't really want her streaming on her/my pay as you go, but she says she can just download two days worth of songs and listen to them offline without the internet. Is that possible? Can she just download a load of stuff for free? If that is right could she not spend a month downloading millions and millions of tracks and then just quit? Get it all for free?

My main question. Is there anything to be aware of/lookout for?

The trial will be a premium subscription.

She can download what she likes and listen to it offline until the premium subscription has ended.
i pay for it - £10 a month for pretty much every song ever recorded whenever and wherever you want to hear it. Its less than I used to spend on vinyl and cds. I don't have any issues with it - and its a great way of discovering new music.
I pay a tenner a month and I think my kids also have access to it (but I can't be sure of that. I dont think they do a Netflix thing, but because their phones are linked to mine they can access it).
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As others have said…
Tenner a month. Download stuff to listen offline while (for eg) on a train/plane journey, or walking, or doing art. Memory capacity might be an issue here.

One of my favourite things is when I play an LP and then at the end Spotify takes hints from my declared choices (liked songs, searches etc) and throws a bunch of new bands and tracks and LPs at me. Found a lot of new music that way and also tracks I didn’t know from bands I know.

And pals can drop me links to tracks and bands via Spotify really easily too.

Spotify also provides discographies and other artists connected with the band, their own tips and picks too. And tour dates (if the band has bothered to make that information available…. not all the bands I follow advertise their bloody gigs). So I can gen up really easily, and that also informs my algorithms in a useful way

And there are loads of podcasts and audiobooks on there too.

I also like how, if something elsewhere catches my interest I can immediately flip to Spotify and have a listen. (Like, I was reading something and it referenced Adriano Celentano and I‘d never heard of him and Spotify instantly filled in that gap for me.)

I also like the way it automatically flips from one device to another, so I’ll be listening to something, then as I leave the house and shut down my laptop my phone then asks if I want to continue listening. All without the wretched adverts. I tried it for free but the ads drove me mad,

I also use Bandcamp and Soundcloud and Mixcloud. Make sure yoyr daughter knows about these places too ATOMIC SUPLEX

The business model is shitty for the artists though.
How does the app know your subscription has ended if you have downloaded tunes and are using them offline?
It checks every time it goes online and you have to online every 30 days for the offline music to keep working.
So you could get a months free subscription, download a load of songs, then never go on line ever again and get a bonus 30 days free?
I think so yes, although have never tried it. I also don't know if thr offline switch on the app stops it phoning home to check subscriptions or just stops it downloading music.
I think so yes, although have never tried it. I also don't know if thr offline switch on the app stops it phoning home to check subscriptions or just stops it downloading music.
Well I was just thinking about being on a plane or in school where you can't use wifi to tickle the internet to let the app know you are legit.
£5.99 for students btw - Premium for Students
OK maybe.
Just pay £10 a month for her?
Is this a 'don't be a stingy bastard' post?
I am not particularly enamoured by their business model and would personally prefer to 'own' the songs I wanted to keep. However it is something that my daughter has specifically asked for so I wanted to look further into it. She needs it to be fully offline, so I just wanted to check.
I guess we can give it the one month trial and see where we go after that.

It's personally not my bag, BUT if I do pay for it is it something we could share as a family like Netflix? For listening to pod casts etc.?
Well I was just thinking about being on a plane or in school where you can't use wifi to tickle the internet to let the app know you are legit.

I guess there's a possibility you could eek out some more free days if you were offline but I think it needs to routinely check every day or few days.

I've got a premium subscription and have downloaded some tracks and occasionally on the tube it won't let me play them until it can verify I'm still subscribed. I can't work out how often that check needs doing. Sometimes it works fine, and sometimes it won't play until it gets a signal.
I think this is getting overcomplicated.

  • Your daughter can do what she needs for a month-ish with a trial account.
  • Set a reminder on a calendar somewhere to cancel this.
  • I wouldn't rely on getting any extra days. If she needs to do this, get another free trial with some bullshit email address you've created specifically for this purpose. Change the user's name and you'll need to use a different payment card I think, or it'll catch on (cmiiaw).
  • You could share the trial but you may as well just sign up for a trial on your own device(s).
  • You can listen to podcasts with a free account - this adds the occasional advert iirc (I pay now) - but they were not madly intrusive and usually at the start of the podcast. The free version limits the amount of track skips or ffwds in music - I assume this is the same in podcasts to ensure we fuckers listen to the adverts
  • Read this too about free version Play free on mobile - Spotify
  • Spotikeep may help your daughter/you/familiy - How to Get Spotify Premium for Free Forever [2022 Guide]
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