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"Ted Heath with an Instagram account"

I’m as much in the dark as I was at the outset of this quest.

Maybe we can play “who was chancellor when you were the same age as Rachel Reeves was when Nigel Lawson was chancellor?” (4-10).

For me it was Roy Jenkins, Iain MacLeod, Anthony Barber, Denis Healey.

Geoffrey Howe then Nigel Lawson. But despite that widely-known metric of having one of the same chancellors when we were at primary school, I have no idea what she means.
So much to unpack here!

First, clearly her 'joke' was that Sunak, far from being the uber-Thatcherite Chancellor, and Tory hero, Nigel Lawson of his own mind; was instead more of a Tony Barber - Heath's ill-fated Chancellor 1970-74 who lives in Tory/Thatcherite demonology for the Barber-boom and general failure (particularly over inflation) followed by two election defeats in a year (Feb and Oct 1974).

Second, this may be considered 'smart' by the sort of people who now run Labour - associating the current administration with the failed Heath government and the high inflation of the 1970s. And, bearing in mind their obsession with the pensioner vote, maybe even meaningful to anyone over the age of 60.

Third, as this was a dig that most Tory MPs would understand (particularly those of a certain age), it may have appealed to Reeves and her minders as just the kind of Parliamentary 'performance' that counts for the sort of people who think that politics is like an edition of the West Wing and part of the 'great game' at Westminster.

But of course the sad reality is that her 'joke' is completely meaningless for anyone who isn't a Parliamentary anorak, over the age of 50 or the sort of bizarre, and often sad, people who are attracted to Labour centrist politics. In the midst of the biggest cost of living crisis for decades, she offers us a bon mot about a Tory Prime Minister that left office 48 years ago and a Tory Chancellor who did the same 15 years later!

Meanwhile, the latest polls suggest more people trust the Tories with the economy than Labour, with 48% saying 'don't know' or 'neither'. Judged on this performance, who can blame them!

PS. Her abject performance (already inevitably lauded by the Guardian) brought to mind Denis Healey's famous retort to another Shadow Chancellor - 'like being savaged by a dead sheep.' Except that both Healey and his target (Geoffrey Howe) were genuinely men of stature who were quite capable of facing up to the great crises and issues of their time (whatever you may think about their politics or policies, and I opposed both).

PPS. I met Ted Heath once, but I was very pissed.
I think Heath would be more likely to have a Grindr account if he was still about today. Or be on Twitter with a FBPE hashtag on his account

And my chancellors for the critical aged 4-10 time period were Lawson, Major, Lamont. Not one of Motown’s better songwriting teams.
I think Heath would be more likely to have a Grindr account if he was still about today. Or be on Twitter with a FBPE hashtag on his account

And my chancellors for the critical aged 4-10 time period were Lawson, Major, Lamont. Not one of Motown’s better songwriting teams.
For a long time I thought FBPE was a plastic polymer. I had worked out the accounts with that in their account name were twats long before I knew what it was.
the delivery of the zinger is quite something too. Reminiscent of Theresa May

Jesus fuck, I can't believe Reeves has made me feel a moment of empathy with Boris Johnson there, but I feel like his "what the fuck is this all about then?" look seems like a reasonable response to that.
What does it stand for if it's not fluorobenzene polyesterase?
Full Bastard Public Enemy, obv.
She said: today we've got an energy price crisis, record prices at the pumps, inflation is back... the truth is, he's not Nigel Lawson, he's Ted Heath with an instagram account

I guess all those things were hot issues during Heath's term in office, and as the whole harking back to the 70s thing has worked so well as an attack line against Labour for the last 40 years maybe she thinks it'll work against the tories too?
An 'energy crisis' was the only thing I could think of, that vaguely works. But inflation was rampant under Lawson too, at various points, so the whole thing doesn't really make sense.
But of course the sad reality is that her 'joke' is completely meaningless for anyone who isn't a Parliamentary anorak, over the age of 50 or the sort of bizarre, and often sad, people
well, that's me that is, but it still makes no bloody sense
So much to unpack here!

First, clearly her 'joke' was that Sunak, far from being the uber-Thatcherite Chancellor, and Tory hero, Nigel Lawson of his own mind; was instead more of a Tony Barber - Heath's ill-fated Chancellor 1970-74 who lives in Tory/Thatcherite demonology for the Barber-boom and general failure (particularly over inflation) followed by two election defeats in a year (Feb and Oct 1974).

Second, this may be considered 'smart' by the sort of people who now run Labour - associating the current administration with the failed Heath government and the high inflation of the 1970s. And, bearing in mind their obsession with the pensioner vote, maybe even meaningful to anyone over the age of 60.

Third, as this was a dig that most Tory MPs would understand (particularly those of a certain age), it may have appealed to Reeves and her minders as just the kind of Parliamentary 'performance' that counts for the sort of people who think that politics is like an edition of the West Wing and part of the 'great game' at Westminster.

But of course the sad reality is that her 'joke' is completely meaningless for anyone who isn't a Parliamentary anorak, over the age of 50 or the sort of bizarre, and often sad, people who are attracted to Labour centrist politics. In the midst of the biggest cost of living crisis for decades, she offers us a bon mot about a Tory Prime Minister that left office 48 years ago and a Tory Chancellor who did the same 15 years later!

Meanwhile, the latest polls suggest more people trust the Tories with the economy than Labour, with 48% saying 'don't know' or 'neither'. Judged on this performance, who can blame them!

PS. Her abject performance (already inevitably lauded by the Guardian) brought to mind Denis Healey's famous retort to another Shadow Chancellor - 'like being savaged by a dead sheep.' Except that both Healey and his target (Geoffrey Howe) were genuinely men of stature who were quite capable of facing up to the great crises and issues of their time (whatever you may think about their politics or policies, and I opposed both).

PPS. I met Ted Heath once, but I was very pissed.

Perfect explanation.
She said: today we've got an energy price crisis, record prices at the pumps, inflation is back... the truth is, he's not Nigel Lawson, he's Ted Heath with an instagram account

I guess all those things were hot issues during Heath's term in office, and as the whole harking back to the 70s thing has worked so well as an attack line against Labour for the last 40 years maybe she thinks it'll work against the tories too?

Sleaford Mods lyrics spring to mind.

The rulers don't care it's still the 70's
And they laugh at our ugly double denim
We are the wooden horses on wooden race courses at fairs
The top prize is damaged organs and nobody cares
Death before your contact extension, puke on you
They will assist in matters that don't fucking interest you
Probably a word salad failing to emulate pound shop Enoch Powell either that or Sanaa has got a really noncy instagram otherwise no makes no sensense to me either
I think there's really only one way to settle this: Sunak needs to have a daughter called Risha Sunak and get her a cooking programme, and only at that point will we truly be able to judge whether he's Nigel Lawson or not.
the delivery of the zinger is quite something too. Reminiscent of Theresa May

Ok so I've now seen the full context. Setting aside the ... delivery (and Theresa May is spot on), there's no getting around the fact that she is saying that the Thatcher government was better than the Heath government. Should be making 4 million people unemployed like Howe/Lawson did. As someone said above, Heath was a bit too much of a lefty for New New Labour.
Ok so I've now seen the full context. Setting aside the ... delivery (and Theresa May is spot on), there's no getting around the fact that she is saying that the Thatcher government was better than the Heath government. Should be making 4 million people unemployed like Howe/Lawson did. As someone said above, Heath was a bit too much of a lefty for New New Labour.
I think it's a by-product of opposition by zinger rather than actual approval for Thatcher's government. Being charitable. It's a great example of why opposition by zinger is pretty shit too.
It's a crap insult, anyone under 40 probably has no idea who Heath was , and arguably who Lawson is (apart from being Nigella's dad ) . Who writes their speeches ? They need to sack their arses & get decent speech writers.
I think it's a by-product of opposition by zinger rather than actual approval for Thatcher's government. Being charitable. It's a great example of why opposition by zinger is pretty shit too.
Accidental approval for Thatcher's government is in some ways worse. How on earth can you get yourself into such a muddle that you end up accidentally praising Thatcher?
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