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Tax return blues - would a bit of solidarity help?

HMRC have announced this morning that they won't be charging a late filing penalty of £100 if you haven't managed to file your Tax Return by 31st January. Instead, Tax Returns will have to be filed by 28th February to avoid a penalty.

Any tax that would be payable is still due by 31st January so interest will start running from this date even if you haven't yet calculated the liabilities.

I missed that, and I've spent the day filling mine in when I really can't spare the time this week. Bastards!
Finished mine just now, even though I can't find my P45 - I actually have the figures for income, tax paid and taxable benefits from when I was on PAYE, so all I needed to do was find the employer VAT reference from old payslips and that was fine. (I've not submitted it yet though as I will have another search for my P45 just to double check, but those figures actually came from HMRC so I think they should line up.)

That satisfying feeling of doing yourself out of a grand for being honest about self employment. Ah well.

At least I can feel a bit smug for doing it early.
Humm my own calculations have me owing £200 or so more than the HMRC is asking me for. Payment went out yesterday but HMRC not updated. Hopefully I can view my updated account details today or tomorrow and if there has been some mistake form either side.
At least the return is submitted.
Fair play to you for double-checking they're asking for the right amount. They could tell me any figure at all - it'd have to be more than I actually earned before I noticed something was wrong.
Humm my own calculations have me owing £200 or so more than the HMRC is asking me for. Payment went out yesterday but HMRC not updated. Hopefully I can view my updated account details today or tomorrow and if there has been some mistake form either side.
At least the return is submitted.

If you look at the detailed calculation breakdown on the hmrc site it should be relatively easy to see where the divergence is coming from.
Mine's done. It was a tedious job but next year's will be easier (not so much travelling and incurring expenses for work).

Although my computer did shut down randomly as I was doing the file uploads, fortunately I have a spare laptop to use. Main computer is 10 years old so overheats on occasion,

Hurrah, it's done!
When I did my tax return for 2019/20, as I was way under my personal allowance (I had something like 3 months part time work as a self employed sub-contractor on an exploitatively low day rate and no other income that year) I transferred the allowed amount of £1,250 of my personal tax allowance to my husband.

Does anyone know how this works in terms of him either getting a rebate for that tax year or having his tax code adjusted? They said he had underpaid tax for the year at that time and they subsequently adjusted his payments via PAYE for the 20/21 year, ofc he was already paying that off before I had even done my tax return for the year in question.

His PAYE is often all over the place because he has more than 1 employer (part time permanent work with one employer plus agency work that isn't a set number of hours or set £ per hour) so he often gets notices that he owes some tax or is due a rebate.

At what point, if any, should I chase up whether the portion of my allowance that is due to be transferred to him has been made and necessary adjustments to his PAYE or rebate calculated?
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Was this transferred via marriage allowance?

If so his PAYE coding should have a M suffix. This can be checked via a payslip or his govt gateway HMRC account.

I believe it needs to be applied for / renewed each year. Other posters will know more.
Was this transferred via marriage allowance?

If so his PAYE coding should have a M suffix. This can be checked via a payslip or his govt gateway HMRC account.

I believe it needs to be applied for / renewed each year. Other posters will know more.

Oh thanks, he does have an M suffix for 2018/19 (I had to grab a payslip to get his NI number to allocate some of my personal allowance for 20/21 when I was doing that and an old one was nearby and had the M suffix). So presumably it will be applied during the year whenever - he'll still end up with his PAYE being all over the place, but it should help a bit.

I have to do self assessment so when applicable I check the box to say that I haven't earned up to my personal allowance and that I want to transfer some of my allowance to my husband - I've not earned more than my personal allowance in years and always transfer a portion to my husband
I can’t remember if it carries forward each tax year, I’ve never claimed it but I do see it on a day to day basis.

Any PAYE work you do should be taxed using a coding with an N suffix as you are transferring the allowance to your husband.
I can’t remember if it carries forward each tax year, I’ve never claimed it but I do see it on a day to day basis.

Any PAYE work you do should be taxed using a coding with an N suffix as you are transferring the allowance to your husband.

I am not doing any PAYE work, just very very casual self employed stuff (a couple of jobs a year at most, and on a self employed basis so I invoice the client or contractor for my time) so I don't get a payslip or a P60.

But he is on PAYE so I assume any payslip he gets with the suffix M means it is being taken into account?
Ah balls, I was hoping he might be due a lump sum rebate - ah well never mind :D

It's probably just confusing the issue as far as his varying PAYE goes - will wait and see whether he gets a demand for payment from HMRC for the year that just ended - at least my personal allowance offset should help a bit. I don't think low paid agency/multi-employer workers are done any favours, it can be difficult to work out what is your primary employment etc. Maybe he should just register his head office in Jersey or something :D
My employment last year was a bit messy, had PAYE from 4 employers but none concurrently, I’ve worked out I am due a few hundred quid back as one employer had me on Basic Rate incorrectly.

When I logged into my government gateway account this week, there was a message which stated “we will adjust your coding if necessary, this will be between June and October, don’t contact us”. I have heard the awful HMRC music enough for one life as part of my job so I will give it a few months.
OH got a cheque for £150 rebate, with my £460 overpayment being refunded this is the most financial good news we've had in ages. (I knew about my overpayment though because I keep my own records, he is on PAYE and his rebate was a nice surprise)
He's got 2 more letters off HMRC delivered yesterday, I assume one of them is his P60 for 20/21 but the other one is alarming. Hope it is another cheque rather than an "actually you owe us" letter.
P60 would be from employer not HMRC

Which employer though? That is a hot mess for him, which is why he gets "here's a cheque" followed by "here's a payment demand" from HMRC.
I think his P60 has come direct from HMRC the last few years
Each employer should send a P60 it should state their PAYE Reference. Maybe it’s the HMRC summary of all earnings - SA302?
We'll see when he opens the envelopes, we are having a phone crisis right now, then we need to go and vote, then sleep, then he needs to get back up in 5 hours to go back to work.

(I know some people are surprised that folks don't open their post right away, but some folks have the benefit of a much more ordered and sane life than others)
I wouldn’t expect many employers send P60 forms by post these days, and if the payslips don’t come by post then the P60s almost certainly won’t.

That said I’ve not opened my own post for a few days
As part of my self-assessment i need to upload a pdf file. On every other website that lets you upload pdf files this is easy - you select the file and click “upload”, and it uploads it.

Not so on the HMRC site. When I click upload it says “The upload service is currently unavailable” and gives a support phone number. So in the text box at the end for additional information i’ve said that if they want a paper copy of the document they should write to me. Twats.
As part of my self-assessment i need to upload a pdf file. On every other website that lets you upload pdf files this is easy - you select the file and click “upload”, and it uploads it.

Not so on the HMRC site. When I click upload it says “The upload service is currently unavailable” and gives a support phone number. So in the text box at the end for additional information i’ve said that if they want a paper copy of the document they should write to me. Twats.
Really? is submitting a PDF something new? Ive never been asked to submit anything other than numbers, and not very many of them. They just seem to leave all that stuff for 'if they need to contact you and see your records'.
Really? is submitting a PDF something new? Ive never been asked to submit anything other than numbers, and not very many of them. They just seem to leave all that stuff for 'if they need to contact you and see your records'.

It's just part of one of the supplementary sections that a lot of people won't need to complete.
First time I won't be filling on 31/01 as I did it for my final SEISS grant.
Helped a couple of friends who were paying an accountant £90 each to enter their own calculations (not bad for 20 minutes work) and will probably help another one in the same situation.
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