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Take down your 'castle', twat told


Fuckin hobbitsez lord of the rings freaks:rolleyes:
Get planning permission like the rest of us have to:mad:

I've got an allotment. It doesn't mean I can build the dungeon of my dreams on it though:mad:
maybe you should though, there's three potential inmates calling out to be caged
If the green belt weren't protected the whole of the south east would slowly become one big urban/suburban area. The same thing has happened in China and the US. A metropolis ends up as a megalopolis - the gaps between London and Brighton and Reading and Luton would all get filled in. It would be interesting if we just let it happen. The economy would become even more concentrated in the South East than it is now. There'd be a housing boom. The housing shortage would end. Values in the sticks would crash. You'd be able to go and live pretty well on benefits in remote countryside oop North or in Wales or somewhere. You could buy a field for fifty quid, built an earthship for nothing, live off-grid and relax. Like they do in the desert in the US. But with a welfare state.

What welfare state?
Built in 2002, he's had a good 13 years of use so far.

I wonder if he applied for planning permission in the first place if he would've got it. It doesn't look like a complete eyesore to me.
Anyone know what the Anarchist position on this would be??
Preserve the building but give it to people. What you have here is a capitalist cunt who thought he was above the law & a council who cares only what the scenery looks like. The result is the demolition of a perfectly good building. Anarchists would place the capitalist against the nearest wall & kill him in the face, tear down the whole rotten edifice of the (presumably Tory controlled?)council & give the building to its rightful owners, the people.
Normally I'd say preserve the building but evict the cunt who built it and turn it into social housing, but this particular building is just too fugly to live.
Normally I'd say preserve the building but evict the cunt who built it and turn it into social housing, but this particular building is just too fugly to live.
I am not an Anarchist but this sounds about right to me and I am pretty sure that someone could be persuaded to take it on e.g if the alternative was 60s high-rise accommodation.
Built in 2002, he's had a good 13 years of use so far.

I wonder if he applied for planning permission in the first place if he would've got it. It doesn't look like a complete eyesore to me.

Very much doubt it. Green belt land with agricultural use only restrictions. Would take a government hell bent on supporting friends in the construction industry and with an interest in value gains to their land portfolio to twist planning laws sufficiently to permit that sort of thing.
Anyone know what the Anarchist position on this would be??

There isn't necessarily an "anarchist position" (we're not ideologically-homogeneous). It would probably depend entirely on circumstances. For example, if the farmer had built the house to provide living space for a load of kids and relatives who'd otherwise be homeless, then some anarchists - pragmatists - would say "leave the house alone, it provides shelter for 20+ people", If the farmer built it purely for cock-stroking self-aggrandisement, though, as an anarchist I'd suggest that he be removed from the property to a small flat, and that the "castle" be utilised by a (much) larger household.
Built in 2002, he's had a good 13 years of use so far.

I wonder if he applied for planning permission in the first place if he would've got it. It doesn't look like a complete eyesore to me.

From what I recall, he started the construction duplicitously (building behind a massive hayrick he did have permission for), and always intended to present the "castle" to planning authorities as a fait accompli
From what I recall, he started the construction duplicitously (building behind a massive hayrick he did have permission for), and always intended to present the "castle" to planning authorities as a fait accompli

I think you might get retroactive permission for putting up an outside shitter, or an extension. Something small. But a bloody castle? the council will not be mocked
From what I recall, he started the construction duplicitously (building behind a massive hayrick he did have permission for), and always intended to present the "castle" to planning authorities as a fait accompli

Something about if you build something and no one notices or moans for 4 or 5 years you can keep it up.

Hiding it behind stacks of hay doesn't count.

The silly cunt.
I like both those houses, if the neighbours don't complain (reasonable complaints mind you, not just jealous) then let them stay up. Planing law is as much of an ass as the rest of the law.
Preserve the building but give it to people. What you have here is a capitalist cunt who thought he was above the law & a council who cares only what the scenery looks like. The result is the demolition of a perfectly good building. Anarchists would place the capitalist against the nearest wall & kill him in the face, tear down the whole rotten edifice of the (presumably Tory controlled?)council & give the building to its rightful owners, the people.

My limited experience of structures built by twats who ignore planning permission is that they almost invariably proceed with equal contempt for all other aspects of the building, sanitation, electrical and other safety regs. Resulting in shabbily-built, insanitary, unsafe dumps that you couldn't house anybody in if you had any kind of duty of care.

And even where retrospective permission is a possibilty, they still often need substantial and expensive remediation or even substantial rebuilding, to the point where it might well be arguable that demolition and rebuilding elsewhere would be cheaper and more efficent. :(

See also "Agricultural" buildings - where people use the much lower/laxer standards of permission/building control for working buildings on working farms to sneak through residential property.
It should up to the individual twat if they want to live in a shithole. Any property is only of value if it is saleable.
I'm sure it would depend upon how well he bribed lunched the planning committee.

A few years back, one of our senior planning technicians retired. His last major job was preparing a major revamp to joint aspects of city/shire local plans.

Shortly after, he resurfaced as the head of a "planning consultancy" - punting mostly housing schemes on plots of land that had somehow dropped-off the new plan and were no longer considered greenbelt or protected in any other way. :mad:
another rich twat messing with a nice house

Newport Crown Court heard how Kim Davies, 60, had made extensive changes after buying the house in 2007, wrecking its Regency features and replacing them with modern and mock-Tudor ones. One bedroom had been converted into a bathroom fitted with a mosaic-carved Jacuzzi.

At an earlier hearing in Abergavenny Magistrates Court which could not be reported until now for legal reasons, Carl Harrison, for Brecon Beacons National Park Authority (BBNPA), said Davies had destroyed the character of the Grade II listed building – one of the top 9% of listed buildings in Wales.
I have just read that the local authority have so far spent over £50,000 contesting this.
I doubt that anyone would be so dump as to buy it without the necessary consents/planning permissions being in place.
Could it not be used for setting up a self sufficiency commune.
It's not been built in the most attractive part of the world; from what I remember, Salfords is the back end of Redhill,
which itself is not the most attractive town in the country.
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