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Supreme Court Ruling time again

He is pretty prominent. Though I think the main reason I knew about him is because he's part of a standard cautionary tale you get in UK legal education... We didn't fully abolish marital rape until 1991 (arguably 2003 when it was written into legislation) because no government could quite get around to legislating it out of existence, and the case law on it went back to Hale.

Yes, Hale is pretty prominent in US legal education. The US didn't start to abolish marital rape until 1974. The last state finally abolished its legality in1993.
Yes, Hale is pretty prominent in US legal education. The US didn't start to abolish marital rape until 1974. The last state finally abolished its legality in1993.

Yeah there was so much snark in your post I couldn't quite work out the parameters of it :D

Just an appalling piece of shit though. Both of them.
even politicians can be widely-read and make cogent points. for example, obama's a former professor.

can you point to an opinion of an alito or a roberts or any of them and say "here is where the problem is?" the reason i hesitate to judge the justices is because i can't. talk about going against "type":

so even the "liberals" went with it.
can you point to an opinion of an alito or a roberts or any of them and say "here is where the problem is?" the reason i hesitate to judge the justices is because i can't. talk about going against "type":

so even the "liberals" went with it.
yes, every single one of them

so even the "liberals" went with it.

NYT had some interesting context on that

Much has changed since the Supreme Court’s decision in the Hardison case in 1977, when religious liberty was largely a liberal cause and when the typical plaintiff was a member of a religious minority. In the Hardison case, involving an adherent of the Worldwide Church of God who wanted to observe a Saturday Sabbath, the two dissenting justices were liberal lions.

Justice Thurgood Marshall, joined by Justice William J. Brennan Jr., wrote that the “de minimis” standard adopted by the majority “makes a mockery of the statute,” adding that plain English did not support that interpretation of the phrase “undue hardship.”

The sums at issue in 1977 were “far from staggering: $150 for three months,” Justice Marshall wrote, adding: “To conclude that TWA, one of the largest air carriers in the nation, would have suffered undue hardship had it done anything more defies both reason and common sense.”

He called on the court to reverse course. “All Americans will be a little poorer until today’s decision is erased,” he wrote.

this'll be a scary one

The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to review a federal law that bars an individual subject to a domestic violence restraining order from possessing a firearm, adding a major Second Amendment case to next term’s docket.

A federal appeals court invalidated the law in March in an opinion that critics said will make it easier for domestic abusers to obtain firearms.
For fuck's sake. These pieces of absolute filth want to make sure that firearms are able to easily enter/remain in the hands of potential family annihilators. They're so revolting.
Looks like the scum bags got up early this morning.

Interesting background to the second case: Key document may be fake in LGBTQ+ rights case before US supreme court
it sounds like they were ready

On Friday morning, the Supreme Court ruled Biden's initial plan to cancel up to $20,000 in student debt was an overreach of authority under the HEROES Act of 2003. That law gives the Education Secretary the ability to waive or modify student-loan balances in connection with a national emergency, like COVID-19, but the high court's majority ruled it was not the proper law to get relief to millions of borrowers.

Hours after the ruling, Biden announced his administration will be taking a new route. The Education Department filed a notice on Friday to begin the regulatory process of using the Higher Education Act of 1965 to cancel student debt, which does not require relying on a national emergency.

This case wouldn't usually even having standing until the Supreme Court loosened the requirements in a recent case. Sadly, this particular case won't get thrown out on the basis of fraud, but the lawyer who brought the case could be disbarred. I think that's unlikely too, because the right is quite happy with the result and don't care how they got there.
This case wouldn't usually even having standing until the Supreme Court loosened the requirements in a recent case. Sadly, this particular case won't get thrown out on the basis of fraud, but the lawyer who brought the case could be disbarred. I think that's unlikely too, because the right is quite happy with the result and don't care how they got there.
I heard on one of the news outlets (don't recall which) that an appeal might be in the offing as this is a rule on a hypothetical and SC can only deliberate and pass judgement on a case that is active and where actual harm is demonstrated....
I heard on one of the news outlets (don't recall which) that an appeal might be in the offing as this is a rule on a hypothetical and SC can only deliberate and pass judgement on a case that is active and where actual harm is demonstrated....

They'd have to agree to take the case and I find that (sadly) unlikely.
a good day so far.

but for noo yorkas on non-market rental programs (whoever could that include) the big news is:

a good day so far.

but for noo yorkas on non-market rental programs (whoever could that include) the big news is:

They also told Marjorie Taylor Greene and friends to suck up their mask fines

Two of the judges currently deciding whether Trump can be tried for inciting an insurrection:

An American flag was photographed hanging upside down at the Virginia home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in January 2021, weeks after the Jan. 6 protests, the New York Times reported on Thursday...

According to U.S. code for the flag, the flag should never be displayed upside down "except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property."
Some Trump supporters displayed upside-down American flags in support of Trump following the 2020 presidential election, the Times said.

Conservative activist Virginia Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, has agreed to participate in a voluntary interview with the House panel investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection, her lawyer said Wednesday... The extent of Thomas’ involvement ahead of the Capitol attack is unknown. She has said in interviews that she attended the initial pro-Trump rally the morning of Jan. 6 but left before Trump spoke and the crowds headed for the Capitol.

It's insane that Biden hasn't stuffed the Supreme Court like Trump did to reverse the insane decisions they've made. And hasn't taken on the churches at least to tax any that make political statements. And tackle the propaganda put out by Musk et al. And make some of the worst activities of the state republicans into federal offences. All that has been clearly needed since before he even became president.
this'll be a scary one

The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to review a federal law that bars an individual subject to a domestic violence restraining order from possessing a firearm, adding a major Second Amendment case to next term’s docket.

A federal appeals court invalidated the law in March in an opinion that critics said will make it easier for domestic abusers to obtain firearms.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was of the opinion that anyone who wants a gun in the US would be able to get one, legally or otherwise.
Nope DV is one of the few things that can stop you getting a firearm

There’s several loopholes mainly abused by law enforcement officers who have a bit of a showing with DV cases
It's insane that Biden hasn't stuffed the Supreme Court like Trump did to reverse the insane decisions they've made. And hasn't taken on the churches at least to tax any that make political statements. And tackle the propaganda put out by Musk et al. And make some of the worst activities of the state republicans into federal offences. All that has been clearly needed since before he even became president.

"wHeN tHeY gO lOw, wE gO hIgH"

I don't think most establishment Democrats realise what they're up against. They seem to be under the impression that they're dealing with the loyal opposition, rather than a fifth column that accepts foreign money while trying to overthrow the duly elected administration.
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