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Suggestions for using up raw potatoes

Then obviously the solution is to move flat.

Potatoes are cheaper than central heating ;) It's coming up for midnight in the middle of winter and it's 24 C in here without heating, sitting here wearing just a t-shirt. Mind you, I'll be complaining loudly when it hits mid 30s-40 C in here every day for 3 or 4 months come summer. Large south facing windows + double glazing + summer is bloody horrible. Yes the flat gets "a lot of light", whoopie-do *shoots estate agent in face*.

Not that I'm bitter :D
I'd do a base, base, biscuit base, a buttery biscuit base,

and then I'd mash them and portion them up and freeze them for side-dishes.
Thanks everyone.

We don't really eat a lot of potato's & my preferred way of eating potato's is plainly boiled new. Normally when we buy a bag do spuds they end up going soft & rooting. The kitchen is an extension, so tends to cold unless the oven is on, but maybe in a sack they'll last longer.

When I was single I used to cook a lot of baked spuds & freeze them, but I hadn't thought of doing that so I could use the insides to make stuff with later, so that's a FAB suggestion & will definitely do that.

I already have a lot of veg soup in the freezer, so I'd decided against more soups to freeze, but I will probably make a big pan of potato & veg soup this week to use of the remaining Xmas veg.

I was gonna give dauphinoise a go too. When I've made it in the past it's never been great but Santa brought me a Magimix, which I've wanted for years, so any excuse to get it out ;)

Potato Cakes is a FAB idea too. I wouldn't of thought of that. It will be really handy to make some, freeze them & then just get one or two out as needed. Quite excited now.

Thanks again :)
I was gonna give dauphinoise a go too. When I've made it in the past it's never been great but Santa brought me a Magimix, which I've wanted for years, so any excuse to get it out ;)

Potato Cakes is a FAB idea too. I wouldn't of thought of that. It will be really handy to make some, freeze them & then just get one or two out as needed. Quite excited now.

Thanks again :)

ooh.. i made dauphinoise earlier this week to use up some Christmas cream.. they were incredibly good. I haven't always had luck with them either for some reason in the past despite them being really quite simple, but I used the Hugh F-W recipe from his veg book and they came out really well (just chopped by hand - no magimix so you'll probably get more even spuds too) - so well that gaijinboy, who foolishly went out to play football came home to find his half portion to be much less than half really... :oops:

Potato rosti is nice too. Sauteed potatoes are great the next morning after having boiled the night before. Ditto mash the night before, potato cakes the next morning. In my family it's common to have more than one type of potato at each meal (I mean at my mum's rather than my own family now) and it's rare to have a meal without them. :D
ooh.. i made dauphinoise earlier this week to use up some Christmas cream.. they were incredibly good. I haven't always had luck with them either for some reason in the past despite them being really quite simple, but I used the Hugh F-W recipe from his veg book and they came out really well (just chopped by hand - no magimix so you'll probably get more even spuds too) - so well that gaijinboy, who foolishly went out to play football came home to find his half portion to be much less than half really... :oops:

Potato rosti is nice too. Sauteed potatoes are great the next morning after having boiled the night before. Ditto mash the night before, potato cakes the next morning. In my family it's common to have more than one type of potato at each meal (I mean at my mum's rather than my own family now) and it's rare to have a meal without them. :D

Irish, innit?
Damn!! That was gonna be my suggestion!! You could offer them to the local school/nursery for them to do printing too :)

I was going to do this too. R got several painty bits for Xmas, including a paint tray ;) that's shouting out for potato's dipping in it :D
purenarcotic - you've never been in my flat and I must inform you that you are talking complete bollocks, it's not as if I haven't tried that, I'm not a fucking idiot. :facepalm: It is simply too bloody warm in here!

I'm not talking bollocks, funnily enough, I'm not a mind reader so I wouldn't know just how humid your flat it. I also never implied you were an idiot, I don't see why you need to come across as so abrasive.
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