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Strawberry Fair, Cambridge (June 7th)

The Cambridge Evening News can suck my fucking cock, the fuckwits. One of the worst 'newspapers' in the country IMO.

yep and yep and yep again.

total bastards.

i try and try to get good news stories printed about young people, and all the great stuff they do but the CEN won't touch it. i even made a 'good' contact there and he stresses about his hands being tied by the sodding editorial line. but if there's a mugging or a fight - oh that'll get printed! on the fuckin front page....to ensure everyone is kept fearful of our youth. :rolleyes: :mad:

anyway...shut up foo.

guess what.

That's interesting that it's actually their editorial policy to try and scare all the old dears witless.

A friend of mine used to collect the letters from this one guy who constantly wrote in about how offended he was by the sight of homeless people (not by the fact that they had nowhere to live, just that he was forced to look at them). He was obviously 100% barmy and working his way towards some kind of 'final solution to the homelessness problem', yet they saw fit to print his dribblings again and again.

Weather is indeed fantastic now.
getting ready for another hot day in Cambridge..... :cool:

i was walking on Stourbridge Common last night and on my travels i noticed rather a lot be-dreaded folks and dogs about the place....wonder where they're camping....
Forecasts not too bad at all for Cambridge on Saturday, although tomorrow may be cloudier.

I'm avoiding details though,, as the specifics are changing all the time! So no links from me for now ... ;) :p
the beeb says today is light rain, tomorrow is light showers. hmmm.... is there a back up pub just incase?
Well there's the Fort but it'll be rammed. If it does piss down it would probably be best to make for somewhere like the Bun Shop on Kings Street, as it'll be just far away enough not to be too busy.
the beeb says today is light rain, tomorrow is light showers. hmmm.... is there a back up pub just incase?

Yeah, it's called the beer tent :p ... the one in the centre of the site with the Acoustic Stage attached.

Editor, a lot of us will be in/near that a lot of the time.

Prospects tomorrow looking a bit iffy, but far from total washout with luck. I've sent a message to a forecaster on another site, he's in Peterborough, just up the road, and I've asked him for his local take on prospects.

Foo, other Cambridge people, see you at the Fort ca 9 pm tonight?
Well there's the Fort but it'll be rammed. If it does piss down it would probably be best to make for somewhere like the Bun Shop on Kings Street, as it'll be just far away enough not to be too busy.

If we do have to retreat from the fest site I'd vote for the Live and Let Live (Mawson Stret, off Mill Road, a bit further but thus less popular?)...

But unless the washout is total (which I still doubt will happen) I reckon we should stay onsite :)
Yay, go to the Live!
I'm thinking it's going to be sunny tomorrow.
I may be being a hopelessly-optimistic fool...
If we do have to retreat from the fest site I'd vote for the Live and Let Live (Mawson Stret, off Mill Road, a bit further but thus less popular?)...

But unless the washout is total (which I still doubt will happen) I reckon we should stay onsite :)

The problem with the Live and Let Live is that you are not allowed to smoke on the street outside it, because of complaints from neighbours, and it doesn't have a garden. Last I heard, it was in danger of closing down! :eek:

You might want to consider a different back up pub!

What about the Old Spring? That rarely seems to get busy, because most people can't find it, but it is close to the Fair.
oh yeh, yesterday and today, Cambridge has been absolutely heaving with vans, dreadies, and dogs :cool:

so they must all be staying somewhere......
Argh, might have to go down to London tonight fucksake bollocks.
If not, probably try to hit the Fort, will be busy, but it's well overcast so probably not completely summer-insane.
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