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Strawberry Fair, Cambridge (June 7th)

If anyone's leaving from Kings X shortly, can we come with you please?

You need 4 for groupsave (8 quid each) otherwise me and BF work out at 18 quid each, which is a bit much tbh. :hmm::(

I'll be at KX in about an hour if that's any help
I would like to go to this but I have stuff to do that has built up from my constant inaction.

The 18 quid rail fair has surprised me as well. It was 14 quid last year.
There is unbelievable amounts of police action at the station. It's fucking ridiculous - it looks like a police state.

Total over reaction. Cunts.
On the train now, anticipating the joys of the BTP welcoming party. It's a times like this I get paranoid about having drugs on me. It's even as if I take drugs these days... I'm just now racking my brain to think... Maybe someone borrowed my jacket? Maybe... Still, at least it's not Dubai :)
just been through it. Absolutely ridiculous. Arriving passengers, including those not going to the festival, were openly shocked. I took a few pics, I'll post tomorrow.
I am now back home in Hocus Town. I met up with a few Urbanites starting with William of W. I had been searched by the police at the station. A police sniffer dog glanced at me I think. I wasn't bothered by it, I had nothing incriminating about my person. The police sort of apologised for my trouble afterwards. Really I suspect that the dog handler or the dog were bored, I have a beard, which is almost a criminal offence on its own these days. I like to think that while I was being searched, others were getting through who were carrying their recreation accessories in sniff proof packets. This year I actually went and listened to some bands. It was good. I left just after 8 pm just as it started to spit with rain and cloud over a bit.
I've got to admit that we didn't really enjoy it this year. The ridiculously heavy handed police at the station put us on a downer as soon as we arrived, and with so many gormless pissed teenagers stumbling around the place it was hard to to feel particularly relaxed.

It was a lot busier than last year too so queues were longer and there was less space to hang out.

Shame, really.
and with so many gormless pissed teenagers stumbling around the place it was hard to to feel particularly relaxed

it is a local festival for local people, and the villages around Cambridge do sprout gormless teenagers as one of their primary crops.

Also, I think people are misunderstanding the policing. Firstly, it's a nice day out for London coppers (there were a few on our train going up there), and secondly the "bring no drugs to Cambridge" is an economic development scheme put in place to help local drug dealers. Forward-thinking, really...:D
it is a local festival for local people, and the villages around Cambridge do sprout gormless teenagers as one of their primary crops.

Also, I think people are misunderstanding the policing. Firstly, it's a nice day out for London coppers (there were a few on our train going up there), and secondly the "bring no drugs to Cambridge" is an economic development scheme put in place to help local drug dealers. Forward-thinking, really...:D

Yeah, I had the same thought when I read what editor said about gormless teenagers. Cambridgeshire certainly does have its share of these, and I am pleased that they are going to the Fair, because it suggests to me that it still has relevance for young locals.

It's a shame that editor, and, I assume, others, were put off by the police presence, but I get the sense that that was at the railway station rather than on the site, and I do wonder if it is just BTP trying to meet their targets for the year in one day! It certainly has nothing to do with the fair organisers, and I doubt that they would even be informed or consulted about it, even though they do talk to the local plod about policing the event itself. I have always thought the Cambridge police were pretty good at policing Strawberry Fair itself, and they pretty much seemed to turn a bit of a blind eye to stuff that goes on there, unless it is really blatant.
I've got to admit that we didn't really enjoy it this year. The ridiculously heavy handed police at the station put us on a downer as soon as we arrived, and with so many gormless pissed teenagers stumbling around the place it was hard to to feel particularly relaxed.

It was a lot busier than last year too so queues were longer and there was less space to hang out.

Shame, really.

:eek: It was pretty rammed last year.

Here is a pic from 2007


Can get a bit overwhelming if its too packed.
It's a shame that editor, and, I assume, others, were put off by the police presence, but I get the sense that that was at the railway station rather than on the site, and I do wonder if it is just BTP trying to meet their targets for the year in one day!

Indeed. Cambridge's local rag carried a story a few weeks ago about a massive increase in drug crime in the city last year, which it turned out was entirely due to the arrests made at the station on the day of strawberry fair! Last year being the first time they mounted an operation at the station.
Indeed. Cambridge's local rag carried a story a few weeks ago about a massive increase in drug crime in the city last year, which it turned out was entirely due to the arrests made at the station on the day of strawberry fair! Last year being the first time they mounted an operation at the station.

So, it was successful, so they will keep doing it every year! :(

People should start getting the coach on Strawberry Fair day! It might not even be slower for people from South London, once you take into account the travel to Kings Cross, and the time wasted on queuing up to be searched. And it is cheaper...
Yep, it's very BTP-led as this article shows. I guess it makes a change from picking body parts off the tracks as there are so many suicides on the line to London. :(

I've always found Cambridge police to be generally reasonable. The did a great job of facilitating the city's anti-Iraq war potests for example. ;)
Yep, it's very BTP-led as this article shows. I guess it makes a change from picking body parts off the tracks as there are so many suicides on the line to London. :(

I've always found Cambridge police to be generally reasonable. The did a great job of facilitating the city's anti-Iraq war potests for example. ;)

I think I would agree with this. I have had a few issues with the Cambs Plod over the years, particularly when I was living in the housing co-op, but, over all, I think the majority of my dealings with them have been okay.
Police (Cambridgeshire cops) at the festival itself were fairly low key.

The BTP 'operation' at the station however was on a scale I've never seen, not even in London after the bombs. At Castle Cary, for Glastonbury, there were perhaps 5 officers and one dog doing 'busting' things, and a handful more doing crowd control - for perhaps 20k arrivals. At Cambridge there must have been perhaps 50 officers. A mix of regulars and PCSOs, multiple dogs, search areas, a huge zig-zag screening pen, several full "operations" trucks... for the train I got off, there were about 50 passengers. A one to one ratio of police to passengers. I've never heard of policing at that level.

Still, wasn't going to let that ruin my day. Found William in the most ridiculous stripey festy style jumper known to man. :) And Tort, and Zenie and others, not in the same jumper, although they could have fitted in if need be. Somehow made it on to train back to London, despite being rather sozzled by the end of it. :)
For some reason BTP seem to be obsessed with Cambridge. I travel in every weekday and I can't remember the last time I didn't see at least one BTP officer. Normally there's two BTP officers, and two BTP PCSOs on my way to/from college. On the other hand, it's very rare to see a BTP officer anywhere else, even other major stations, and there's not even that many in London, proportionate to the number of people using, say, Liverpool Street vs Cambridge.
Here's some pics. This amount of police harassment was totally unacceptable and unwarranted.


Herding arriving passengers through a long run of zig-zag fencing, and then past sniffer dogs.


People were randomly pulled out of the crowd for body searches, some in the specially erected tents (to the left).


Body searches.
And once got past the Stalag-style police checks, you had to face an army of rail ticket inspectors. It felt like we'd arrived at a police state.

Shame the useless cunts at the railway couldn't provide a single person to offer information on our late running train at Kings Cross though.
As I mentioned before, people arriving were genuinely shocked. A non festival going guy walking next to me said... "what's all this for? It's not just for the festival is it?", looking as open mouthed as I was. It was so disproportionate. There was nothing for most of them to do, and no likelyhood of there being anything to do. To do drug busts all they needed was maybe 5 officers, a dog, and one tent or something to do searches in an appropriately secluded way. It looked, however, like they were prepared for some kind of atrocity.

I'm quite pro-police, and having had a fair few dealings with them on my 'expeditions', don't subscribe to any ACAB shite, but whichever BTP senior bod plans that operation is clearly trying to wring every last bust out of a situation. And even then wasting alot of cash and manpower because there weren't that many busts to be made. Waste of time. I bet they could have made just as many busts with a fraction of that number of officers. Whoever made the decision on this is a full on twat with little understanding on the how it affects people's opinion of the police.
And once got past the Stalag-style police checks, you had to face an army of rail ticket inspectors. It felt like we'd arrived at a police state.

Shame the useless cunts at the railway couldn't provide a single person to offer information on our late running train at Kings Cross though.

And of course, when there were a good 1000 people trying to get themselves on the last train back, was there that number of staff and police to help out? Was there fuck. The staff who were on duty were doing their best, but FFS put some more fucking staff on. e.g. the people 'helping customers' earlier in the day.
I suggest that those who work or live in Cambridge, should consider complaining about it, seriously! I can understand why the lazy sods want to get their crime numbers up by only doing one day's work, and all that, but that looks to be totally over the top and out of order, and will give a whole load of folks a really negative view of Cambridge, whether or not they come just for Strawberry Fair.

There is no point in complaining to the Fair organisers, but locals could complain to BTP.

The email address of btp is general.enquiries@btp.pnn.police.uk

I can't find a dedicated complaint line, but I would be tempted to email them and ask them for the justification for the major disruption they caused yesterday.
good pics Tort :cool:

totally agree about the police at the station, (and all along the riverside late afternoon).
didn't see any urbanites other than perplexis and fruitloop...i think.
got to flop. more later as that william chap says. :)
ha. i just spotted a friend of mine in those photos, doing capioera (or however you spell it...)

he looks daft :D
Shame the useless cunts at the railway couldn't provide a single person to offer information on our late running train at Kings Cross though.

Everyone at Tottenham Hale and Liverpool Street was very helpful with re-routing people after the morning's fatality on the line.

Meanwhile, have you considered submitting that considerable body of year-on-year photographic evidence of policing at the station to the Police Complaints Authority?
Everyone at Tottenham Hale and Liverpool Street was very helpful with re-routing people after the morning's fatality on the line.

Meanwhile, have you considered submitting that considerable body of year-on-year photographic evidence of policing at the station to the Police Complaints Authority?

In my experience there has only been a ridiculous police presence at Cambridge station for the last two years.

Three years ago which was my first visit to Strawberry Fair there was no police presence at the station at all. You walked out of the station and saw a special Strawberry Fair bus to take you to your destination. I was most impressed.

The following year the special bus was replaced by what was probably an increased frequency of the number 7 bus. There was a massive police presence at the station which led me to believe that there had been a bomb threat. Nobody stopped to search me though and I had a backpack a beard and a suspicious bulge under my tee-shirt where my Ricoh camera lives.

This year the policeman with the sniffer dog claimed that the dog had detected something. I don't really believe this after the event considering that as the search found I had nothing on me that was illegal. I am the sort of person that dogs come up to. They know that I am friendly to dogs. But surely a sniffer dog is supposed to 'speak' that is bark when they get a suspect. This one didn't speak. Perhaps it was my fault because I said 'hello dog' as I always do to dogs because I like them.

After calmly allowing the polis to search my bag and jacket they let me go. They sort of apologised and said that the dogs sometimes detect 'oils' that mislead them. This mystified me but I didn't persue the matter as they were letting me go. What kind of ' oils' were they talking about. I have never even seen a barrel of oil, as that politician said.
The Police presence at the station sounds thoroughly OTT, an absolute disgrace in fact. I'm glad for the sake of my weekend that I never saw it (we arrived on Friday). I also really hope that people who witnessed the British Transport Police in action do make some complaints ....

The new landlord of the Fort St George is a total twat and an arsehole with an attitude problem. He has reduced the former range of five good beers to two very ordinary ones, and he kept the main pub closed to Fair people, who he clearly doesn't like, for the whole weekend, while still profiteering (at ludicrous prices too!) from the outside hatch. I saw him on Friday night, walking around looking at people with hostility and suspicion (OMG! that man has a rollie that might just be a spliff! :rolleyes: ) , and I saw him have a right unprovoked go at an innocent owner of an innocent dog. One of his staff told me that the reason the pub was closed was because it had just been refurbished and that there was a lot of valuable stock inside, ie (obvious landlord mindset) stay away you filthy untrustworthy thieving Festival scum (except to be extorted!). I hope he lost a lot of business, the wanker.

We didn't stay long at the Fort on Friday --- the excellent Elm Tree -- beer heaven -- was far better! Thanks to Stig for that recommendation ...

Otherwise, we had a thoroughly good time. It was Deb's first Fair and she LOVED it. Highllights included :

1. Very threatening weather forecast did not deliver its rain. Miracle, because the rain the Friday night in Letchworth and Royston, less than 20 miles away, was torrential, as it was in Ipswich, also not far away, on Friday and Saturday.
2. Wonderful new veggie stall at the centre of the site -- Mouth Music. Their food was beyond gorgeous ....
3. Schnews Tent guy's joy and relief that he hadn't had to pitch his marquee in a foot of water, as at Sunrise Celebration the previous weekend!
4. The whole Green Corner -- excellent laid back vibe in the old school free festival stylee .... my sorta people!
5. Attila the Stockbroker personally responding to my request for 'Doggie on a String" :D -- he LOVED performing that song, and that whole gig ... major smile on his face and on the collective face of the audience too ...
6. AOS3 -- ska punk brilliance, they blew me away, my festival highlight. Check em out at Endorse It folks, they will rock your world ....
7. Tragics -- dependably drunk (sounds like me!!) and reliably superb. That closing cover of 'Dont You Want Me Baby' was just right for a 10:30 pm Strawberry Fair audience :p
8. Ale joy at BOTH beer tents this time. Did anyone try the Mompesson's Gold at the Acoustic Stage tent? 5.5 percent-tastic ..... and also a million thanks, paulo, for plying us with Otter, we can even forgive you that final mistaken Carlsberg ... we owe you next week!
9. News reaching us that the unofficial camp, now evicted from the end of the main site and with Walnut Tree Avenue shorn of its old array of Travellers vehicles, had moved off to 'another common' not far away :cool:
10. The fact that this was my 15th (I think!) Strawberry Fair and that it remains as beautiful as ever. Maybe it's the sheer temporariness of the whole thing -- lasts for such a short time that you have no choice but to get the most out of a fleeting few hours.
11. My new rainbow pullover!!!! Warmed up the whole atmosphere within ten yards .... Deb bought this little bit of summer colour for me for a tenner and it's perfect, as is she ...

I really do genuinely think that there is no better place to be in the GALAXY (not just the planet) than Midsummer Common at 5 to 6 pm on the first Saturday in June. Best one day free festival that has ever existed, and long may the Fair survive and thrive, thank you a million times, organisers!

See you all next year! :)
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