The new landlord of the Fort St George is a total twat and an arsehole with an attitude problem. He has reduced the former range of five good beers to two very ordinary ones, and he kept the main pub closed to Fair people, who he clearly doesn't like, for the whole weekend, while still profiteering (at ludicrous prices too!) from the outside hatch. I saw him on Friday night, walking around looking at people with hostility and suspicion (OMG! that man has a rollie that might just be a spliff! ) , and I saw him have a right unprovoked go at an innocent owner of an innocent dog. One of his staff told me that the reason the pub was closed was because it had just been refurbished and that there was a lot of valuable stock inside, ie (obvious landlord mindset) stay away you filthy untrustworthy thieving Festival scum (except to be extorted!). I hope he lost a lot of business, the wanker.