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Strange story about a journalist who allegedly committed suicide at the airport in Istanbul

Seems like an extreme reaction to missing a flight, also the story doesn't seem to have been picked up by any UK online media yet.
Yes I saw this on Twitter but the tweet had a bad link to the story so thanks for posting this. Don't sound right to me either.
Only brief details in the linked item - seems to be a really odd situation. Doesn't ring true to me, but whatever has actually happened, it is still very, very sad.
As far as I can see there is still no mention of this on any UK news outlet? Is it me or is that not unusual?
I'm guessing CCTV will provide many of the answers..unless of course it wasn't working at that time :hmm:... Airport security at Turkish airports has been extremely tight this week..we were searched 3 times leaving Antalya on Tuesday, the final time just before boarding..shoes off..bag search..pat downs.
I doubt the whole entire airport is covered by decent CCTV, especially not the toilets (conveniently). Even when people have passed through Istanbul to allegedly join ISIS, all they've come up with is grainy shots at passport control and/or at the x-ray scanners. It's such a vast, old airport and she was only in the transit area.

I imagine the Turks are involved in covering this up - nobody would want to admit that a person could be murdered at your country's major airport, especially when the only news coming out is negative and tourism has already been badly affected.
Her FB page notes in relation to previous trips 'Have arrived safely but am not going to be posting anything from now on because I do not want to flag my whereabouts'. One of my friends in Turkey who was in the middle of the Ankara bombing has been telling some very worrying stories about what has happened since with very heavy handed policing and political horrors.

It is also pretty hard to believe that she was 'broke' and could not buy a replacement ticket given her status and likely income - besides it looks like a work trip. The medias 'Broke British woman' directs us to think her death was related to lack of cash in some way - almost certainly not the case.
yeh cos the british police have no tradition of political policing or of covering up killings.
Perhaps. But in this country foreigners are constantly accused of being spies. I've been accused of being a spy myself several times. Ha! There is no media freedom, terrorist attacks killing hundreds are covered up, media blackouts imposed, and incidents like this are brushed under the carpet.

I'm glad world media is picking up on this story and hope the truth comes out.
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Whatever the political appetite for chasing this story up, you would imagine that she has plenty of friends within the media (she was a former bbc producer) who will want to dig deeper if they suspect dodgyness and - let's face it - it fucking stinks.
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IWPR statement here

and in the last paragraph:

Jacky was returning to Iraq full of plans for innovative new work, including projects to counter violent extremism that threatens a country to which she was so committed. Our condolences go out to her family and all those who knew her.
Turkey:- Lovely people hideous murderous government and politics
The Kurds need another Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb to chase these usurpers and killers away
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