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Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle - BBC2 10pm from 16th March

Not great...the worst kind of judgemental intellectual one upmanship. It used to work with the silliness of Richard Herring next to it - on his own, he's an uberc*nt of the highest order....can't see what the fuss is about unless you like smug delivery...still whatever floats your boat:)
I thought it was fantastic, if almost identical to previous material.

He seems to be doing a bit of 41st (42nd?) Best Comedian each week and fleshing it out with unnecessary illustrative sketches. But it's still the best comedy currently on television, because 41st Best Comedian was superb.
Not great...the worst kind of judgemental intellectual one upmanship. It used to work with the silliness of Richard Herring next to it - on his own, he's an uberc*nt of the highest order....can't see what the fuss is about unless you like smug delivery...still whatever floats your boat

I possibly spot someone who objects to 'political correctness' more than he does to people who drivel clichedly and ignorantly on about it ;) :D

Touched a nerve there maybe DRINK .... ? :p
I possibly spot someone who objects to 'political correctness' more than he does to people who drivel clichedly and ignorantly on about it ;) :D

Touched a nerve there maybe DRINK .... ? :p

Not at all...found his PC stuff...interesting if anything, particluarly the nigger as neighbour shit as recent history, though as for finding it funny....not for me...smarmy toady bloke

the hitler send up was good mind, though not his standup whilst the village people sketch was sh*t:)
I possibly spot someone who objects to 'political correctness' more than he does to people who drivel clichedly and ignorantly on about it ;) :D

Touched a nerve there maybe DRINK .... ? :p

I think every urbanite who's ever read you on political correctness knew you were creaming your pants over that routine mate.

I've seen him be funny alone before (notably a routine about stealing jokes) but have just found him smug in this series. The sketch stuff is very half-arsed. Comes across like he's doing it as part of a career rather than for the sake of the show. Probably still the funniest UK comedy on the BBC at the moment.
Turned it off this week. Patronising condescending guff of the worst order.

I really dislike him now and he used to be very good. It's a real pity.
I've not seen his recent stand-up show. Unlikely I will, too. 'Fist of Fun' was great back in the day - didn't take itself too seriously and was really funny. When I saw him live many years back it was much more light-hearted and pretty surreal. Now he's just sneering at plebs. Totally totally shit.
It's alright. I think the whole format really really doesn't work though. It's 15 minutes of a funny story interspersed with lamo sketches.

I don't really know what it's meant to be.
I found this one the funniest so far, but laughed more today when my mum-in-law to be was talking about a woman who was refused a half pint on the grounds she was pregnant....she brought the tale to an end with 'It's political correctness gone mad!'
Although I enjoyed the first one, liked the 2nd one, and disliked the third one, I'm really beginning to find his delivery starting to grate.

I deliver my punchline.

Then I repeat the punchline.



Yeah, I actually turned over half way through. That's a lie actually, I tried to put a DVD that I'd just burned on and it wouldn't work. Then spent ages retrying it while begging my dvd player to save me from 'that horrible man'. Eventually turned off at 10.25. Being the funniest thing on the BBC just isn't good enough anymore.
I still think he's a genius. Clearly completely uncommercial, but a genius nonetheless.
I still think he's a genius. Clearly completely uncommercial, but a genius nonetheless.

see, i can kind of understand that his stuff is clever. but there aren't that many laughs in it.

The stuff he was doing yesterday, on nostalgia for woolworths etc, was clever: I could see that he was passing comment on people who rely on nostalgia for comedy material, but then his material isn't that much funnier than that.
Yeah, I actually turned over half way through. That's a lie actually, I tried to put a DVD that I'd just burned on and it wouldn't work. Then spent ages retrying it while begging my dvd player to save me from 'that horrible man'. Eventually turned off at 10.25. Being the funniest thing on the BBC just isn't good enough anymore.

Turned it off ....the hilarious :rolleyes:living up the estate agents arse might as well have been Horne and Corden, followed by the painfully slow and flogged to a death nostalgia ramblings ....absolute pile o sh*te

Still each to their own
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