shots on target : 8 - 3
shots off target : 14 - 3
possession (%) : 64 - 36
corner kicks : 10 - 3
offsides : 3 - 0
fouls : 8 - 13
yellow cards : 0 - 2
Spain finishing second in the group could really make things interesting when it gets to knockout stages
bbc commentator - "they've come a long way, with their cowbells"
To be fair, there's a bloke in the crowd with a bell which must weigh about as much as a cow. It must have taken up his entire luggage allowance.
Zurich is silent with shock atm - it genuinely gone quiet outside
It's getting a bit desperate in the spanish attack.
5mins wtf?
How come there's 5 minutes of stoppage time? Does Webb think he's at Old Trafford?