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Soth Africa - Can Cyril bring justice and equality at last?


Peckham Wry
Glad he is finally in control, I recall being v disappointed when he left the ANC to make money, but then it was better than the Zuma method which was to stay in politics and make his wedge via blatant and massive corruption - Zuma has been arrested and is facing charges covering some of his back hand biz, more will follow I hope.... anyway, The Presidents address to parliament bodes well, coherent and practical, I wish him every bit of luck in what will be an extremely difficult task
Glad he is finally in control, I recall being v disappointed when he left the ANC to make money, but then it was better than the Zuma method which was to stay in politics and make his wedge via blatant and massive corruption - Zuma has been arrested and is facing charges covering some of his back hand biz, more will follow I hope.... anyway, The Presidents address to parliament bodes well, coherent and practical, I wish him every bit of luck in what will be an extremely difficult task

South africa
There's an argument that Cyril has made his money, more or less honestly, and that he will now dedicate himself to the Republic and the ANC. I hope so. South Africa deserves better than the Zuma corruption.
The ANC probably needs a good purge, but it will rumble on just pointing the finger at Zuma. Before you know it that slick prick from the DA will be Pres.
Sharp Man

I like him

Do you? The families of the miners whose murder he encouraged don't share your rosy view of him

Cyril Ramaphosa’s role in Marikana

At the time, Cyril was a non-executive director of Lonmin. His company Shanduka was a minority shareholder in Lonmin, so this meant their profits were very much part of his business too.

A series of emails shared between Ramaphosa and Lonmin’s board just a day before the massacre shows how eager he was to end the conflict. However, the language he chose seemed to indicate he favoured a heavy-handed approach.

Ramaphosa demanded that “concomitant action” must be taken against the miners (the action ‘naturally associated’ with a situation like this). He also referred to them as “plainly dastardly criminals”.
Do you? The families of the miners whose murder he encouraged don't share your rosy view of him

Cyril Ramaphosa’s role in Marikana

At the time, Cyril was a non-executive director of Lonmin. His company Shanduka was a minority shareholder in Lonmin, so this meant their profits were very much part of his business too.

A series of emails shared between Ramaphosa and Lonmin’s board just a day before the massacre shows how eager he was to end the conflict. However, the language he chose seemed to indicate he favoured a heavy-handed approach.

Ramaphosa demanded that “concomitant action” must be taken against the miners (the action ‘naturally associated’ with a situation like this). He also referred to them as “plainly dastardly criminals”.
Already know this, he himself admits he was wrong, what he chooses to do with it now he has power is the important bit - but if you listen to his parliamentary address you will note he refs Land Seizures without compensation - NOT the position of the "elite" he is part of - one of the reasons I thought he could be the best possible result at the moment - he seems pragmatic enough to do what needs to be done but in a measured way.
The stolen land must be returned BUT it is best done peacefully

By the way that's Malema you have posted you comments about Ramaphosa under
Already know this, he himself admits he was wrong, what he chooses to do with it now he has power is the important bit - but if you listen to his parliamentary address you will note he refs Land Seizures without compensation - NOT the position of the "elite" he is part of - one of the reasons I thought he could be the best possible result at the moment - he seems pragmatic enough to do what needs to be done but in a measured way.
The stolen land must be returned BUT it is best done peacefully

By the way that's Malema you have posted you comments about Ramaphosa under

Clearly, words speak louder tban deeds
Clearly, words speak louder tban deeds
So far, yeah. He never asked for the miners to be shot, though the language used indicates he at least wanted them badly beaten - as did Thatcher at Orgreave - more luck then judgement that there were no dead there - even a "Thatcher" is an improvement on Zuma - so no saint, but few with the chops for it are.
Lets see what he actually does with this power, then decide
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