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Homophobia affecting gay people in Africa

The traditional Ghanaian view here

However, Kwabena Agyapong said he is against the practice because he is a conservative and the bible abhors it.
I’m very conservative, so although I respect people’s rights, I’m not going to advocate for that kind of behaviour. I think that we should not criminalize it, and we should not advocate it. It should not be in our faces,” he observed.
While speaking on Good Evening Ghana, he continued that, “We should speak against it because when Jesus created Adam, he did not create another Adam; he created Eve. So I think it’s important to know that all of us are products of women, and sometimes I worry about that. But I am not prepared to be part of the argument that says they should be annihilated from the earth.”
Terrible what is happening in Uganda - link onine petition to the president here:

Ugandan Lawmakers Approve Harsh Anti-LGBT+ Legislation​

Last Tuesday, Ugandan lawmakers approved some of the world's harshest anti-LGBT+ legislation. They now face the prospect of prison sentences of up to 20 years for promoting homosexuality and the death penalty for so-called aggravated homosexuality.

They are frightened for their lives and there's not much time left to stop this nightmare from becoming a deadly reality. The Ugandan President has 30 days to sign the bill into law and he could do so at any time.

This heinous bill will turn family members against each other by forcing all Ugandans to report to the authorities any person suspected of being LGBT+.

The public discussion about the bill has already led to a significant increase in cases of extortion, eviction, denial of healthcare, and savage mob violence against LGBT+ Ugandans.

This law has no place in a modern, successful, democratic Uganda, so please support them by signing this petition to tell the Ugandan President that LGBT+ Ugandans are citizens of their country, worthy of respect and deserving of fundamental human rights.​
Sponsor of the Uganda anti gay bill threatens to bring in another one if this one is annulled in court
A Ghana Catholic Bishop writes a 4 page letter to the President of Ghana warning him to pass the anti gay bill
This article from 19th March predates the passing of the Uganda anti gay bill, but has interesting background
Is anyone lobbying HMG to stop granting any new foreign aid to the Ugandan government - could route similar money to communities using NGOs.
Is anyone lobbying HMG to stop granting any new foreign aid to the Ugandan government - could route similar money to communities using NGOs.
There is a petition to stop those MPs who voted it through from visiting UK. If you wanted that link both Frank Mugisha and RightifyGhana have it one their Twitter feeds.
Is anyone lobbying HMG to stop granting any new foreign aid to the Ugandan government - could route similar money to communities using NGOs.
The problem with that is that it is not the politicians who will suffer, it is all the people dependent on aid.

One thing I've observed in many countries over many years is that the political elite are never starving. The people of North Korea eat grass, whilst their leader develops gout as a result of gluttony.
They should have travel bans on fundamentalist Christian shits in the US that are spreading this stuff worldwide. Many missionary groups use Europe as a stepping stone to Africa, lock them out.
There was a Christian sect in Cambridgeshire involved last time this happened in Uganda 10-15 years ago. Ugandan refugees demonstrated against them. It's probably not Googleable - unless you have an index to Pink paper etc.
Spot on. Dunno why this poster is still here. They’ve been doing similar ignorant and stupid shitposting the whole time
Yea...like WTF?!!! did he think this was a place where people with different views could post? ............FFS Get with the program Mr Fish
Yea...like WTF?!!! did he think this was a place where people with different views could post? ............FFS Get with the program Mr Fish


There's different views and then there's ignorance and then there's antisemitic posters who know exactly what they're posting up.

How you're still here is a mystery.
We used to call it The Pink Pound IIRC
Not the Pink Pound at all - this is conspiracy Ghana style - homosexual cash = George Soros, CNN, WEF, EU translated into local terms in Ghana.
Remember the Anit-Gay Bill is Ghana is being promoted by the opposition in a country where the opposition control parliament (by a sliver) and the President is not able to run again (he is on 2nd term).
The whole thing is an example of Trump-style culture wars. Or Farage-style brainwashing on GB News.
Not the Pink Pound at all - this is conspiracy Ghana style - homosexual cash = George Soros, CNN, WEF, EU translated into local terms in Ghana.
Remember the Anit-Gay Bill is Ghana is being promoted by the opposition in a country where the opposition control parliament (by a sliver) and the President is not able to run again (he is on 2nd term).
When’s the next Election in Ghana 🇬🇭 ?
I had the privilege of meeting representatives from Uganda, Kenya and other African countries, at the international harm reduction conference this week. The conference itself was about harm reduction for pwud, but the talks from the LGBTI and sex work representatives were both humbling and shocking.

To be allowed out of their countries, with the support of amesty international and the UN, to speak out about their governments policies must be both terrifying and wonderful for them.

Their bravery is immense. How they managed, whilst under surveillance, to pull their visits off is beyond me, and I fear for what awaits them when they arrive home.
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