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Homophobia affecting gay people in Africa

Disappointing news from Uganda. I guess Ms Braverman thinks new refugees can just cut out the middleman and pop next door to Rwanda?
uganda bill passed 1.jpeg
Interview with a human rights advocate covering some of the background to the law and its prospects of being overturned

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Their previous funding did seem to be going to some socially useful endeavours
It was propping up the entire economy, which will now suffer badly. Uganda will be driven into the arms of China, while the local LGBTQ community takes the blame. What is the World Bank thinking?
It was propping up the entire economy, which will now suffer badly. Uganda will be driven into the arms of China, while the local LGBTQ community takes the blame. What is the World Bank thinking?
Curse of wanting to be seen to Do Something. When I presume they were in the best position to be bending ears as things stood.
Curse of wanting to be seen to Do Something. When I presume they were in the best position to be bending ears as things stood.

The problem is that Ugandans are disposed to interpret any Western pressure on this issue as coercive neo-colonialism. Western states and institutions can bend ears at the highest levels, but they should never do so in public. This is a bad mistake.
The Ghana anti LGBT bill is nearing the President is asked to sign it off.
A couple of weeks back one of the majority party tried to introduce an amendment suggesting community service rather than imprisonment for the gay offences proscribed - but he was pressured to drop that.
It is possible that the President might send the bill back or block it - but he faces an election in December.
This is culture wars Ghana-style Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill: Group urges Akufo-Addo not to assent when passed | 3News
The sad thing for me is homophobia is till an issue at home in the UK ( if not on the same scale ) which is partly why I did this Homophobia
Then there are places like Russia, Indonesia, and middle eastern countries where homosexuality can be punishable by the death penalty. For me, it is a much bigger and wider issue than suggested by this thread.
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The sad thing for me is homophobia is till an issue at home in the UK ( if not on the same scale ) which is partly why I did thishttps://www.urban75.net/forums/threads/homophobia.376900/
Then there are places like Russia, Indonesia, and middle eastern countries where homosexuality can be punishable by the death penalty. For me, it is a much bigger and wider issue than suggested by this thread.
You need to put a space between “this” and the start of your url.

I see it’s in the football forum, which I don’t see. So it’s good to have relevant threads elsewhere.
For me, it is a much bigger and wider issue than suggested by this thread.

This issue certainly has far wider implications than is generally understood.

The problem in Africa is that homophobia is identified with anti-colonialism in general, so that it immediately places such African governments as reflect public opinion into open and direct conflict with the West. This conflict is not restricted to this single issue, but immediately infects both macro- and micro-economies, as Western financial institutions refuse credit or "aid" to homophobic governments, which has a notable material impact on the lives of individuals, with incalculable but perhaps predictable effect on their future political disposition.
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According to Allafrica.com the new Ghanian law will even make it illegal to "identify as an ally." This is pretty full-on stuff, and it seems to be sweeping the continent. I blame the World Bank.

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According to Allafrica.com the new Ghanian law will even make it illegal to "identify as an ally." This is pretty full-on stuff, and it seems to be sweeping the continent. I blame the World Bank.

What's the World Bank got to do with it? Come to think of it it may be them that forced Flt Lt Jerry John Rawlings to re-introduce democracy, and his chosen constitution, though admirably cheap (275 MPs, no upper house) is clearly vulnerable to populist manipulation. The only one able to block this now is the President.
What's the World Bank got to do with it?

The World Bank, IMF and other institutions of global capital retaliate against homophobic governments in Africa by withdrawing what they call "credit" and "aid." This rapidly impoverishes the local population, thus pissing them off a lot and convincing them that global capital is attempting to force them into tolerating non-traditional sexualities by brute financial power, which they perceive as neo-colonialism. For example:

The World Bank, IMF and other institutions of global capital retaliate against homophobic governments in Africa by withdrawing what they call "credit" and "aid." This rapidly impoverishes the local population, thus pissing them off a lot and convincing them that global capital is attempting to force them into tolerating non-traditional sexualities by brute financial power, which they perceive as neo-colonialism. For example:

Maybe even more confusing in Uganda, as there are the 45 Christian Martyrs Uganda Martyrs - Wikipedia
This recent attack statement from the Ugandan Archbishop refers to the martyrs. I'm not fully au fait , but the way it reads is that Uganda ex-communicated the Church of England in 2003 because the C of E failed to ex-communicate the Episcopal Church of the USA who had ordained a gay bishop. Statement issued by the Archbishop of Uganda at a 10 Feb 2023 press conference following the vote by the Church of England synod to permit gay blessings | Anglican Ink © 2024
This 2013 documentary was shown on PBS and warned of what was coming (trailer):
"This rapidly impoverishes the local population, thus pissing them off a lot and convincing them that global capital is attempting to force them into tolerating non-traditional sexualities by brute financial power"
I am sure China might not have a problem with this.
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