inflatable jesus said:
If what you've posted is true you're a better man that I am.
I can't possibly judge that.
However, I suspect that you're not being entirely honest.
Why would I try to lie myself? (Now I'm intrigued by the thought about how that would go...)
I don't believe that there's no opinion out there that somebody could hold that you wouldn't be offended by.
There is none, be it that in some cases you must separate emotional reaction from the rational. I can be emotionally touched by some things said to me and hence feel pain or get angry because of it. That doesn't mean people can't have their opinions and express them. A completely separate issue.
I could run through some possibilties for you but that just seems rude.
Interesting idea for an experiment but I fear that if we would make a thread for that purpose it would easily lead to some people jumping in it to make abuse of the occasion. Nevertheless... If the moderators of this forum have no objection we could try it.
I think that you believe people on urban75 shouldn't insinuate that religious people are mentally ill.
No, I don't. They can insinuate all they want (which I find a rather silly thing to waste their time with, but their time is not mine). I only asked for the reasons.
If you for example now call me mentally ill then I have reason for being amused = you would enlighten my day a bit which I presume would not be your goal
So, I don't think this is entirely true.
You may think what you want.
I find racists spend a great deal of time justifying their racism but only to people they think may be on their side.....
That is the sociological side of it (to fit in with a subculture) and in my view it is not about dominance over the other. Behaviour that aims at looking down on others and making it known that you look down on them is the most applied method to cover up a low self-esteem and insecurity (while being the most visible sign of it.)
I never met in person any racist or anyone who talked like that to me. Would I ever have that occasion such things would make me laugh.
(I'm not Jesus)
I find religious people to be hilarious.
Like the Vatican telling people in Africa not to use condoms for example. I read that and think 'why are these eunichs in silly hats being allowed to fuck up the lives of millions of people?'.
mmmm... You really don't need to be an atheist to find that disgusting up to the point that you find it criminal (as in: instigation to, agreement and support of deliberate torture and murder.)
Or perhaps a preist telling my friend's mother that the reason he was born with deformities may have been because of she had acted sinfully. I would most likely have told that guy to go fondle a choirboy if I had met him.
I can think of me doing some other things:
1. Report him to his Bishop.
2. Tell him to go back to seminary to learn how to become a priest.
3. Grab him by his white collar, drag him to the house of your friend's mother and make him apologise. On his knies, begging God for forgiveness.
(There are some other possibilities I could add to this)
For example when a couple of guys decide to prelude kicking my head in by calling me a dirty fenian bastard.
Now you bring in physical violence. I wasn't talking about that.
It doesn't matter that I don't think that my parent's religion and my ethnic background makes me 'dirty' or inferior to them. The fact that they do and they've decided it's okay to say such a thing in front of me is degrading. That's the point of it.
No. The point is that you fall in that trap, set up especially to let you fall into it because if the other party can't get to you he feels inferior and insecure. That you cooperate with that is not their doing but yours.
So when a religious person says that I am inferior to him in some way because I don't subscribe to his religious beliefs, it doesn't matter that I think he's wrong. It just bothers me that he doesn't know better than to keep such an offensive opinion to himself. So I would see that there's a need to educate him on that point.
You can easily educate everyone without joining the Club of the Offensive. If you join the club you make yourself inferior to yourself. Again not their doing but yours.