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Some questions to the "atheists/non-believers"

cheers :)

yep, to me it doesn't really matter what happened back then. it could, of course, be literally true, we just don't know, i wouldn't want to rule anything out either.

yep, exactly. It doesn't matter either way, and if (s)he did create the world, it doesn't matter whether it was in seven billion years or a seventh of a second. none of that detracts at all from G-d's power or the evidence for his/her existence, so it's a bit of a pointless argument to make, IMO.

im sure im going to be called a nutter for that one, but there you go.

btw mate, are you muslim? i thought you were but wasn't quite sure ... :)
I don't really label myself, as I see truth in many religions... a few years ago, I was atheist, I dated a Christian woman, and I thought she was crazy to believe those 'fairytales'... did I ever get a rude awakening! I guess I had a very closed mind.

I can find truth in many spiritual books, but I have a special fondness for the teachings of the Essene Jesus, who is called Yeshua. It is through Him that I came to understand a lot of stuff I previously thought was 'hogwash'. I also really love the Buddha, though I can't seem to put his noble path into action just yet...!

actually I have had two NDE's, and I really enjoy reading on this topic in the last year. that to me is very spiritual.

how about you?

im sure im going to be called a nutter for that one, but there you go.
I think it is a shame there isn't a forum here where you can discuss these things without having to wade though a lot of 'you are a fruitloop' comments. I may or may not believe in reiki, crystal healing or light therapy etc., but it would be nice to read others opinions on these things that do interest me, without the er... avalanche of cynicism. or something... :)
snouty warthog said:
I don't really label myself, as I see truth in many religions... a few years ago, I was atheist, I dated a Christian woman, and I thought she was crazy to believe those 'fairytales'... did I ever get a rude awakening! I guess I had a very closed mind.

ahh, fair enough :)

yep, i used to be really closed minded, never really thought things through, my family, although i love them to bits are atheists, and i wasn't ever really raised with it at all.

I can find truth in many spiritual books, but I have a special fondness for the teachings of the Essene Jesus, who is called Yeshua. It is through Him that I came to understand a lot of stuff I previously thought was 'hogwash'. I also really love the Buddha, though I can't seem to put his noble path into action just yet...!

Well, there's truth in all religions, i think. got a lot of respect for buddha and much of jesus's teachings as well. :)

actually I have had two NDE's, and I really enjoy reading on this topic in the last year. that to me is very spiritual.

Really? I had two religious experience's that changed my life, when i was alot younger. without them and without G-d im pretty sure i wouldn't be here today

how about you?

Im jewish, and im fairly observant about it, its a bit of a long story tho ;)

I think it is a shame there isn't a forum here where you can discuss these things without having to wade though a lot of 'you are a fruitloop' comments. I may or may not believe in reiki, crystal healing or light therapy etc., but it would be nice to read others opinions on these things that do interest me, without the er... avalanche of cynicism. or something... :)

haha, well i find it bit difficult to not be cynical about that stuff, truth be told.

i agree with you, i reckon this is supposed to be the place for it, but i dunno, the editor doesn't want any real nutters to come along I guess.
snouty warthog said:
actually, I do. but I respect your inferred disbelief. see you on the other side, chainsaw baby!:)

No, you don't. You have a belief.

I'm puzzled as to why you think I would be interested in your respect for my rational lack of belief. I hold your certainty of the unknowable in amused contempt.

You may or may not see me 'on the other side'. I don't know. Niether do you. You think you do.

That's why you, like all other religious types, come over as a bit creepy/freaky/thick.

You can't see the difference between 'probably', 'possibly', 'certainly' and 'not a chance'.

You thought you had a closed mind before dating that Christian woman? What do you think you have now?
the mind of a fool.

sorry if I annoyed you with the third part of that comment. It was unnecessary.

But I will state again, I don't have a belief. I know.
I'm puzzled as to why you think I would be interested in your respect for my rational lack of belief.

I didn't know if you would be interested. I wrote that as common courtesy. I try to respect all people's beliefs, as I have held many opinions during my life. and I do respect your lack of belief. It's up to you what you believe in. I don't look down on you for your beliefs, or lack of.

I hold your certainty of the unknowable in amused contempt.

cool. it doesn't bother me, as I know. I am sorry you have contempt for what I said. I am not sure what else to say. sorry if I irritated you. I hope we can meet elsewhere on the board and agree.

frogwoman, I'll get back to you soon!
Sorry for being so stroppy.

I just can't accept this word 'know' that you use, in the context you use it.

You don't know anything at all about god.

I'm not trying to be aggressively anti religious (although I am anti religious), but this particular point really does need to be cleared up before any discussion of religion can proceed.

My contempt for your certainty is probably engendered by my past experiences with religious people. I don't mean any insult to you as a person(whilst reserving a complete disregard for all your supernatural beliefs).
snouty warthog said:
... I will state again, I don't have a belief. I know (that God exists)...
Stating it does not make it so.

If you know something for a fact, there must be some evidence, some means by which you can persuade others of the fact.

What is that evidence?
chainsaw cat said:
Sorry for being so stroppy.

I just can't accept this word 'know' that you use, in the context you use it.

You don't know anything at all about god.

I'm not trying to be aggressively anti religious (although I am anti religious), but this particular point really does need to be cleared up before any discussion of religion can proceed.

My contempt for your certainty is probably engendered by my past experiences with religious people. I don't mean any insult to you as a person(whilst reserving a complete disregard for all your supernatural beliefs).

The thing is, you're actually talking about the very crux of faith - you do 'know' It's an heart rather than head response. To someone with faith, it goes beyond simple belief into the realm of 'knowing'.

Which is where rationalists cease to understand - we only 'know' something when it's been shown/proven to us. We would never presume to 'know' something (like say, how the universe was created) in the cast iron way religious faith allows you to 'know' something.

Religious faith requires you to accept as real, to 'know', that god exists. Otherwise you don't really have a faith in anything - like us.
kyser_soze said:
The thing is, you're actually talking about the very crux of faith - you do 'know' It's an heart rather than head response. To someone with faith, it goes beyond simple belief into the realm of 'knowing'.

It's not "knowing" and that is very definitely the point. It's faith. Faith is not a justification sufficient for knowledge in any decent epistemological system I know about, and most religious people who've studied any philosophy would also say that.

While the belief might be held with an unswerving faith that doesn't mean it transcends into what we call knowledge, however certain it might appear to the believer.
Sorry - that's what I was trying to say - it's not what we call knowledge, but *feels* like it.

I'd say it was analagous to 'gut feeling' about stuff, the almost animal feeling you get that something is right or wrong.
Aldebaran said:
I looked at some of the exchanges between "atheists/non-believers" and people who believe in the existence of God (I made a few posts in such threads too).

A few things look very strange to me when reading such threads.
1. The "non-believers" seem to post in a very defensive mindset.
2. If not defensive this group often posts denigrating remarks about the "believers" (even up to the point of questioning their mental capacities or mental health).
3. If a "believer" declares to have no problem whatsoever with the results of scientific research, "non-believers" don't seem to have the ability to place this within the frame of their own ideas about "believers". They still proclaim the "believer" to be mentally incapable.

I would like to know/get an understanding of the causes behind this.

non-retarded believer :)
I have to agree with your sentiments on certain points you make, but the rest of your argument is not just arrogant but downright rude. You claim that the anti theist is consistantly on the defense, and then claim that he is on the attack. You see the problem here, I hope. The argument you give you give about one group of people, but really are talking to many groups.

I am a non believer, but am also a person who questions my own mortality. I, however, refuse to criticise you on how you question yours. Though I do object to your belief if it imposes on the libertys of other people, whether they be within your family or not. Your personal belief should be used to influence not to oppress, and if you use your ideals for the latter then I will support anyone who attacks you (though only through words), as I would those who would wish to suppress your thoughts.

By the way. Hi Folks, I'm back.
HarrisonSlade said:
You claim that the anti theist is consistantly on the defense, and then claim that he is on the attack.

No, I see that the defense mostly *is* an attack too and
I only refer of what I saw on the threads I read. Does not mean that I talk about "every" atheist on this globe.

Though I do object to your belief if it imposes on the libertys of other people, whether they be within your family or not.

Can you clarify that further ?

Your personal belief should be used to influence not to oppress, and if you use your ideals for the latter then I will support anyone who attacks you (though only through words), as I would those who would wish to suppress your thoughts.

Must I make of this that simply because I am religious, you automatically make of it that this no doubt means that I "oppress"? I do no such thing. I don't even "influence", as you put it. If asked, I answer questions and explain if needed.

I just can't accept this word 'know' that you use, in the context you use it.

You don't know anything at all about god.

well, Chainsaw, first I would have to disagree with your second point, obviously!

The question of how one can know God exists, well, if you believe that the Magnificent Creator of All exists, it follows that one can know Hir. Just as you can know that other things exist, by experiencing them.

As you choose not to believe in a Creator, then the question of how one can know Hir may be irrelevant to you at this time.

I am happy with my knowledge and beliefs, and I expect you are too, so I have no desire to proselytise. but it would appear that this particular element of the discussion has reached a stalemate, with myself stating that I know that the Creator exists, and you stating that Ze does not, and therefore I cannot 'know' what I claim.

I accept that you cannot accept my use of the word 'know', and I respect you for stating it honestly. for myself, I also would have had problems accepting someone saying this a few years ago.

I have tried in this sentence to descibe my feelings of experiencing God and deleted them twice now. I can't... the words do not exist.

Aldebaran said:
Must I make of this that simply because I am religious, you automatically make of it that this no doubt means that I "oppress"? I do no such thing. I don't even "influence", as you put it. If asked, I answer questions and explain if needed.

You seem to be on the defensive here. I have not said, as well you know, that you wish to oppress. On the contrary. I will listen to your thoughts, and question your questions. If you turn around to me and use discrimination in any way, or feel the need to justify dogma I will just walk away and leave you to your rant, just as I would a secular madman.

As for your question asking me to clarify my earlier post. It is just as important to condemn those who wish to use their religions to dictate to their families, just as it it to complete strangers.

I find a certain amount of preaching disguised as self pity in your original post. If you wish to condemn people who discriminate against you simply for having a faith then fine, but to generalise people who don't share your thoughts as being out to get you is ridiculous, and at best paranoid.
snouty warthog said:
well, Chainsaw, first I would have to disagree with your second point, obviously!

As you choose not to believe in a Creator, then the question of how one can know Hir may be irrelevant to you at this time.

........... has reached a stalemate, with myself stating that I know that the Creator exists, and you stating that Ze does not, and therefore I cannot 'know' what I claim.

I accept that you cannot accept my use of the word 'know', and I respect you for stating it honestly. for myself, I also would have had problems accepting someone saying this a few years ago.


I don't 'choose' not to believe, I just don't.

I don't state that Ze (presumably a word for god?) doesn't exist. I state that I (like you) don't know.

Go and look up the word 'know' and compare with the word 'believe'.
You think that you know. I say again, you don't. Admit it.
Ze is a term that includes male and female, it just means S/He. Hir is similar, meaning Him/Her. I use those terms because if you believe, as I do, that God is One, without duality, it follows that Ze would be beyond gender.

I know the difference between 'believe' and 'know', or at least I believe I do:)

I think I know? no, I do know. there is nothing for me to admit. There is no possibility for doubt, because I know. belief and doubt are irrelevant, they have been expelled forever from me by an experience of knowing. I speak in truth.

I can no more deny what I know than I could deny the existence of the sun.
Aldebaran said:
1. The "non-believers" seem to post in a very defensive mindset.

Nah they are just frustrated at the ignorance to accept the truth by some people.

2. If not defensive this group often posts denigrating remarks about the "believers" (even up to the point of questioning their mental capacities or mental health).

I disagree with this but I will say that religion tends to pray on the insecure.

3. If a "believer" declares to have no problem whatsoever with the results of scientific research, "non-believers" don't seem to have the ability to place this within the frame of their own ideas about "believers". They still proclaim the "believer" to be mentally incapable.

Finally I would just like to ask a question back, why do religions such as christianity, Jewism, Hindu, Buddism, Catholisism etc look down on Cults, all religion is, is a cult jsut a really large one with a lot of followers. I am not rude about religion I am just truthfull.

Now second question:

Who would win in a fight..God or the Care Bears?

snouty warthog said:
Ze is a term that includes male and female, it just means S/He. Hir is similar, meaning Him/Her. I use those terms because if you believe, as I do, that God is One, without duality, it follows that Ze would be beyond gender.

I know the difference between 'believe' and 'know', or at least I believe I do:)

I think I know? no, I do know. there is nothing for me to admit. There is no possibility for doubt, because I know. belief and doubt are irrelevant, they have been expelled forever from me by an experience of knowing. I speak in truth.
I can no more deny what I know than I could deny the existence of the sun.

You are an idiot.

First off, no need to apologise, you can take as long as you like or not reply at all. That said, I'm glad that you did get back to me. I always enjoy discussing things with people I think I can learn something from.

Secondly, in the interests of saving space: If I don't quote something that you say it's because I'm broadly in agreement with it.

frogwoman said:
if you look back in history at all the organisations that behaved in this manner, you will find that it wasn't just about religion. They had a vested interest in doing the things they did, and they had power, and lots of it, and they used the spiritual hold they had on the people to justify appalling acts.

Look at the way marx's teachings have been abused over the years, does that mean that marx's ideas were fundamentally bad? No, it doesn't.

Well some of them were. Equally, I think the big problems with Marxists is that they elevate Marx's writings to a level that they doesn't really deserve. Marx wasn't perfect. Neither was Jesus, Mohammed or Moses.

Yeah but a lot of people just see it as an allegory written by humans to understand G-d's power, it doesn't mean that G-d doesn't exist, if the bible was to lay down the exact detail of how he created the world it would be infinitely longer than it is now.

But he didn't create them all at once.

He created them over the course of that "day", and that could easily have been a period of several million years. ;)

You see what I mean about these logical leaps? ;) To hang on to any plausibility you have to go further and further from the story.

You could equally argue that the Greek creation myth is allegorical. That the splitting of the Nix's egg represented a the seperation of complex life into biological sexes or that the Prometheus tale represents the turning point in human evolution when man discovered how to use fire.

That's fine, but you can't also then talk about the God figure in that myth as a literal entity any more than you can claim to have a personal relationship with Prometheus.

I guess my big problem is with the tendency to use the term 'creator' when talking of God figures. It assumes a

But like i said, there are many different ways of interpreting that story. I dont know what really happened back then, nobody does, and the fact that it might not be real doesn't disprove the rest of the bible or mean that G-d doesn't exist, and there is proof that the other events that are described in it, did happen. I don't believe in christianity for instance, but Jesus was a real person, although there's no evidence he walked on water or any of that, so it might well be possible that some bits of genesis are true, even though not all of it is.

You can argue for ages and ages though about whether it is real or not and it's totally irrelevent, if it turned out tomorrow that that story was a load of bollocks, would that mean that people's faith was worthless? No it wouldn't, because just because one element of our understanding of G-d is wrong, it doesn't mean that G-d doesn't exist.

Well it does in a sense. It would mean that people who claim to know or understand God would be proven wrong in their assertions. It would also raise the pertinent question 'if this is wrong, what else in my religion is?'

What do you make of the fact that pretty much every creation myth, primitive or otherwise, describes a flood covering the earth in the same manner that Genesis does? I have a book of myths, and native american tribes, japanese, hindu and african myths all describes something like that.

I think it's very interesting, personally.


Something along these lines seems most likely to me.

Certainly, the idea that the Noah's ark story literally did happen is the least plausible explanation I've come across. It's the sort of answer you can only come to if you start with a conclusion and then gather evidence to support it.

It's a folk tale about flooding. It may have been adapted from an older folk tale about flooding. Most primitave cultures would have experienced flooding in one way or another. Without having much knowledge of geology or weather systems, angry Gods would have seemed like the most likely explanation. Folk tales may have ensued.

That's a bad analogy, any fool knows that fairies don't run computers,

Why would it matter than nobody but me believes that faeries run my computer? At one point a great deal of people in Greece believed that the world came from a magical bird's vagina.

What I was really asking is if you think that personal beliefs can be held to reason. Specifically, I'm trying to establish whether or not you think that proving a level of uncertainty with a logical theory means that a fantastical theory can be held in equal regard as it.

I could think that my arm was sore because evil spirits were invading it, it follows some sort of coherent logic, but that doesn't mean it would actually be true.

My point exactly. I could spend all day pointing out that you have a tasmanian devil chewing on your elbow and you could spend all day telling me that didn't necessarily negate the evil spirit theory.

Now is the evil spirit argument a real argument, or a load of balls?

How does that differ from the existence of God argument?
snouty warthog said:
charmed I am sure! you may not agree with me; doesn't make me an idiot. anyway, peace.

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