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Should you put your leftovers in the fridge before or after they have cooled down?

Yeah I know all that but my experience shows me that really, it's fine. I've never bothered worrying about cooked rice and it's never made me I'll.

I also realise that my anecdotal evidence is not science but I will carry on regardless...utility such time as I do fall foul of the dreadfood poisoning that I know rice can cause!
If you put food in the fridge before its cool, you get condensation on the lid of the container. Depending on the nature of the food, wet bits can be pretty undesirable.
I let stuff cool down a bit so it is lukewarm or so, so not to raise the temperature of the fridge too much. I've got one of the radio thermometers in the fridge that connects to the weather station, and putting stuff in the fridge while it's quite hot does noticeably increase the temperature, and it takes the fridge a while to restore the temperature to normal. I'd rather avoid food poisoning.
When I was a kid leftovers regularly got stored in the cooled oven. No longer than a day, I think. When I cook big curries it stays on the side in the big pot it's cooked in until it's properly cool, then the whole thing goes in the fridge.
Nah - this is also bollocks. I live with some guys from India and they make a batch of rice everyday and just leave it in the rice cooker until it's been eaten. No fridging at all and they seem to get up alive every morning.

They also cook all manner of curries and leave them in the pot on the cooker until it's all been eaten. This can take a few days sometimes.
That form of logical reasoning is hardly conclusive. Arguably it's closer to playing Russian roulette. Just because something hasn't made you ill the first 1000 times doesn't mean it won't on the 1001st. It also says nothing about the comparative risk reduction between refrigerated versus non-refrigerated.

If you got ill from eating at a restaurant where they kept cooked rice at room temperature for days and their argument was "well we've been doing it this way for years and you're the first to get ill", would you accept that as sound reasoning?
1) leave lid off while food cooling;
2) when food cool place lid on;
3) put on lid;
4) place in fridge;
5) start thread on urban with some false dichotomy in title.
if its warm when it goes in the fridge its going to hang around longer in the temperature range most suited to bacterial growth.So cool it then fridge it
I am not convinced by your logic. If I have two identical bowls of foodstuff, both of which start out at 100 degrees, and I leave one out in a room temperature environment & allow it to slowly cool before putting it into the fridge, and put the other one straight into the fridge, are you suggesting that the first will somehow be at a less favourable temperature for bacterial growth for less time than the second?

I am not convinced by your logic. If I have two identical bowls of foodstuff, both of which start out at 100 degrees, and I leave one out in a room temperature environment & allow it to slowly cool before putting it into the fridge, and put the other one straight into the fridge, are you suggesting that the first will somehow be at a less favourable temperature for bacterial growth for less time than the second?

yeah cos the fridge is a confined space. Unless you have a SMEG, do you have a SMEG?

or any other of those american style ones which are more like food wardrobes than a fridge of normal sze

Yeah I know all that but my experience shows me that really, it's fine. I've never bothered worrying about cooked rice and it's never made me I'll.

I also realise that my anecdotal evidence is not science but I will carry on regardless...utility such time as I do fall foul of the dreadfood poisoning that I know rice can cause!
I reckon there are people out there who go round thinking up shit to scare you with.

Anyone from an Asian family will have had reheated rice almost as many times as they've had hot food. We had a pot of curry and a pot of rice on the stove top or in the fridge most weekends and you'd just help yourself and reheat it, as and when you fancied. I can't recall anyone ever having an issue with it.

Pretty much every Indian and Chinese restaurant reheats rice, particularly the buffet type places or the ones that serve precooked food from glass display cabinets. If there was a serious risk to this the elfen safety bods be all over these gaffs.
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I just leave food to cool down in the microwave, so it's not laying around the kitchen. Then put it in the fridge when cool.
In the summer I put things under those mesh umbrella things to keep any insects off until cool.
Cooling of Food
17. Regulation (EC) 852/2004 contains a requirement for the cooling of foodstuffs.
Annex II, Chapter IX, 6 states
Where foodstuffs are to be held or served at chilled temperatures they are to be
cooled as quickly as possible following the heat-processing stage, or final
preparation stage if no heat process is applied, to a temperature, which does
not result in a risk to health.
18. The cooling period for any food would not be regarded as unacceptable merely
because other equipment, not present at the business, could have cooled the food
quicker. The time taken to achieve cooling must be consistent with food safety.
Cooling will always be a step that is critical to food safety.
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