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    Lazy Llama

should thick people be allowed to vote?

Trev you seem to be one of the most confused right wingers ever on Urban.
Not quite sure if your trying to be ironic or funny on most of your posts?

But how about this as one of the questions on a test.

Do you think that politics should be left to clever people?

If they say yes then basically like you there Tory scum and the rest of us will know they are the enemy.

It would be good if politics WERE left to clever people, unfortunately at the moment they're entirely ran by well educated people (note that well educated does not equal "clever" . Clever people don't sign the country up to PFI schemes at 50percent interest)
I can, and I have. It was futile :)

But generally, I'd say people holding other members of the class they identify with in contempt are probably backing a loser politically

There are loads of good working class people who are sussed, all hail the miners, Liverpool dockers, anyone who is clued up and doesn't believe the shit they read in the tabloids.
but there are also charvers, fascists, scabs, Tories, etc etc..... I do not hate working class people cos i would have to hate myself!
And god help the party if i was it's leader...i don't adhere to the basic principles of politics - i'm honest!
So that would be lost deposits all round
It would be good if politics WERE left to clever people, unfortunately at the moment they're entirely ran by well educated people (note that well educated does not equal "clever" . Clever people don't sign the country up to PFI schemes at 50percent interest)

They do if they wish to become non-exective directors of the companies concerned when they leave power. Quite clever, that.
There are loads of good working class people who are sussed, all hail the miners, Liverpool dockers, anyone who is clued up and doesn't believe the shit they read in the tabloids.
but there are also charvers, fascists, scabs, Tories, etc etc..... I do not hate working class people cos i would have to hate myself!

You're an idiot.
It's more a cumulative thing.

damn i was hoping you'd tell me which of those ya were-

scab, fascist, Tory, etc etc

or whether you were against liverpool dockers, miners, people with suss etc

Nice non committal answer. Fancy joining New Labour? Mandelson would be proud
damn i was hoping you'd tell me which of those ya were-

scab, fascist, Tory, etc etc

or whether you were against liverpool dockers, miners, people with suss etc

Nice non committal answer. Fancy joining New Labour? Mandelson would be proud

No, Trev, I campaigned for the dockers, miners, and lots of other stuff. I'm not a scab, a fascist, a Tory or an etc etc.

But you're STILL an idiot. You make Rik from the Young Ones look credible.
No, Trev, I campaigned for the dockers, miners, and lots of other stuff. I'm not a scab, a fascist, a Tory or an etc etc.

But you're STILL an idiot. You make Rik from the Young Ones look credible.

So someone on the same side as you is an idiot? Forget New Labour, why not start your own small leftist party who attacks other small leftist parties?
I guess it's something a lot of lefty types go through at some stage or another. It's one of the stages on the path, like anger, denial, exasperation, and marching. One day you look around you and wonder why the very people who stand to benefit from socialism appear to swallow all the lies and bullshit. Oh! the ironing. Time after time blokes in the pub chase you out following a table thumping argument where they threaten to put in hospital for bad mouthing Queen Mags; no matter how many times you explain it they still persist in calling Tony Blair a socialist when bitching about the state; and of course the bizarre addiction to the tabloid press.

Then you realise! OMG, I hate them. They're thick, idiotic plebs, who don't deserve even the smattering of democracy they're allowed.

But do not let that turn you towards bitterness, young padawan. That way lies the dark side. Once you have written them off, you've really written off the working classes. Now, even if that doesn't make you say fuck it and becoming a boss, it will lead you to acting on their behalf. Because you know better than them. They need protecting from themselves. And once you think like that, well, the next stop is New Labour, and we all know how that turns out.
and if you listen to "Too Late" that tells you just about everything that's wrong with the country in one song.
I shan't bother, thanks all the same :)

Thing is, trev, if you're going to fight for the liberation from oppression of the working classes, you don't get to decide which ones, you know.

It's like saying, I'm against vivisection, apart from on frogs - horrible, slimy little things
I guess it's something a lot of lefty types go through at some stage or another. It's one of the stages on the path, like anger, denial, exasperation, and marching. One day you look around you and wonder why the very people who stand to benefit from socialism appear to swallow all the lies and bullshit. Oh! the ironing. Time after time blokes in the pub chase you out following a table thumping argument where they threaten to put in hospital for bad mouthing Queen Mags; no matter how many times you explain it they still persist in calling Tony Blair a socialist when bitching about the state; and of course the bizarre addiction to the tabloid press.

Then you realise! OMG, I hate them. They're thick, idiotic plebs, who don't deserve even the smattering of democracy they're allowed.

But do not let that turn you towards bitterness, young padawan. That way lies the dark side. Once you have written them off, you've really written off the working classes. Now, even if that doesn't make you say fuck it and becoming a boss, it will lead you to acting on their behalf. Because you know better than them. They need protecting from themselves. And once you think like that, well, the next stop is New Labour, and we all know how that turns out.

Now try telling El Jefe that...
I shan't bother, thanks all the same :)

Thing is, trev, if you're going to fight for the liberation from oppression of the working classes, you don't get to decide which ones, you know.

It's like saying, I'm against vivisection, apart from on frogs - horrible, slimy little things

The thing is even the ignorant parts of the working class would feel better off under a progressive govt - they just can't bring themselves to acknowledge it because the Sun has told them that lefties are evil , the queen is wonderful , dolies are all scrounging charvers directly robbing their wage packets etc, and ID cards are marvellous
and if you listen to "Too Late" that tells you just about everything that's wrong with the country in one song.

Let's see:

day after day fingers to the bone
to earn another pound, to pay another loan
face to the grindstone, neck on the line
killing himself, just to pass time
hour after hour, watching the clock
grafting hard with his head on the block
loyal to the end, the old school way
but it counts for nothing nowadays

we'll all look back in the future
at where it all went wrong
we'll all sit around arguing
about people now long gone
we'll all have the answers over a pint
and opinions to debate
but there's not a lot of point in talking about it
by then it will be too late

they closed down the factory it's cheaper abroad
fat cats paid so they couldn't afford
to put food on the table of the family man
forty years service, no pension plan
his life's on hold, his shattered dreams
empty thoughts and what might have beens
no money, no future, no work, no hope
no chance to think, he just couldn't cope

we'll all look back in the future
at where it all went wrong
we'll all sit around arguing
about people now long gone
we'll all have the answers over a pint
and opinions to debate
but there's not a lot of point in talking about it
by then it will be too late

tomorrow will be too late [x4]
to be waiting at the factory gate

said we'll all look back in the future
at where it all went wrong
we'll all sit around arguing
about people now long gone
we'll all have the answers over a pint
and opinions to debate
but there's not a lot of point in talking about it
by then it will be too late

see, trev, some of those people working their fingers to the bone have decided, for one reason or another, to vote Tory. Might be selfishness, might be an inability to see Thatcherite lies for what they were, might be a genuine belief that it's the best thing for them and their family, might be cos their parents did, might be for any number of reasons.

They're still working class, and they're still oppressed. Rather than trying to challenge their ideas, to try and overthrow false consciousness and the like, you're just going to treat them with contempt.

How terribly forward thinking, 'brother'.

my late father was a lovely bloke, couldn't do enough for you, good heart, kind and sincere. He did some shitty jobs (just before he died he worked cash in hand in a fast food restaurant), but he read the Daily Express and he voted Tory. He wasn't very political at all, it just seemed to make sense to him. I'd try and argue with him, but it didn't go well.

So let's try two different approaches to resolving this: one would be to explain why he's wrong, and gain his understanding and support.
The other would be to consider him contemptible, the lowest of the low.

One of those approaches might fail and would certainly be a long struggle, but is the class conscious thing to do. Born of genuine understanding of the class struggle and a genuine concern for those who've fallen for the lies of capitalism.

The other is the teenage temper tantrum of a cartoon ciderpunk with the compassion of a pomegranite.

I'll let you riddle your way through that one.
Let's see:

see, trev, some of those people working their fingers to the bone have decided, for one reason or another, to vote Tory. Might be selfishness, might be an inability to see Thatcherite lies for what they were, might be a genuine belief that it's the best thing for them and their family, might be cos their parents did, might be for any number of reasons.

They're still working class, and they're still oppressed. Rather than trying to challenge their ideas, to try and overthrow false consciousness and the like, you're just going to treat them with contempt.

How terribly forward thinking, 'brother'.

There's actually another song on there that tells you everything you need to know about the country, got a bit mixed up there

So I'll chuck all my books away then, and just depend on the mighty Cocksparrer to show me the way? :D
Personally I don't believe in voting, but having to prove to someone that you aren't thick before you are allowed sufferage?

You haven't really thought this one through
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