I guess it's something a lot of lefty types go through at some stage or another. It's one of the stages on the path, like anger, denial, exasperation, and marching. One day you look around you and wonder why the very people who stand to benefit from socialism appear to swallow all the lies and bullshit. Oh! the ironing. Time after time blokes in the pub chase you out following a table thumping argument where they threaten to put in hospital for bad mouthing Queen Mags; no matter how many times you explain it they still persist in calling Tony Blair a socialist when bitching about the state; and of course the bizarre addiction to the tabloid press.
Then you realise! OMG, I hate them. They're thick, idiotic plebs, who don't deserve even the smattering of democracy they're allowed.
But do not let that turn you towards bitterness, young padawan. That way lies the dark side. Once you have written them off, you've really written off the working classes. Now, even if that doesn't make you say fuck it and becoming a boss, it will lead you to acting on their behalf. Because you know better than them. They need protecting from themselves. And once you think like that, well, the next stop is New Labour, and we all know how that turns out.