I can verify that there are a whole bunch of vaccines in trials, and a lot more in earlier research phases.
One small point - the majority of colds are not coronaviruses (rhinoviruses are most common, then there's adenoviruses, RSV, influenzas, parainfluenzas, a few others), so a lucky vaccine might sort us for the other circulating coronaviruses, but not that other lot.
The vaccine doesn't guarantee you won't catch the Cov2 virus, but it helps.
My stance on this hasn't changed since post #68 - while the virus remains dangerous, anyone taking their duty of care seriously should have the jab. Refusals are an indicator that they are in the wrong job in the first place.
I voted 'no' to compulsion in general, but patient-facing NHS staff (or private medical staff, for that matter) are a different story.