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Shite beers

The Nigerian Guinness that I've had was almost an entirely different beer, and much nicer - spicy and strong (like 7+%), nothing like the bodiless pish that still trades on what was admittedly one of the most sophisticated and successful ad campaigns of the 90s.
You can buy Nigerian Guinness in the UK. I have done. It's pretty decent.

All subjective, innit, but the ubiquity of cans of Red Stripe around certain scenes/venues winds me up a bit, it's always overpriced for such a muddy-tasting beer.
I'm fairly sure there are umpteen threads about it on urban but Red Stripe used to be decent, a long time ago. Everything where production is moved to the UK turns into Carling with slightly different ABV. See also Estrella, which has turned shit now.
I'm fairly sure there are umpteen threads about it on urban but Red Stripe used to be decent, a long time ago. Everything where production is moved to the UK turns into Carling with slightly different ABV. See also Estrella, which has turned shit now.
Oh, when was the move? I thought it was alright when I was a kid but I'd sort of written that down to my taste when I was a teenager being even worse than it is now.
I'm fairly sure there are umpteen threads about it on urban but Red Stripe used to be decent, a long time ago. Everything where production is moved to the UK turns into Carling with slightly different ABV. See also Estrella, which has turned shit now.
This is true of so many good lagers over the years. Tiger, from Singapore, Singha from Thailand used to be 6% imported bottled, really good beers, before they were bought by big beer companies and turned into bland 4% "brands".

Even Stella used to be a really unique and decent lager once upon a time.

Big Business Buggers Beer.
Can't say as I really like the Nigerian Export Guinness. I used it for cooking Stout Gravy at Xmas though, and it held it's flavour better in that than the regular stuff.
I'm fairly sure there are umpteen threads about it on urban but Red Stripe used to be decent, a long time ago. Everything where production is moved to the UK turns into Carling with slightly different ABV. See also Estrella, which has turned shit now.

See also Fosters, which when it was imported in cans, was a grand lager, but tasted like piss as soon as it was brewed in the UK.
This is true of so many good lagers over the years. Tiger, from Singapore, Singha from Thailand used to be 6% imported bottled, really good beers, before they were bought by big beer companies and turned into bland 4% "brands".

Even Stella used to be a really unique and decent lager once upon a time.

Big Business Buggers Beer.

I was very worried about Budvar going downhill, but thankfully they haven't. Grolsch went down 1.5% when they were bought up by Heineken, & the stuff in cans is awful. The 500ml bottles are still okay, but are brewed at a different site to the cans.
I'm just glad that there are so many established independents that have held out in continental Europe, & that new breweries are springing up in the UK faster than Big Beer can buy them up.
I remember that the first time I ever thought Stella was nice was when I had it in the US, as a bottled import.

I'll be fair to the US - the mass market beers are absolute shite, worse than the ones here by far, but if there's something nice, they don't seem to then turn it rubbish just to keep the branding.
Wow, that seems almost unbelievable :D I suppose in the same way that it's almost unbelievable that Red Stripe was once nice, though.
Red Stripe was good as an import but went shite when made in Harlesden. Used to love Crucial Brew for a strong lager but don't think it exists anymore.
WTF is this. Description says mild and the can says gelato.
Caramel and pistachio - well, would you?
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When these craft brewers first started appearing, I was anti. Then I tried a few and some were actually pretty good - stupidly hoppy IPAs are right up my street. Then they started churning out ever more silly flavours like mango IPA and before long we got here. Caramel Pistachio ffs. Youngsters seem to have a very sweet tooth these days. I want beer that tastes of beer.
Mind you, if we are worried about these beers with bloody silly flavours, wtf is clotted cream gin?

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That Madri beer that is doing well in the UK is fucking swill.

Estrella de Galicia every time!

Also had a Doom Bar alcohol free ale. Absolute filth. Gross. So much worse than their normal ale, they should hang their heads in shame.
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