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Sheridan wins libel case

Question: Has Tommy sheridan admitted to this "sex scandal"? If so, when and to whom and are there documents to support this supposed reality?

Comment: Murdoch would be grinning from ear to ear if he read this thread. Divide and conquer is the right wing leader(s) and media magnates' stock in trade.
danny la rouge said:
He'll come unstuck, though. Like Danny Baldwin he felt he had to keep the lie going once he was found out, no matter who it hurt. But there's going to be a Leanne/Mike's Will moment out there somewhere, isn't there...

I fear this may well be the case
danny la rouge said:
He'll come unstuck, though. Like Danny Baldwin he felt he had to keep the lie going once he was found out, no matter who it hurt. But there's going to be a Leanne/Mike's Will moment out there somewhere, isn't there...

I fear this may well be the case

If you read this article it looks as though TS might be beginning to realise its not going to be a walk in the park to getting his position back.

The news of the world have very little chance of winning their appeal and getting a retrial. To get a retrial they'd have to show that no reasonable jury could have reached the verdict that Tommy was telling the truth. But a jury is quite entitled to believe one set of witnesses over another. So I can't see how they can win that one.
Bear said:
The news of the world have very little chance of winning their appeal and getting a retrial. To get a retrial they'd have to show that no reasonable jury could have reached the verdict that Tommy was telling the truth. But a jury is quite entitled to believe one set of witnesses over another. So I can't see how they can win that one.
I think that's correct - juries can believe whoever they want; it doesn't make them right. And I couldn't care less about the News of the World.

But if Tommy's ego is going to take down the SSP - the most successful parliamentary socialist party since the ILP - and maybe even take down socialism too, then I think we need to pay attention to what actually went on. And ask ourselves questions about charismatic leaders, the cult of personality, and the true nature of solidarity.
danny la rouge said:
I think that's correct - juries can believe whoever they want; it doesn't make them right. And I couldn't care less about the News of the World.

But if Tommy's ego is going to take down the SSP - the most successful parliamentary socialist party since the ILP - and maybe even take down socialism too, then I think we need to pay attention to what actually went on. And ask ourselves questions about charismatic leaders, the cult of personality, and the true nature of solidarity.

So what exactly are those questions?
mutley said:
So what exactly are those questions?


charismatic leaders, the cult of personality
whether its a good thing to base a party on these

the true nature of solidarity.
whether it can be based on untruths/whether it should require a significant number of people to be put in a position where they have to go along with an individuals vanity exercise.
danny la rouge said:
I think that's correct - juries can believe whoever they want; it doesn't make them right. And I couldn't care less about the News of the World.

But if Tommy's ego is going to take down the SSP - the most successful parliamentary socialist party since the ILP - and maybe even take down socialism too, then I think we need to pay attention to what actually went on. And ask ourselves questions about charismatic leaders, the cult of personality, and the true nature of solidarity.

If Tommy didn't take the SSP down it would be someone else, the far left are always fighting amongst themselves and falling out; and that's something that never changes. The far left in Britian will never amount to anything.
4thwrite said:

charismatic leaders, the cult of personality

whether its a good thing to base a party on these

the true nature of solidarity.

whether it can be based on untruths/whether it should require a significant number of people to be put in a position where they have to go along with an individuals vanity exercise.
justuname said:

Funny set of minutes.

No apologies,no agenda and it reads like a story.

I'm not saying its fake but you'd think a major political party would be able to keep proper minutes of the meetings of it's leading body.

The 12 page document that accompanies it appears with it appears to be full of slurs and allegations.

I'd come down on the side of Sheridan rather than a bunch of bitter and twisted sectarian faction fighters so far gone that they'd testify for the Murdoch press.

Still,it's probably too late to save the SSP :(
osterberg said:
Funny set of minutes.

No apologies,no agenda and it reads like a story.

I'm not saying its fake but you'd think a major political party would be able to keep proper minutes of the meetings of it's leading body.
It was not a regular meeting of the Exec. There wasn't any other item on the agenda of that 'special meeting' of the exec, AFAIK, so it doesn't seem so odd to me.

The 12 page document that accompanies it appears with it appears to be full of slurs and allegations.

I'd come down on the side of Sheridan rather than a bunch of bitter and twisted sectarian faction fighters so far gone that they'd testify for the Murdoch press.
What would you have had them do - refuse to testify and all go to prison for contempt of court? For how long?

Still,it's probably too late to save the SSP :(
Yes. It's been destroyed by Sheridan's vain insistence on suing the News of the Screws and his arrogant demand that his comrades commit perjury (or go to prison indefinitely for contempt).
JHE,the minutes just don't appear of the standard they should be for a major political party.
And were they telling the truth when they testified?
I honestly don't know.
You're right about the court case.It would have been better for Sheridan and the SSP to have ignored the NOTW story and moved on.
osterberg said:
JHE,the minutes just don't appear of the standard they should be for a major political party.
I've seem minutes of Labour Party meetings at that level and they're not that much different.

The strange thing to my eyes is the use of Arial 13 point with odd compression. I suppose it's a form of trying to protect against forgery, or something.
osterberg said:
JHE,the minutes just don't appear of the standard they should be for a major political party.


0. Questions over 'swingers' club' documents
0. Minutes from SSP meeting had been handed to police as evidence
0. But confusion now seems to exist over whether they ever existed

"That is not the minutes of the meeting, it is a document that has been concocted. It bears no relation, to me, to a proper executive committee meeting, and I have listened to a lot." - John Aberdein, vice-chairman of the Orkney branch of the SSP
JoePolitix said:
"That is not the minutes of the meeting, it is a document that has been concocted. It bears no relation, to me, to a proper executive committee meeting, and I have listened to a lot." - John Aberdein, vice-chairman of the Orkney branch of the SSP
...who was not at the meeting.
JoePolitix said:
The minutes of that meeting are about as convincing as Blair's dodgy dosier.
It was quite some conspiracy to do down Big Tommy, eh?

Eleven SSP Exec members got together to lie through their teeth in court to back up a faked document. I wonder who else was involved. Mossad? CIA? Little green Martian counter-revolutionaries? Shape-shifting pixie-owls?
I would guess that the minutes are genuine. However the Exec members initially went along with the strategy of non-cooperation with the court - which included the defence of 'there isn't a minute'/'it got destroyed'. they of course want to then use the minute to show sheridan is lying - but hit the problem of previously saying there was no minute. What a tangled web we weave...

The bottom line though is this: has anyone who was actually at the meeting come out and said 'no, Tommy never admitted to the swingers club allegation. Neither did he say the ssp should go along with his version of events while he sued the NoW'?

Vast majority of those present have said he is telling porkies - and of those who didn't give evidence against him in court, i don't think they have unambiguously agreed with his version of the meeting. Might be wrong though...
JHE said:
It was quite some conspiracy to do down Big Tommy, eh?

Eleven SSP Exec members got together to lie through their teeth in court to back up a faked document. I wonder who else was involved. Mossad? CIA? Little green Martian counter-revolutionaries? Shape-shifting pixie-owls?

Those 11 SSPers just happened to be Sheridan's political rivals and represent a minority clique at the top of the party. And yes they did lie about the minutes of the meeting in the court, whichever way you look at it.
JoePolitix said:
Those 11 SSPers just happened to be Sheridan's political rivals and represent a minority clique at the top of the party. And yes they did lie about the minutes of the meeting in the court, whichever way you look at it.
they (or some of them) quite possibly did lie about the existence of the minutes in court. However that doesn't strengthen sheridan's case against them. The vastly more likely version of the lie was that they were keeping the evidence that would have shafted him (and allowed a Now victory) out of the court. If so, that means he is now throwing their 'honourable' strategy in his favour back in their faces.
4thwrite said:
they (or some of them) quite possibly did lie about the existence of the minutes in court. However that doesn't strengthen sheridan's case against them. The vastly more likely version of the lie was that they were keeping the evidence that would have shafted him (and allowed a Now victory) out of the court. If so, that means he is now throwing their 'honourable' strategy in his favour back in their faces.

I doubt it was a good will jesture, given that those "comrades" were the ones who forced Tommy out of his position as convenor for his willingness to fight Murdoch's vermin. Sounds more like a strategic cock-up to me. The real honourable strategy would have been for the SSP to unite behind Tommy against Murdoch's scab empire rather than align with the latter for their own factional gain.
JoePolitix said:
The real honourable strategy would have been for the SSP to unite behind Tommy against Murdoch's scab empire...
Even if they were convinced that he was lying and that they would have had to be complicit in his lies? How would that be honourable?
JoePolitix said:
doubt it was a good will jesture, given that those "comrades" were the ones who forced Tommy out of his position as convenor for his willingness to fight Murdoch's vermin. Sounds more like a strategic cock-up to me.
Agree with that - the whole thing is underpinned by a factional fight

The real honourable strategy would have been for the SSP to unite behind Tommy against Murdoch's scab empire rather than align with the latter for their own factional gain.

Can't agree with that. Whilst Murdoch/NoW are scum, his fight with them isn't a political one. They scummily ran his sex life as a story, he egotistically thought he could emerge with his halo intact. The only really honourable thing for him to do would have been to say 'no comment/fuck off' to the allegations - and then go on the attack about the way the gutter press are prurient scum.

And if he's that worked up about the press and its 'anti-working class bias', why is he appearing in thier pages on a daily basis, doing 'The Sheridan's At Home' type features.
4thwrite said:
Can't agree with that. Whilst Murdoch/NoW are scum, his fight with them isn't a political one. They scummily ran his sex life as a story, he egotistically thought he could emerge with his halo intact. The only really honourable thing for him to do would have been to say 'no comment/fuck off' to the allegations - and then go on the attack about the way the gutter press are prurient scum.

And if he's that worked up about the press and its 'anti-working class bias', why is he appearing in thier pages on a daily basis, doing 'The Sheridan's At Home' type features.

I'd say that the fight against the corporate press is a political one, afterall when the hard right Murdoch monopoly smears leading class militiants and anti-war activists their motives are political. Sheridan's victory (aswell as Galloway's previous one against the Torygraph) represent a turning point from the days when the corporate shitbags could slander socialists with impunity.

If Sheridan had just said 'no comment/ fuck off' in the not very read SSV that would have hardly been a strike back against Murdoch's complete domination of the media would it?

Tommy may have "egotistically thought he could emerge with his halo intact" but he was esentially right wasn't he? Despite the problems associated with egotism (Galloway being a case in point) at this stage, after decades of set backs and defeats for the workers movement, I'd rather there was a little more ego and a little less demoralised souls on the left to be honest.

Whether or not in retrospect Tommy's decision was wise is fairly immaterial now. The fact is that he did actually score a victory, against all the odds, over the class enemy. Hopefully he can build on this victory by leading a grassroots rebellion against the present leadership of the SSP, under who's stewardship the party has faired badly and lost support. That would be a far more significant victory for socialists in Scotland.
JoePolitix said:
The fact is that he did actually score a victory, against all the odds, over the class enemy.
By betraying his comrades, putting them in a impossible position, then denouncing them as scabs. When in fact it was he who was putting his own self-interest first.
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