Sue said:
The far left will always be a "fucken mess".
There is more chance of all the churches in the world getting together and truely uniting all Christians than there is of the far left uniting.
But you can't put all the blame on Tommy Sheridan.
If they'd have had any sense they'd have done what any other party in that situation would do, they'd have asked the leader not to tell them anything about his or her private life that could result in them being placed in a situation they probably wouldn't want to be in, and they'd have lent the leader moral support only.
That's what every other party (or anyone with half a brain) would do! Give them moral support (not risk the party) and ask not to be told anything that they and/or the party would be best of not knowing, we are after all talking about someone's private life here so it's perfectly acceptable to say 'I don't want to know anything'. If I were on the SSP exec I'd have said something like: 'if you're going to court good luck to you, the SSP can't risk backing you up financially but I hope you win, now please don't tell me anything that you think I'd be better of not knowing; because I don't want to have to tell the court anything bad about you, and if they ask and I know, then I will, okay?'. It wouldn't have mattered to me if I liked Tommy or disapproved of what he was supposed to have been doing. What he was accused of was a private matter and not a criminal offense and it didn't involve the party. Politics is not about liking and approving of people, it's about uniting behind a set of common goals to try and get the country to take some steps towards becoming the kind of society you want to live in and choosing a leader who is able to delivery the best results. What did these idiots do -
Ditch the only person capable of leading them to decent election results.
Ask questions the answers to which could (and did) land them up in court
Give info to the press (Backstab).
Those incompetent idiot can't even run a party, if they were ever given the chance to run the country they'd no doubt fuck that up too, so I'm glad they'll never get the chance to wreak the place.