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Sheridan wins libel case

DexterTCN said:

Talk about sour grapes. Let me put it more simply...the SSP was and is Tommy Sheridan.

Firstly, I've nothing to declare in this story - apart from I voted SSP in the Livvy local elections for Gillian years ago.

But to be honest I'd rather have Tommy Sheridan as a productive, media savvy MP/MSP than this bunch of idiots. No offence to them personally, I pretty much like their politics in a vaguely unrealistic sort of way.

If they had had the SSP's welfare at help they would have shut the fuck up and welcomed him back with open arms and camera smiles, pretty much guaranteeing at least holding their seats at teh next election if not better.


I'm with Tommy on this one, at least he has a brain in his head. I give as much of a fuck about some lucky bastards getting 3-somes as I do about Monica Lewinsky.

Ths current SSP are merely doing what Murdoch was doing. :)

btw I think they stole that Jason's Ear thing from the Scotsman the other day.

Right, so: he's charismatic, the big man, plays to the media ... which means all his colleagues in this supposedly democratic party have to go along with his lies and schemes. Personality cults and dishonesty - what a fine basis for socialism.

Oh, and its Jenkin's Ear
dennisr said:
You seem to have missed the last almost a decade though - Francis and Colin left Militant along with Tommy and most of the leadership of what became the SSP a long while ago after a long internal discussion. They have now fallen out between themselves. Depsite the many differences with Tommy, the SP (Militant as was... the 'unreconstructed' ones) have supported Sheridan in his court battle with NoW.
I beg to differ.

Frances, Colin, Keith Badesera and quite a few others grew up within the 'Militant Tendency'.

Tommy boy did not.

He reckons that a millie tendency sect has seized control of the party hence his talk now of one member one vote if he is 'voted' back in to be convener of the party.

I'm with Sheridan on this one.
What a load of tosh - Sheridan was the poster boy for the Militant until the split to form the SSP.
anybodygotapen? said:
Which 'Militant' grouping are you talking about qwerty?
This one, and then this one. What one did you think qwerty meant? :confused:

Sheridan was a prominent member of the Militant/RSL whilst a student at Stirling University. After graduating he went to Cardonald College as a typing student as part of the Militant/RSL (unsuccessful) drive to take-over Scottish Labour Students through building a presence in further education colleges. The Labour Party leadership under Neil Kinnock was determined to remove any member of Militant and Sheridan himself was expelled from the Labour Party in 1989.

As the highest profile Militant/RSL member in Scotland Sheridan was a leading figure in the split in that organisation in the early 1990s, but emboldened by the success of the campaign against the poll tax, many Militant/RSL members - particularly in Scotland - argued for the abandonment of entryism and the creation of Scottish Militant Labour, and Militant Labour in England and Wales as open political parties.​

Are we seeing a plot to rewrite history? A denial that Tommy was ever in Militant?
Fullyplumped said:
This one, and then this one. What one did you think qwerty meant? :confused:

Sheridan was a prominent member of the Militant/RSL whilst a student at Stirling University. After graduating he went to Cardonald College as a typing student as part of the Militant/RSL (unsuccessful) drive to take-over Scottish Labour Students through building a presence in further education colleges. The Labour Party leadership under Neil Kinnock was determined to remove any member of Militant and Sheridan himself was expelled from the Labour Party in 1989.

As the highest profile Militant/RSL member in Scotland Sheridan was a leading figure in the split in that organisation in the early 1990s, but emboldened by the success of the campaign against the poll tax, many Militant/RSL members - particularly in Scotland - argued for the abandonment of entryism and the creation of Scottish Militant Labour, and Militant Labour in England and Wales as open political parties.​

Are we seeing a plot to rewrite history? A denial that Tommy was ever in Militant?

Tommy was never in 'Militant Tendency'...see the difference?
anybodygotapen? said:
How's about one member one vote qwerty.

Where do you stand?

A very good idea. I opposed the move to delegate conferences, but it was taken on practical grounds, we had simply got too big to accomodate everyone.

I suspect that might no longer be such an issue:(
junius said:
No, please explain.
Oh god do I have to do this?

Ritchie Venton, Alan McCoombes and shit loads of others came out of the Hepscott road London tradition of Grant and Taaffe trotskiyite versions of history.

What I'm saying is that Frances and others came from these beginings...Sheridan did not.
Bear said:
C'mon, you can't expect anyone to buy that. Getting their defence in first? It's hard to see how going to the press with an affidavit before the trial claiming that Tommy did/admitted to xyz is going to help their defense since an affidavit and a talk to a journalist doesn't count for anymore than a testimony under oath.

If the jury heard of disloyality and backstabbing like that then its hardly suprising if they thought there must be some on the SSP exec out to screw Tommy and hence didn't believe them. It's very hard to be sure someone is telling the truth if you've got reason to suspect that they might have an axe to grind.

I'm not disputing that at least some of those who gave evidence against Tommy Sheridan didn't want too go to court. What I am saying is that when senior member(s) on the party's executive decide to approach the press with details and an affidavit that could damage to their so called comrade's case one cannot but think that at least some of them must have wanted to 'get him'. Since that appears to be the case it's not suprising if the jury then believed Tommy when he said he was the victim of a campaign to undermine him. There is a huge difference between giving information when you have too (i.e. telling the truth under oath) and choosing to give information (i.e. approaching the press).

Excellent post! :cool: :)
anybodygotapen? said:
Oh god do I have to do this?

Ritchie Venton, Alan McCoombes and shit loads of others came out of the Hepscott road London tradition of Grant and Taaffe trotskiyite versions of history.

What I'm saying is that Frances and others came from these beginings...Sheridan did not.

What are Tommy's political origins then?
q_w_e_r_t_y said:
A very good idea. I opposed the move to delegate conferences, but it was taken on practical grounds, we had simply got too big to accomodate everyone.

I suspect that might no longer be such an issue:(
I take it that you are a member of the SSP qwerty...fight for one member one vote mate :)
anybodygotapen? said:
Oh god do I have to do this?

Ritchie Venton, Alan McCoombes and shit loads of others came out of the Hepscott road London tradition of Grant and Taaffe trotskiyite versions of history.

What I'm saying is that Frances and others came from these beginings...Sheridan did not.

Dinnae be daft. Sheridan was a major figure in the Militant

All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation
Militant took the initiative in organising many of these bodies which rapidly took on hundreds, even thousands, of members. Many of our comrades were jailed for taking a principled stand; Tommy Sheridan in Glasgow, Terry Fields the Liverpool MP and many others.
q_w_e_r_t_y said:
Dinnae be daft. Sheridan was a major figure in the Militant

All Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation
Militant took the initiative in organising many of these bodies which rapidly took on hundreds, even thousands, of members. Many of our comrades were jailed for taking a principled stand; Tommy Sheridan in Glasgow, Terry Fields the Liverpool MP and many others.
How fucking stupid are you?
anybodygotapen? said:
SWP... left them and joined whoever.

Sheridan has never been a member of the SWP

Sheridan joined the Militant as a student in Stirling, then in the open turn debate participated in the drive to set up Scottish Militant Labour (SML) - a seperate scottish party as part of the CWI international, then was part of the Scottish Socialist Alliance, still CWI, formed the SSP as a member of the CWI platform within it, then left the CWI in 2001 to set up the International Socalist Movement (ISM) which disbanded earlier this year.
q_w_e_r_t_y said:

Sheridan has never been a member of the SWP

Sheridan joined the Militant as a student in Stirling, then in the open turn debate participated in the drive to set up Scottish Militant Labour (SML) - a seperate scottish party as part of the CWI international, then was part of the Scottish Socialist Alliance, still CWI, formed the SSP as a member of the CWI platform within it, then left the CWI in 2002 (I think) to set up the International Socalist Movement (ISM) which disbanded earlier this year.
You are are an SSP member aintcha?

Do you have a vote?
q_w_e_r_t_y said:

Sheridan has never been a member of the SWP

Sheridan joined the Militant as a student in Stirling, then in the open turn debate participated in the drive to set up Scottish Militant Labour (SML) - a seperate scottish party as part of the CWI international, then was part of the Scottish Socialist Alliance, still CWI, formed the SSP as a member of the CWI platform within it, then left the CWI in 2001 to set up the International Socalist Movement (ISM) which disbanded earlier this year.

Don't bother. He probably think the CWI has something to do with the Womens Institute.
treelover said:
on now, sex lies, and socialism, news 24
Whats it say (no telly)? Saw a clip yesterday of the minute secretary taking her notes along to the police. Are they doing some kind of investigation?
q_w_e_r_t_y said:
Can you tell?

What for?

If you are asking about the convenorship then I will certainly be standing as a branch delegate - if elected I would get a vote.
So who's allowed to vote in your party then?

Only those who are of the EC?
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