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Self-indulgent pet thread

VP - my 3 are all indoor-only, they have a great life of luxury and are really happy and contented cats. It is a great life for them, I have no doubt about that whatsoever. Charlie always looks 100% content when you post pictures of him, he is one happy cat :)
"Comfortable. Honest."


(tbf, she'd been traumatised by Artichoke, and was desperately trying to find a safe lap to hide on.)
Thanks Epona. He does, I think. He's an indoor cat. A decision I made (in two minds) when I first got him, because he was an incredibly timid and very nervous cat (well, kitten at the time), and living opposite a row of industrial units that are used for all sorts and quite busy during the day, and with the main road just a few doors down, I thought it was probably for the best. I've often wondered over the years whether it's affected him in any way. It took him a very long time to get over his nervousness, and even now, at 12, he still darts away as soon as there's a knock on the door, even though now he might venture back downstairs again to have a sniff at visitors' shoes after a while (and he loves to roll around on my mum's partner's shoes :D). But, despite still not really being 100% sure of whether it was 'fair' to him or not, I look at him, sleeping there with that stupid grin on his face, and think about all the belly rubs he gets, all the cuddles, that he doesn't get into fights (apart from with me when he's feeling ornery), and he's safe from the traffic. I reckon he's got a pretty sweet deal :)
How do you make sure he gets enough exercise? Vet we know has two kittens and has offered them to us. They look like they are British blues crossed with something and are affectionate but pathetic, so the Brixton cats, foxes and probably squirrels would beat the crap out of them, so they would need to be indoors cats, but I wouldn't want to end up with furry lard buckets. Any advice?
How do you make sure he gets enough exercise? Vet we know has two kittens and has offered them to us. They look like they are British blues crossed with something and are affectionate but pathetic, so the Brixton cats, foxes and probably squirrels would beat the crap out of them, so they would need to be indoors cats, but I wouldn't want to end up with furry lard buckets. Any advice?

He's gotten less active now he's a bit older, but he's always had plenty of toys and enjoyed running like a freak up and down the stairs (while making the sort of noises you might expect from Linda Blair). He did have a bit of podge on him when he was younger, but I suspect that was more down to being fed too much than anything else. He's on a pretty expensive food, which has no cereals or traditional fillers you find in a lot of other foods (he developed some kind of intolerance to them), and it keeps him in good condition. He's always had a saggy belly, but it's just flappy skin, left over from when he was a kitten and had a really, really bad case of worms (his stomach was distended and hard because of them when I first got him). He sees a vet every year for a check up, and the vet is always really pleased with how he is, and says he's in extremely good condition.

If you're getting 2 kittens together, they'll be able to keep each other active, and will play together. You should still make the time to play with them yourself though. If you have an indoor cat (or cats) I think you've probably got to be more willing to put the effort in to provide them with something interesting to do, to make sure they get a bit of exercise. Charlie's 12 now, and he really can't be all that bothered with chasing stuff around when I want to play, but he'll still go crazy and run around (making demon noises), and will play with his various balls that are scattered around, but only on his own terms :D
this was the pic we fell in love with :D


we've only had him back an hour and already he's eaten and has taken up residence on the bed for a nice long wash :cool:

That belly!!!!!!!!!! He's absolutely gorgeous, bob. I'm sure he's going to be very happy with his new home :)
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