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Self-indulgent pet thread

Enjoy it while it lasts:

Is that Jason Zinoman book worth a read then?
Lil ophelia died last night :( The antibiotics I got a couple of weeks ago for her respiratory problem worked for a while but I had a feeling it would come back. I would have liked her to go nicely at the vets, but her final decline was really rapid. Yesterday afternoon she just had a rattle in her chest which is not unusual for her. By the time she was struggling it was already evening and the vets had closed :(

Just a lil rattie but a very sweet one :) Some of her cheekier moments:

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Haven't been keeping up with this thread - soooo sorry to hear about wee Ophelia. What a gorgeous and sweet rattie. I love these pictures. (((smmudge)))
Lil ophelia died last night :( The antibiotics I got a couple of weeks ago for her respiratory problem worked for a while but I had a feeling it would come back. I would have liked her to go nicely at the vets, but her final decline was really rapid. Yesterday afternoon she just had a rattle in her chest which is not unusual for her. By the time she was struggling it was already evening and the vets had closed :(

Just a lil rattie but a very sweet one :) Some of her cheekier moments:

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I've only just seen this :( Ophelia was a beautiful girl :(
No pics, but wanted to express my delight that one of my cats has apparently learned how to turn on iTunes.

We have just had Franz Ferdinand, Blur, the Beatles and EMF.

So he likes fairly safe pop, it seems.

Both times, I went to investigate the mysterious spontaneous music and found him skulking in the vicinity. Otherwise he has been asleep all evening.

I once had a cat who loved David Bowie but eschewed all other musicians, stalking from the room after the first four bars or so. For Bowie, she would curl up in front of the speaker.


:DThe Cramps came on, and that apparently was far too RnR, so it stopped halfway in, to be replaced with "Good Night" by the Beatles. My cat likes MOR :D :(

We've had Lush and The Carpenters as well. I didn't even know I had half this stuff on my machine tbh...
I once had a cat who loved David Bowie but eschewed all other musicians, stalking from the room after the first four bars or so. For Bowie, she would curl up in front of the speaker.


:DThe Cramps came on, and that apparently was far too RnR, so it stopped halfway in, to be replaced with "Good Night" by the Beatles. My cat likes MOR :D
Sounds like my grandmother's cat, Tinkle. You'd know she'd been in the room around Christmas, because she only liked soft-centred chocolates. So any boxes would be open (and possibly on the floor) with all the soft centres gone, and all the hard centred ones left, with rows of cat tooth marks spattered across them.

She was called Tinkle because she ate tinsel, btw.

Ate it, then threw it up, then ate it again, then threw it up again, etc, etc [and repeat]
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how about catnip emblems?

Not a bad idea - next time. I love him to bits, he was a little fucker when we got him first, I remember trying to have a wank one night on a bit of e, we had no doors in the flat we lived at the time so I put up a bit of spare chalkboard we had cos we were decorating against the door frame as he kept wanting to jump on me and lick me, so I locked him out, but him trying to get up over the board he knocked it over and nearly took the top of me knob off. I'm sure sometimes when I look at him now he's got that look 'I nearly had your knob away sucker', so actually, fuck his catnip emblems.
Not a bad idea - next time. I love him to bits, he was a little fucker when we got him first, I remember trying to have a wank one night on a bit of e, we had no doors in the flat we lived at the time so I put up a bit of spare chalkboard we had cos we were decorating against the door frame as he kept wanting to jump on me and lick me, so I locked him out, but him trying to get up over the board he knocked it over and nearly took the top of me knob off. I'm sure sometimes when I look at him now he's got that look 'I nearly had your knob away sucker', so actually, fuck his catnip emblems.

Trapped in bed, dammit.

Nigel is under the duvets, nestled against my leg. Every half hour or so, she wriggles & squeaks, then goes back to sleep.

I can't bring myself to disturb her by getting up.



This morning I went to sleep on my side, and she spent 3hrs sleeping nestled up against my bum, in the crook between my arse & the back of my knees :D

She was locked out all night, and I think she's (awesomely) super-needy as a result :D
Mr. Kippers has been really needy since coming back from the cattery, or cat prison as he sees it :D

This has generally meant waking us up for strokes at 4.00am, cuddling up to me with his head on my face or tucked underneath my neck while he kneads whatever part of me he can find - which is quite sweet but a little uncomfy. And loud! Cat purring right in the ear hole is deafening!!

Last night he settled down next to me on the bed and over the next 2 hours shuffled about so much that by the time Mr. QofG's returned from rehearsal I was just about clinging to the edge of the bed while Mr.K. dominated the other 4/5's of it :D
Ha ha, the old "I feel abandoned, you must cuddle meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" thing!
Part of a deliberate strategy on this occasion :D

I had an overnight shift 'til about 6:30 this morning. If I left Nigel in, she'd be a total dick come 7, just as I was trying to get to sleep. And then I'd have to let her out, and I'd be without my kitty all morning :mad:

Whereas if I left her out (and, tbh, she does like to stay out until 1ish) then she'd be desperate for attention when she got home, she'd sleep all day, and she wouldn't want letting out.

Total strategic win :D
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