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Self-indulgent pet thread

Some of the promised pet photos....

The vicious beastie :D


Cleo and Buster...

Aha - you have a Russian Blue. Which one of you does s/he LUURRRVE? :D I am the major focus for my Pan, she thinks I'm her wife/mother/lifetime partner
Aha - you have a Russian Blue. Which one of you does s/he LUURRRVE? :D I am the major focus for my Pan, she thinks I'm her wife/mother/lifetime partner

To be honest, until about a year ago I'd have been hard pushed to say that she loved either of us. :D She was rescued whilst still a tiny ball of fluff by my girlfriend - one of her client's had her and his m/health problems meant he struggled to take of himself, let alone anything else. Think she was quite traumatised and also had to cope with coming into a home with a quite dominant adult cat (Tosh, now dead). She absolutely hated being picked up and would never come and sit on you - think the closest she ever came to affection was sitting on the arm of the sofa beside you, though she seemed to appreciate a bit of a chuck under the chin.

But ever since we got Alfie (the dog) she's really come out of her shell - will sit on you, cuddle up, the lot. She also seems to like Alfie and it's only a matter of time before she'll be in his basket with him. The other night I actually managed to climb into bed whilst she was already sleeping on it without setting her into a blind panic - unheard of!
Mine assumed a dominant position on top of a load of boxes ready for an attack from the heights when the cat showed itself :facepalm:

I would not dare play that with Buster in the room - nothing would be safe. He may be a cat, but he's not called Buster for nothing. :D
I would not dare play that with Buster in the room - nothing would be safe. He may be a cat, but he's not called Buster for nothing. :D

Mines weird, she's either completely scared or completely militant, theres never any middle ground. Ive seen her have fights, and I've woken up to her and another cat having a fight on top of me while i was in bed, and she's certainly a force to be reckoned with....

But sometimes she'll just peg it, its almost always from people though, never cats or dogs (she's exceptionally territorial)....... She used to be so very gentle with my ex housemates lizard too.

She very rarely leaves her territory, and she will not let anything animal like onto it (except the lizard). She could not give a fuck about fireworks either.
Buster will take on cats, dogs and people. The upstairs neighbour in the old place complained several times about him attacking his legs as he was climbing the steps to the front door and he has regular mad-half-hours where the only thing to do is just take yourself out of the room. I have never seen anything like it - when he goes for your legs, you cannot shout at him to scare him off, or push him away with your foot; he will just manoeuvre his way round the side to flank you and look at you as if to say "Come on then, cunt."

There have been a few times when the local "yoof" are shouting and screaming out the front of the house and I have gone to see what the fuss is about and they're yelling, "G'waan the black cat" and putting money on him as he duffs one of the numerous local felines.

He is great the rest of the time, though. :D
There have been a few times when the local "yoof" are shouting and screaming out the front of the house and I have gone to see what the fuss is about and they're yelling, "G'waan the black cat" and putting money on him as he duffs one of the numerous local felines.

Buster will take on cats, dogs and people. The upstairs neighbour in the old place complained several times about him attacking his legs as he was climbing the steps to the front door and he has regular mad-half-hours where the only thing to do is just take yourself out of the room. I have never seen anything like it - when he goes for your legs, you cannot shout at him to scare him off, or push him away with your foot; he will just manoeuvre his way round the side to flank you and look at you as if to say "Come on then, cunt."

That is exactly what mine does too! She hides underneath stuff and does attacks on your feet. You can out manouver her but you have to spot the stalking behaviours straight away

I wonder why the do it :hmm:
That is exactly what mine does too! She hides underneath stuff and does attacks on your feet. You can out manouver her but you have to spot the stalking behaviours straight away

I wonder why the do it :hmm:

Is she an indoor cat?
It's because they're as mad as a box of frogs.
Mine sometimes starts doing it too, but usually stops when she accidentally runs head-first into the leg of the coffee table.
Not very bright, bless her.
Is she an indoor cat?

Nah, she's got a cat flap

She's just feisty, they did say that when I took her on, but I thought shed stop with love. She still hasn't.

Shell sit on our laps and we can stroke, but instead of just jumping off when she's had enough she play nips you.
Shell sit on our laps and we can stroke, but instead of just jumping off when she's had enough she play nips you.

Count yourself lucky.

Buster is the soppiest/most cuddly cat when he wants to be and he loves sleeping on the bed with us - but the head just does this "fizz/pop" thing every now and then and he just decides it is all too much and sinks his teeth into you. Luckily for me it is the girlfriend that he usually chooses for the victim - I've only had it once, he's done her maybe 5-6 times. But nothing worse than being fast asleep and being woken by him sinking his fangs in. We have had a bit of respite for the past year as he has had the hump with us for getting the dog so he hasn't been sleeping on the bed - but I think we're forgiven now because he's started snuggling up again....:eek:
The puppy's been incredibly cuddly lately - she's spent the past hour curled up snoozing in my arms, upright, like a baby.



I spent the whole weekend ill and sleeping off and on on the sofa, with the puppy and the kitten both cuddling up to me - very comforting. :)
Half Parson Russell, half Jack Russell.

The cat also puts his 'arms' right round me when he cuddles on my lap, which he does any chance he gets. He's a very friendly, easygoing cat to everyone, but he really adores me.
To be honest, until about a year ago I'd have been hard pushed to say that she loved either of us. :D She was rescued whilst still a tiny ball of fluff by my girlfriend - one of her client's had her and his m/health problems meant he struggled to take of himself, let alone anything else. Think she was quite traumatised and also had to cope with coming into a home with a quite dominant adult cat (Tosh, now dead). She absolutely hated being picked up and would never come and sit on you - think the closest she ever came to affection was sitting on the arm of the sofa beside you, though she seemed to appreciate a bit of a chuck under the chin.

But ever since we got Alfie (the dog) she's really come out of her shell - will sit on you, cuddle up, the lot. She also seems to like Alfie and it's only a matter of time before she'll be in his basket with him. The other night I actually managed to climb into bed whilst she was already sleeping on it without setting her into a blind panic - unheard of!
Interesting - sounds like her adoptive behaviour was interrupted by the change. I bet the dog is her 'person' now :)
Awwww, it wasn't that long ago I remember you just talking about getting a dog, they really have landed well with you :cool:

It's mad, I can't believe we have two. It's been brilliant for Albert, he's such a lovely, gentle boy. Part of this is obviously getting older, and their new raw diet too. Lucy has settled in well but I didn't realise how stupid and/or stubborn OES's are!!

I adore them. : o
'weapon dogs'


Here is Radar defeating a fallen willow in a field near ours....death to dead trees!!! All sticks must be made smaller and moved about a bit!! He also quite likes things he can get 'up' on like fallen trees, big logs, picnic tables and large stone thingies, not sure if it's because he is so short of it's because he is attempting to weaponise himself. Probably heard us joking about 'dangerous, well perhaps if he fell on someone from a height' and took it to heart.


His hobbies include failing to catch the local fox, football, and sitting in the half a landrover at one end of site pretending he is driving. This year he has got brave enough to bark at dogs, so long as they are safely the other side of the canal.

They should put in some rope swings for the city dogs, we always used to let ours have a go on the ones that kids had put up as it was far funnier and didn't damage the trees as much.
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Yep, my bullies like fallen trees,a fallen tree cannot be moved as there is a huge invisible dog pulling the other end that needs to be growled at.

Nothing at all to do with the fact that fallen trees are heavy, no, not at all.
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