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Self-indulgent pet thread

Aww! That's what Pan does with me too - lovely innit?

Yeah. Although sometimes when I come home and the dog goes mad just because I still exist (she was worried) and the cat is on my lap before it's even a lap, I think 'at least my pets love me.' Then realise that's kinda sad. :D
Not mine, off my facebook feed, but aren't they awesome?


We have finally managed to teach Jimmy how to use the cat flap - although he will only go out, he has not yet worked out how to get back in.
We got that far with Stan, till he totally flunked cat flap school. We've given up and leave it propped open whilst we're not in. It's freezing. :mad:
One of our cats got hit by a car a few weeks ago and nearly died (thankfully someone called an ambulance and we had insurance). Her diaphragm had ruptured and her organs went up to her lungs, her heart was in her throat! She had a broken hip/leg out of the socket. She's been in a cage for weeks now and has a few more weeks to go and maybe another op to put leg back in place, maybe not, as it may heal itself...

Anyway, she's a miracle, so the vets say, and here she is in her cage, Merry Christmas everyone!

Here's our other cat, balancing on the door, she was a stray we adopted this summer, who turned out to be pregnant and had 7 kittens late August... She has the loudest purr ever, and follows me around everywhere.

Awww, christmas in a cage! Hope she manages to have fun. Looks like the other one's already having fun.
We got that far with Stan, till he totally flunked cat flap school. We've given up and leave it propped open whilst we're not in. It's freezing. :mad:

Ours is a tunnel in the wall, so it has a flap at each end. We left them off all summer, but it was getting too cold!
Ours is through the wall but only has a flap on the outside, and a curtain on the inside, which is currently blowing horizontally into the kitchen :rolleyes:
Awww, christmas in a cage! Hope she manages to have fun. Looks like the other one's already having fun.

I think the thing that keeps Aphex going (the one in the cage) is her burning desire to get out one day and attack Rusty (the stray), she used to chase her around the house all the time.

These days whenever Rusty walks past the cage, Aphex sticks her paw out to try and catch her :D
The cat actually opened his own Christmas present! The dog was jealous because we'd forgotten to get her one. :(


So the puppy decided to steal the cat's Christmas present (foster dog wasn't arsed either way):


And the kitten decided to steal one of Juliette's books. He eventually chose the Beano over Tintin.


Excuse the Christmas Day post-unwrapping mess.
Aw thanks! Nephew cat is cute, but quite psychotic and will attack even people he knows. If he could have raised a middle claw, he would have done.
Aw thanks! Nephew cat is cute, but quite psychotic and will attack even people he knows. If he could have raised a middle claw, he would have done.

Ah. Your ginger cat is cuter, anyway - even though my adorable cat (who's right now performing yoga to lick his own arse) is not ginger, they are the best cats.
Aw, but your brown tabby is awesome. Like the way she got a present, but still wants your copy of the Beano as well! Want those doggies!

Herbs is my "step cat" and is only just about tolerating me after 3 years. Mind, he's pushing 16 we think, so all that stuff about teaching old cats new tricks and so on.
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