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Self-indulgent pet thread

A lorra, lorra responsibility, Sci. And then they ultimately break your heart.

But I can't imagine being without a dog in my life.

Yeah, I can't really have one due to not being able to walk them. I'm hoping to dogsit at some point though :)

Anyway, today we went and collected the hens! Terrible pictures because currently they're terrified and won't leave the coop. Tomorrow I'll put them into the main run. :) They have so few feathers on their wings and rear ends that they look half plucked for dinner, and one of them has nearly lost its comb (the quiff thing on top of its head). This is because they're rescue colony chickens, btw, not because I'm really mean or anything.

Names: Enid, Elvis and Egg :D

I'll try to add photos soon.

chickens2 by Samantha Hills, on Flickr

chickens1 by Samantha Hills, on Flickr

chickens3 by Samantha Hills, on Flickr

chickens4 by Samantha Hills, on Flickr
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Totally self-indulgent. God I think my dog is the most beautiful creature in the world :oops:

Looks pretty damned amazing!
scifisam - hope the chucks are good to-day.
I recall seeing somewhere on t'interweb that another chuckie rescuer knitted little "vests" to cover bald patches on ex-battery hens.

Thanks for the reminder! I've ordered some now. :D

Let the chickens out to roam the garden today - while I was out with them - and they all have different personalities. Elvis is the leader, Enid is the shy one, and Egg is in between. We gave them some camomile tea because we happened to be drinking it and looked it up and it's apparently a common thing to give them; they LOVED it. I've now brought some of their mash in so that I can make them some porrage in the morning. :D
For treats give your chickens some corn on the cob and dried mealworms - they love that :) Leafy greens for lovely yellow yolks in the eggs

Good on you scifisam for homing them :thumbs:

Make sure their residence is as fox-proof as can be.

Chickens are great pets and as you said they have distinctive personalities. Happy chickening :)
I've got them some meal worms, fresh and dried, and attached three tiny bird feeders (Poundland B)) to the side of the hutch for treats - one each so they don't fight. Plus a big fatball holder that is perfect for putting fresh veg in for them (it has a peeled banana in right now).

They made their own way into the coop tonight and seem a bit more relaxed around me :)
Tiny bit of bad news from me.
We found our very elderly hedgepig dead this morning. This will be from old age ... he is the disabled and mostly blind fella we've had indoors for the past 18mths after an abscess burst on his back. When that happened, we thought he would pass that night, but he was still there in the morning ...
oh, and well in excess of five years before that - found wandering as a small adult in daylight with various minor injuries ... but all of those healed up quickly in a clean biodome. Apart from the one eye ... but that didn't bother him. Tried to release him, but after several attempts when he made his way back (he had a dollop of food dye as an id/marker) we gave up and he ended up keeping one of the girls company in a large garden and a run for the winter (protection when hibernating).
I keep trying to upload a photo from within the iPhone photo library, as I have done many times before, and it just bloody won't happen. It goes through the motions after the selection stage but then I have no option to upload, just to close.
Does anyone know why?
It's a very cute photograph of Lotte.

ETA It does seem to be connected to the file size which is strange as I have never had that problem with photographs taken with the iPhone before. I blame IDS. I will upload from the lappy.

ETA 2: This is very weird; the file is only 144 kb.

Lotte Botty.jpg
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