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Self-indulgent pet thread

Smoochy Mookie and me in very low light this evening.


hello, duncan


Yeah, a bit alarming to watch. Usually when you introduce a baby boar to an adult, it's the older one who sexually harasses the younger one and you think, "Shit, my pet is a paedophile!" but it's about establishing who will be dominant in the relationship. Duncan's 9 weeks, so a wee bit older than Malcolm when we got him (about 7 weeks) and much older than Griff (3 weeks), so he's already hitting teenage phase. It's unusual for the adult to give over the reins to a youngster, but Griff happily let Mal be in charge from day one, and there was very little ear-shagging. Duncan just seems to be taking a bit longer to get the message, but all will be fine :)
CRI - Duncan is gorgeous!

Hopefully they'll settle down soon and Griff's ear can get a bit of rest. (Sounds like normal dominance stuff to me too. Not sure what it might sound like to Griff, possibly a bit squelchy). :D

I'm so glad Griff has a (slightly excitable) friend again. I'm looking forward to lots of pictures as he settles in :)

This place wouldn't be the same without your piggies.
North East Guinea Pig Rescue in Tyneside
Jeez, just looked that place up and was surprised to see there are pig rescue places everywhere. Again, I ask myself, what the fuck is wrong with people? :(

Duncan's a cutie, though! :)
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Jeez, just looked that place up and was surprised to see there are pig rescue places everywhere. Again, I ask myself, what the fuck is wrong with people? :(

"It's good for our kids to see their pets giving birth, it's a natural process and they can learn about the cycle of life. OK, now we need to get rid of all the extra animals we have created but don't want to keep". Either that, or "oh fuck, I didn't realise they would mate". :mad:
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I don't know how things are these days, but when I was a kid, people seemed to deliberately breed their pets willy nilly because it was 'cute' to have baby bunnies and piggies and kittens etc. I like to think people are a bit more aware these days, and that there are better options in terms of availability of neutering for small pets (when I kept rabbits and guinea pigs, they couldn't be neutered, you stopped them breeding by being responsible and not keeping males and females together, I have never ever allowed any pet to reproduce) - but then there are still more than enough small pets looking for homes to sadly prove me wrong on that. :(
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CRI - Duncan is gorgeous!

Hopefully they'll settle down soon and Griff's ear can get a bit of rest. (Sounds like normal dominance stuff to me too. Not sure what it might sound like to Griff, possibly a bit squelchy). :D
Just dry humping, thankfully. I don't want to clean "boar glue" out of Griff's lugholes.

They're getting on really well. Duncan's quite a livewire, but that's his age. There were four wee boars available for adoption. One was an amazingly golden agouti - perhaps more a cinnamon, but he was even wilder than Duncan, who fell asleep in my lap. On grounds of temperment, I picked him, but he's still pretty lively. Cute as anything though!
"It's good for our kids to see their pets giving birth, it's a natural process and they can learn about the cycle of life. OK, now we need to get rid of all the extra animals we have created but don't want to keep". Either that, or "oh fuck, I didn't realise they would mate". :mad:
I rarely lose my rag, but many years ago I did when someone whom I sort of casually knew mentioned that she'd got a hamster for her 5 year old daughter as it was good to "teach her responsibility," followed quickly by, "She keeps forgetting to feed it." Now, she was holding her other daughter, probably a year old at the time. I blurted out, "perhaps people should give their babies to small children to look after, you know, to teach them responsibility." Just got that dim-faced reaction of some over-entitled hippy parents who think they are right about everything, vaccinations, avoiding gluten, letting their children torture small animals, you know . . . :mad:
I don't know how things are these days, but when I was a kid, people seemed to deliberately breed their pets willy nilly because it was 'cute' to have baby bunnies and piggies and kittens etc. I like to think people are a bit more aware these days, and that there are better options in terms of availability of neutering for small pets (when I kept rabbits and guinea pigs, they couldn't be neutered, you stopped them breeding by being responsible and not keeping males and females together, I have never ever allowed any pet to reproduce) - but then there are still more than enough small pets looking for homes to sadly prove me wrong on that. :(
I do think attitudes are changing, particularly related to the welfare of dogs and cats. I still think rabbits and smaller furries still get a raw deal - often left outside in all weathers, neglected, still seen as disposable. :(

Duncan is actually a Brummie, not a Geordie! A "hobby breeder" let things get out of control, and dumped 60 guinea pigs on a rescue there. They were all mixed together and of course, nearly all the females were pregnant. It was a mammoth job sexing and separating them all and making sure the pregnant females were checked over and properly fed up. In the end, they had over 120 guinea pigs, so several rescues agreed to take as many in as they could. A volunteer spent a couple days transporting rodents around the Midlands and North of England. That's just the result of ONE irresponsible breeder.

Malcolm also came to a rescue with about 20 "surplus" pigs from a hobby breeder in Preston. All were covered in fungal skin infections and/or mites. He wasn't even 2 weeks old, so not really old enough to leave his mother. Griff was born in a rescue in South Wales. That was the result of, "We thought they were both female" and "Our child isn't interested in them anymore."
Ah, I give up. Can't upload photos to here, can't share from Flickr, gah.


to do the upload thing, file size has to be lower than X KB, but can't remember what X is.

to put something from flickr on urban you have to do as 'media' rather than 'insert image'
Nope, not working as media. All it gives you is a URL so that people can click on it and go through to it, but are you people really going to do that? I wouldn't!
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