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Self-indulgent pet thread

Been a while since I've been in here, sorry to read about mal cri, Duncan looks lovely though.
Also sorry to read about Enid and egg :(
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Although it's horrible looking out of the window at an empty run every day, and even though I'll be thrilled when she's walking again, it is quite cute having Elvis indoors. This evening I gave her her camomile tea and and she accidentally dunked her entire head in it :D
Her first trip out to the garden since the end of winter. Well, she's been out every day to do her business but is always straight back in because she doesn't like the cold. This morning though she investigated everything and all the neighboring gardens too.

This happened last night. They normally don't like to sleep too close to each other - quite often not even in the same room. They won;t even share the bed usually.
She's a very tidy looking cat.

This was my thought too.

I've never had a tidy cat. I find them curious. Like I'm doing it wrong and they are the epitome of cat goals.

She also has short legs from the look of those pictures. I did have a cat with short legs once. We were told it was likely because she had a litter as soon as she first came into heat, when she wouldn't be fully grown, so it stunted her. She was a stray to begin with, so that's entirely possible. She died when she was about 6 :( RIP Snowy. She liked to climb up and sit on your back.
This was my thought too.

I've never had a tidy cat. I find them curious. Like I'm doing it wrong and they are the epitome of cat goals.

She also has short legs from the look of those pictures. I did have a cat with short legs once. We were told it was likely because she had a litter as soon as she first came into heat, when she wouldn't be fully grown, so it stunted her. She was a stray to begin with, so that's entirely possible. She died when she was about 6 :( RIP Snowy. She liked to climb up and sit on your back.
Poor Snowy. My first cat was tiny as well and apparently she'd had a litter very young. I didn't realise that might explain her size. Current cat is some sort of Norwegian Forest Cat so big tufts of random fur.
This was my thought too.

I've never had a tidy cat. I find them curious. Like I'm doing it wrong and they are the epitome of cat goals.

She also has short legs from the look of those pictures. I did have a cat with short legs once. We were told it was likely because she had a litter as soon as she first came into heat, when she wouldn't be fully grown, so it stunted her. She was a stray to begin with, so that's entirely possible. She died when she was about 6 :( RIP Snowy. She liked to climb up and sit on your back.

This is interesting as Jangles was a stray who looked very young and we think the kittens she had with us were her first litter and she has quite stumpy little legs.
Poor Snowy. My first cat was tiny as well and apparently she'd had a litter very young. I didn't realise that might explain her size. Current cat is some sort of Norwegian Forest Cat so big tufts of random fur.

My Moonie is like that and I've been given the same possible explanation for it (she's a rescue cat and I don't know her past). Even her tail is unusually small. Eats everything in sight, though. :D

I'm going to have to keep a video on Elvis every time I take her into the garden. Today she managed to take a few steps and then fell over head-first and did a forward roll, landing on her bum looking dizzy. :D
Aw, that would be cute!

The problem with something like that is, though, that you'd have to take it off at night, and then the other chickens would probably pick on her. Might be OK with a long-term flock but she'll be with new chickens. Still, it looks to me like she'll be able to walk fairly soon, and she's lonely, so I'm going to call the charity and ask to get into the next slot. :)
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