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Self-indulgent pet thread

Mitzi has gone missing. She wasnt around for breakfast or dinner & is still not home. This is not like her. I am concerned.
That's one amazing-looking cat. I bet she's easy going too.
She's vile to our other cat, but ok with humans. Tarts about the bedroom, rolling over for belly tickles. :rolleyes: :D

Sorry to hear about Mitzi, starfish Hopefully it's just the Spring in the air that's enticing her to stay out.
Yaaaaaaaay, Mitzi just walked in through the cat flap :):):)

We gave her some food & a few treats which she scoffed down then promptly puked back up again. Apart from that she seems ok.

Bloody cats.
We gave her some food & a few treats which she scoffed down then promptly puked back up again. Apart from that she seems ok.

Bloody cats.

must have been quite a party

some cats do that sort of thing.

one of the mogs i used to live with had a tendency to bugger off for the weekend, and come back sunday (or sometimes monday) night then have a big feed then sleep for a day or two...
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